Actually, his name is Caleb. And that stands for CAts who LEft Before. Caleb will serve in memory of all the kitties who have previously owned The Mommy that have already gone on to The Rainbow Bridge. Even though we started adoption proceedings in early December just after Callie got sick, we had no idea at the time that we'd have to be adding her to this list so soon, too.

- Callie ~ 2003-2009
- Tigger ~ 1994-2007
- Felix ~ 1994-2007
- Patches ~ 1989-2004 (owned The Mommy beginning in 1991)
- Kasha ~ 1989-2003 (owned The Mommy beginning in 1991)
- Rascal ~ 1987-2000 (owned The Mommy beginning in 1993)
- Tom ~ unknown-1994 (owned The Mommy beginning in 1993)
This list doesn't include several kitties from her childhood as sadly she doesn't remember all the names and details, but they are covered by the intent of Caleb. There was a break from when she was 18 until she was 26 when she wasn't owned by any kitties; oddly enough, when she moved out at age 18 after having had kitties growing up and wasn't able to have a kitty in her first apartment, she developed allergies within a few months and thus didn't have any kitties for several years. She still has the allergies, she just puts up with it as it's not that bad.

Please join us in welcoming Caleb to The Kitty Krew!

Hiya, Caleb!! What a nice way to remember the ones that came before!
(and that reference is from a Bugs Bunny cartoon...just can't remember the character's name that said it...big, goofy-kinda...it wasn't the outer space one, was it?)
Hello and welcome Caleb. You have a fantastic name and a fantastic new mommy!
Happy New Year!
Welcome, Caleb! Your name is such a wonderful tribute to the other kitties who came before. I'm so happy for you and your mommy!
Happy Mew Year!
We love Caleb and what a wonderful idea!!!!! Over the years, our mamabug had lotza kitties, and then was told she was highly allergic to them.....so for several years she didn't have any kitties. She decided life wasn't worth nearly as much without her furry darlings, so she found Sammy and he has owned her ever since.....several years later, I came along and now I co-own her. Like your mommy, she decided she would rather live with the allergies..........love from Andy.
Welcome! Maybe you need to call him Caleby
Welcome Caleb! That is a good tribute. We wanted to adopt one, but Mom had a hard time naming Kitties and could not thing of a good name,
Howdy Caleb....Great idea!
Hi Caleb, it's nice to meet you. My name is Marmi and I am Eric and Flynn's V Squillion and I live on their sidebar. I was named after the first kitty their Beans had together after they got married.
Welcome, Caleb! You sure are a cutie pie! Come on over to meet Peppermint Patty our VSquillion sisfur!
Happy New Year!!!
Welcome Caleb!
YIPPEE!!! Congrats on Caleb!! (And we knew it was from Bugs Bunny too... but we also can't remember the character... except that he petted things too hard...)
Hi there Caleb. You are a great addition to The Kitty Krew.
Welcome Caleb! What a great way to remember the Kitties Who Came Before.
Welcome Caleb. Yoo represent a fine bunch of kitties.
Milo and Alfie xx
Awwwwwwwww, how lucky of Caleb to be at your place. I can see that you are loving him so much and giving him a good home. I love how you came up with his name. That is so special! What an honor to all that have been in your family that are no longer here but live on in your thoughts and in your heart.
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