Welcome to The Kitty Krew blog! The random meanderings of Bugsy, Sassy, Callie (our Angel at the Rainbow Bridge),
Roxy, Pixie, Gypsy and Ziggy, as presented by them and/or Their Mommy.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Hamper Time!
You multiple cat households, be wary...you can be laying around on the bed after the Folding and Putting Away of the Laundry, minding your own business, when all of a sudden...it happens. Out of nowhere, comes the sneak attack from....The Hamper...
That happens ALL the time in our house. Milo's tent (he hoggied it when it was first bought) is just like yoor hamper ~ and Milo usues it like a TANK! He bowls along in it (using it for protection) and then smacky paws me when I'm minding my own business. Then a scrap breaks out and mom moans! :sigh:
That is so funny! Barney is completely obsessed with the hamper (we have that same kind - well a lot of that same kind) and if it is up, forget it - he is in there. And at least Pixie is smart enought to jump out of the hammper to attack - Barney will usually try to go through the hamper wall - not really effective, but funny!
The Mommy is currently owned by 6 beautiful, lovable, fantastic kitties that make up The Kitty Krew -- Bugsy and Sassy are 6.5 years old (siblings), Roxy is 4.5 years old (half-sibling to them), Pixie is 3.5 years old, Gypsy is 1.5 years old and Ziggy is just at 1 year old. The Mommy loves her kitties, and they love her right back!
Fabulous attack!
I'll do the same in my mom :)
MOL! The hamper monster! Too funny!!
Naughty Pixie! It does look like lots of fun though!
Somebody was ready to rumble and it didn't matter who played. Too funny. I love the wiggle butt attack!!
Madi and Mom
Pixie, you're my hero! I sometimes try to sneak attack Deli and she is always ready with a counter-attack.
that looks like lots of fun.
Great attack - very sneaky hiding in the hamper!
Cute !!!
Riley likes to hide and attack whomever comes by ...
What a fun video....we loved it. xxxxxxx
MOL!!! We giggled at Callie's ears way back, knowing it was coming!!! And, the close-up of Pixie's face is ADORABLE!!! "Cousins", you are so silly!!!
That happens ALL the time in our house. Milo's tent (he hoggied it when it was first bought) is just like yoor hamper ~ and Milo usues it like a TANK! He bowls along in it (using it for protection) and then smacky paws me when I'm minding my own business. Then a scrap breaks out and mom moans! :sigh:
Haha! Pixie, we think you were just looking for somecat to fight...we mean, play with!!!
That is so funny! Barney is completely obsessed with the hamper (we have that same kind - well a lot of that same kind) and if it is up, forget it - he is in there. And at least Pixie is smart enought to jump out of the hammper to attack - Barney will usually try to go through the hamper wall - not really effective, but funny!
So funny, you gave us a giggle.. Hugs GJ xx
Pixie, you are very mischievous!
Our boy has one of those! We LOVE it!!
Pixie is so creative - attacks from the hamper, we love it!
Mindy, Moe, Bono, Cookie & Mike
Wow, your Pixie is the boy version of our Isis. Both are full of themselves :)
Pixie, you're a real action hero!
Pixie you rock girl!
Heehee!!! Pixie, you're welcome here anytime, we'd love to play with you!!
What a great video! Too cute and it looks like swomeone wants to play a"ttack"
Very cute!
Linda :)
What a nail biter!
Awesome!!!! This is great - thanks for sharing...
Good one Pixie! I'll have to try that on my mum.
Ooooh! Will you be our Attack Master, Purrliss?
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