Monday, June 22, 2009

Bugsy's Babble

Hi peoples. I'm hopin' yous wunnerful peoples and kitties and even the woofies wouldn't mind sending me a few hugs and purrs and grrs for tomorrow (Tuesday), 'cuz I gots to go to the V-E-T and have surgery, and I'm a little skeered. I mentioned in my Bugsy's Babble intro a couple of weeks ago that I have a bladder stone, and the V-E-T is gonna go in and take it out and make me all better (well, for that problem eye problem won't get fixed until later in the summer).

I'm sure I'll feel better when it's done and the pain I'm in now will go away and maybe I won't wanna pee on the carpet and the wall no more (The Mommy sure hopes so!). But it'll still probably not be any fun having to do the surgery and maybe hurt for awhile from that and I bet The Mommy will have to give me pills or something for a few days so I don't get an infekshun and I hate pills and medicine so I'll fight her and that'll make us both mad. She knows I don't mean to hurt her with my claws and I know she's just trying to help, but I can't help it, I have to fight it. So it should be a "fun" few days around here for awhile.

The Mommy's a little skeered too, 'cuz the last time she had to take a kitty in for surgery a couple of years ago, that was my Uncle Felix, he didn't do so well 'cuz he'd had several of them in a short time for ear problems and he didn't make it from the last one. So she's a little worried even though she knows this is completely different and there's no reason to think anything bad will happen, but there's no accountin' for bad memories. So if'n maybe you kitties could spare a purr for her, that would be good too.

Probably won't be until late tomorrow before The Mommy can let everyone know how I did. But she'll try to visit everyone else on my behalf, to keep her mind off me if nothing else... Tonight, though, I get extra snuggles!!

Bye peoples.

Purrs and hugs,


The Island Cats said...

Bugsy...we'll be thinking about you tomorrow and we hope everything will go okay with your surgery...we're purring for you!

Quill and Greyson said...

I will purr for you, and Mom sends her big hugs. She totally understands and gets wigged whenever I have to go to the vet, but it'll be okay. You need to get healthy.

Anonymous said...

We're sending comforting vibes to you and your human mom... our sister Lizzie had surgery for a bladder stone years ago and it went so well, we couldn't have been more pleased.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are sending lots of purrs and prayers and hugs for you and your Mom! Good luck tomorrow

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Purrs and more purrs from me to you. Hope all goes well. We'll be thinking of you tomorrow.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I am purring realy loudly for you andso thinking of you tomorrow when you will be very scared.. Mum says she will be thinking of your mum who wil be very worried..

Good vibes....

Hugs GJ xx

Anonymous said...

We is sendin' many purrs an' our momma is sending purr-ayers and our woofies will be crossing their paws fur you to have a quick an' speedy recovery.

Peggy's Place said...

We're sending good vibes your way! Tell your mom to buy some Greenies Pill Pockets. She says they're the best thing since sliced bread (??)

Everycat said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Everycat said...

Hi Bugsy, we send many rumbly purrs for you and hope your surgery goes well and you recover quickly.

Whicky Wuudler

PS: The delete was due to an ape typing error.

Milo and Alfie said...

Oh Bugsy, we will be thinking of you and sending purrs and prayers to keep you safe. Please make sure Momma tries to find time to let us know you are OK!

Milo and Alfie xx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are sending you and your mum lots of comforting purrs and (((hugs))) Bugsy. We will keep you in our thoughts.

The Creek Cats said...

Bugsy, we want you to know that all 6 of us creek cats, the two foster kittens are doing our very best purrs for you! Dixie Dog is even doing some grrrs for you! We purray that your surgery is successful and you have a quick recovery.
Mom says she can relate to your mom..... she would be a total wreck, but you're gonna be just fine!

Hansel said...

we're going to be sending you PLENTY of purrs and headbutts! we will be purring for you my friend!

Anonymous said...

Bugsy you are in oyr thoughts - sending lots of purrs and prayers for a good surgery and recovery!

Mishkat said...

We're purring for you and your mom, Bugsy! Our mom says she knows how your mom feels - she gets scared every time we have to stay at the vet. And our dad was a nervous wreck when Tasha got spayed - he kept calling the vet to make sure she was OK.

Purrs and ((((hugs))) from Franklin, Dobby, Tasha, and Katie

P.S. We are very sorry about Felix too.

Anya said...

BUGSY we purrrrrr for you ....
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :)

Mr. Hendrix said...

Hey Bugsy, we're totally purring and praying for you that everything goes smoothly. We're sure it will!

I am not a pill taker either. My beans have found that "pill pockets" by Greenies work for many things and if not, they use the "pill gun" they got from the VET. It looks like a syringe and the pill goes on the end and the air shoots it into the back of your mouth so you have to swallow. It protects week human fingers...

Good luck buddy! Update us when you can.

Niko and Cloud said...

We are sending you and The Mom lots of purrs and headbuts!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Warm purrs and tail wags for a safe, successful surgery tomorrow, Bugsy!

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