Wasn't I adorable? My momma was a stray kitty that The Mommy and my ex-daddy used to feed and shelter in their garage; they never could catch her to be able to get her spayed and so she had quite a few litters, and unfortunately they couldn't catch hardly any of the kittens to get them to good homes either even though they tried really really hard, and most of them disappeared when they were young.

The Mommy named me Roxy 'cause she heard The Police singing Roxanne on the radio while she was trying to figure out what my name should be and thought the shorter version would be the perfect name for a cute little kitty like me! As Pixie said, we all have other names too, and although some of them are similiar, we all have at least one special nickname that's just ours (besides our real names of course). Pixie's special name is Darlin', no one else gets called that. My special name is Baby Doll! The Mommy also calls me Roxy Mae, Roxster, Rox, Roxy Baby, The Roxmeister, Roxinator (some of these sound familiar to Pixie's names?

I had my V-E-T visit a couple of weeks ago, and I was even more skeered than Pixie was. The Mommy says I'm the skeerediest skeerdy-cat of all of The Kitty Krew. When we go outside, I don't like it when there's any noise or any neighbors come out or any cars come down the street -- I get skeered and run inside (The Mommy leaves the front door open for us!) and then have to be coaxed back out. So I don't spend as much time outside as the others, although Pixie can be almost as skeered of the noises as me. But here I am sniffing The Mommy's elbow as she sat on the front porch with us on Saturday.
That's all for me this time around. Bye peoples!
Hi ya, Roxie! It's nice to meet you now! You were a cute kit...you still are! Loud noises scare us sometimes too...but it doesn't stop Wally from wanting to go outside! He wants to go out all the time...but he can only go out when mom supervises him. She's afraid he'll run off somewhere and get into trouble...cuz that's how he is. Me and Zoey, we don't care if we go outside or not...
See you later!
Oh, you're such a beauteous calico lady cat, Roxy! We're glad you were rescued from Outside and taken in where you can be safe and warm and well-loved.
You are a pretty girl Roxy. We are glad your mum caught you and you got a lovely forever home.
Hi there guys, you were lucky to find yourselves a good home where you are allowed to blog.
Nice to meet you.
Poppy Q
Hi, It's nice to meet all of you. (We read your first posts.) You are quite a good-looking family.
Welcome to blogging.
Hi, furriends! Welcome to the CB! We just love to make new blogging buddies, so drop by and visit us sometime:)
Roxie, you is a purrtee calico! our mom used ta haves a calico named Marbles!
you looks like her!
nise ta meet you!
bye bye Katie Too
Hello and welcome! Enjoy the CB, we have lots of fun here.
Hi you all! Welcome! Sassy, you look sort of like me! The rest of you are sweet, too. Come visit some time. I will link to your bloggie soon.
Awwwww! What an adorable baby you were! And what lovely colors you have on your shiny coat. I'm glad to meet you and look forward to getting to know you and your family!
Hi Krew! So nice of you to un-lurk and say hi. You seem like a great bunch and I look forward to getting to know you all.
Hello Roxie and the Kitty Krew!! We are very pleased to meet you!! We'll be back to read more about you all!
Your FL furiends,
Welcome to Cat Blogoshere! We love calicos but none of us have those pretty colors.
Hey there Roxy! Welcome to blogging! I am sure you will love it. I saw you mentioned on the CB and wanted to introduce myself!
Nice to meet you Roxy! Welcome to the Cat Blogosphere!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
what a pretty kitty you are! Welcome to the CB. Hope to see you all around much more.
Tell youz momma dat youz don't need to go outside ta be a happy kitty. Alla' da kittiez in our house stay inside alla' da time. Momma sayz dat our bodies are too little to defend ourselvez against dogs and cars and hurting peoplez. Sos, we sitz inside an' check the outside frum in here and from da sun porch, we ♥ da sun porch.
Roxie, you were cute then and you're cute now - no wonder you were gotchad!
Roxy, you sure are pretty. We love calico cats!
Hi Roxy
Nice to meet you :)
You are looking so lovely !!
purrss Kareltje =^.^=
from The Netherlands
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