In honor of all cancer fighters and survivors everywhere, including our very own Bugsy, we're proud to be participating in the LiveStrong blogging event today.
As many of you know, Bugsy had his right eye removed last year after a tumor was discovered, and that tumor turned out to be cancerous. He underwent radiation treatments for a three-week period in late September and early October last year -- yes, right about this time last year, he was finishing up those treatments. He's had 3 follow-up visits since then, the most recent in mid-August, and Dr. Cancer Vet says that so far, he's in excellent health with no signs of any recurrence of the tumor or any further spread of any cancerous cells from that tumor!

We are thrilled and blessed with this good news, and hope the next visit in February continues the positive trend.
The Mommy's sister had thyroid cancer about 25 years ago, and has had a few scares since then of possible recurrences but so far, nothing substantial has happened. We're keeping paws and fingers crossed that this continues as well and that the scares go away.

A shout-out to Auntie Tee if she's reading today.
Otherwise, The Mommy's family has been pretty lucky not to have any/many major cancer occurrences (either that, or she just doesn't remember them....which is possible as her memory seems to get worse and worse as time goes by, and she's only in her mid 40s!). She's known other people who got through cancer scares and others who weren't so fortunate and others who are still fighting. It's an ugly, scary, vicious disease and we wish all the best to anyone who has gone or is going through it, personally or with family and/or friends.
She's currently reading a fictional book series set on a not-too-far-flung future Earth, that includes mention of the discovery of an anti-cancer vaccine in the year 2023. Let's all wish and/or pray, whatever your preference, that such a thing comes true (even sooner maybe!)....