My name is Callie...and I'm going to embarrass The Mommy by telling you how I gots my name. See, our momma kitty (as Roxy told you yesterday) was a stray kitty that The Mommy and our ex-daddy was feeding and sheltering in their big ol' garage. The Mommy and the ex-daddy had both only had tabby-type and solid-color type kitties before, and they thought she was a calico kitty, so they called her kali-mom as a way to identify her from another stray momma kitty that hung around with her that they also fed, and who also was having kitty litters (she was "light colored mom", looking back The Mommy thinks maybe she was a light calico mix).
When I was bornded with my brothers and sister, I looked just like my momma so The Mommy rather unimaginatively named me Callie when they brought us to live inside a couple of months later 'cause it was winter and they felt sorry for us kittens living outside in the cold garage, even with the blankets and space heater and stuff they put out there. Momma kitty had 4 kittens in that litter, but one of 'em disappeared before The Mommy brought us inside to be furever kitties with the other 3 kitties they had living in there at the time (all since gone to the Bridge). Imagine their surprise later to find out I wasn't a calico at all but instead am a tortie!

Here I am with one of my brothers that distappeared (the black one on the left) and my other brother, Bugsy, who you'll meet soon (on the right), about 4 weeks after we were bornded, before we moved inside. That's me in the middle.
My very special just-for-me nickname is Boo (The Mommy just likes it for some reason), and I also get called Callie Mae, Calimarimae (she thinks I'm seafood?), Cal, Callieboo, and sometimes Boo Bear.
I sometimes get skeered outside too, but The Mommy keeps a really close watch on us to make sure nothing happens and that we don't get too far away from the front porch and the yard area right around it. As long as we stay within sight, we can wander around, but if we start to go too far, she gets into cat-herding mode and rounds us up! I mostly just like to sit and watch what's going on, but I'm always ready to spring into action if needed to chase a bug, as shown in this picture from last Saturday evening:
My V-E-T visit was the weekend before Pixie's and boy am I glad it's over with for another year. I don't like that cage thingy or the car ride any more than the rest of 'em do! The Mommy's been taking us in one-at-a-time on Saturday mornings, as she says it's easiest to do it that way.
Okay, I'm done for now. Bye peoples!
Hello and thanks for visiting me. I love visitors. Mum says thanks for the info on the mats and she will check it out.
I have added you to my furfriends and will drop by again.
Hugs GJ xx
We're very happy to meet you and your family, Callie! Tasha sends many purrs to her fellow tortie. We'll put you on our reading list - looking forward to hearing more about all of you.
P.S. Big thanks to your mom for adopting all of you!
Tell youz momma dat you don't want ta go outside. None of uz ebber go out dere an' we are very, very happy! Momma iz 'fraid 'sumpin' might happen ta uz out in da biggie world!☺
Nice to meet you, Callie, and to learn more about you. My Mommie is going to send you an e-mail!
Hello Callie, it's nice to meet you. You are a pretty Tortie.'s nice to meet you! We think that name fits you just fine even if you are a tortie!!
Isn't it funny how so many of us have "official" names, and then a zillion oddball nicknames, many of which are too embarrassing to mention?
Hello Callie and all the Kitty Krew, nice to meet you :) xxx
Hello to the Krew!
Glad to have made your acquaintance and it was wonderful to have read all your posts so far and to meet you all.
I see you got the House Panthers graphic up in your sidebar already, too! Yay!
If I can answer any blogger questions for you, don't hesitate to ask.
ooooh! Don't mention that "V" word!! I am overdue and certain members of my serving staff keep threatening to make the dreaded appointment!
Hello there Callie! I have lots of nicknames too. Humans are way strange!
I don't like vet visits either! I hiss and growl all the time I am there.
Derby may be my name, but Sassy is my Catitude!
Hi Callie! I hate the VET!!!
::::jumps up & down::: Hiya! Welcome to the blogosphere, and don't believe anything you hear about me!
I hate the vet :(
many purrs to all
Kareltje =^.^=
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