We've recently been fortunate to receive a couple of awards from our blogging friends, and wanted to mention them here and thank our friends for sharing them with us!!
First, from
Sammy and Andy, and also specifically to Pixie from Ernie at
The Island Cats, we received The Versatile Blogger award.
There are 3 rules that go along with this award:
Rule 1. Thank the person who gave it to you.
Thank you very much, Sammy and Andy!!!! We love you guys, and your mamabug too. And to Ernie from Pixie, you rock, fellow House Panther! Thanks, dude!
Rule 2. Share 9 things about yourself.
1. If Pixie or Ziggy are chasing Roxy, Gypsy will run over and get in the middle of things - not necessarily to help either side, but just to get in on the fun.
2. Sassy loves to sleep on top of the chest of drawers in the bedroom - so much so that The Mommy finally gave up and put a soft blankie on the top for her instead of having anything else on top.
3. Our sweet Callie angel used to lay on the bathroom counter while The Mommy got ready for work. Ziggy and Bugsy sometimes will get on the counter, but they never just lay there and wait and watch like Callie used to do.
4. It's a good thing we have lots of places to sleep, 'cause none of us like to cuddle up very close together.
5. We all like to drink out of the kitchen faucet so The Mommy keeps it running a bit all the time in addition to having two water bowls. Bugsy and Sassy don't as much as all the younger kitties, though.
6. All of us except Gypsy like to take our turns curling up on The Mommy's lap. Gypsy still isn't very affectionate, although she will let The Mommy pick her up and pet her for a few moments, and sometimes rub against her leg.
7. Pixie absolutely loves to be picked up and held and petted, just like a baby.
8. Gypsy loves to be given treats and any time The Mommy even looks like she might possibly be walking towards where the treats are kept, Gypsy will run over there and sit by the container and meow and meow and meow.
9. Roxy sleeps under the couch a lot 'cause she has to hide from Pixie and Ziggy, who like to chase her. But as long as The Mommy is home, she's usually out and around.
Rule 3. Pass the award along to 9 bloggers who you think are fantastic.
Well, we think everyone is fantastic and we really hate choosing. And we know a lot of you have already gotten this and are quite frankly too lazy to see who has and who hasn't.

So if you've already gotten it and we're giving it to you again, it's a compliment! We'd like to give it to:
Attie Cattie (and Audrey too)
2. Brian and all his sisters at
Brian's Home
The Fuzzy Tales gang
4. The incomparable
5. Our new friends at
Katnip Lounge
6. The rascally
Milo and Alfie
Neighbor Noir along with his family
8. Floofy
Sweet Praline
9. All the kitties at
The Creek Cats
Our second award was received from our friend Down Under,
Miss Huffle Mawson, the Happy Cat Award! Thank you so much, Huff.
The rules say we have to list six things that make us happy, then pass this award on to six of our friends.
Since there are six of us, we'll each list one thing that make us happy:
1. Bugsy: Sleeping on a window perch in the window
2. Sassy: Being up on top of the kitchen cabinets away from Pixie
3. Roxy: Laying on The Mommy's lap
4. Pixie: Drinking from the kitchen faucet
5. Gypsy: Getting treats
6. Ziggy: Playing with twistie ties or pieces of cardboard on the kitchen floor
As with the other award, we're sure there are many who have already gotten it and we're not sure who has and who hasn't without checking, which we didn't. So if you've already gotten it...welllll, you can just not do the game part. We're going to pass the award on to:
1. Deli and Sammy at
The Monkeys
2. All of
The Island Cats
Inigo and Rumblepurr
4. Our friends Tasha, Franklin and Dobby at
Mishkat (bonus happy thing, that they're blogging again!)
5. The lovely ladies at
Jacqueline's Cat House, Calle, Halle & Sukki -- and Mommy and Daddy too!
Eric and Flynn
Whew! That's a lot of 'warding on Wednesday. It's time for naps now...