Today is Pixie's 3rd (approximate) birthday!! It's hard to believe he's already 3 years old. He still acts much like he's in his terrible twos and threes, though... MOL
As with the older kitties, we'll wait for the big party until his Gotcha Day next month, when of course you'll all be invited.

Happy birthday, Pixie!!
Pixie: Thanks, my brothers and sisters! I'm not sure I would have asked for a new brother and sister as birthday presents, but one benefit is they're both younger than me so I'm no longer the baby of the family! Teehee...
PS from The Mommy - sorry this post is late and somewhat plain for a birthday post...I was having work done at the house yesterday, including some electrical work to try and fix a breaker problem. Unfortunately, the breaker problem was not fixed. Even more unfortunately, my main computer was borked during the work, and I didn't realize it until late last night when I sat down to do this post and I was too tired then to deal with alternatives, so now I'm working on a backup computer with limited capabilities. Fingers crossed that I can get the computer fixed later before I have to go into work, which blows half the day. Visiting other bloggies was limited yesterday due to the electrical work, and may be limited today and for a few days if I can't get the computer working...

Happy Purrthday, Pixie!!!
Happy Birthday, Pixie!!!!!!
Sorry to hear about the 'puter problems.....we hope they will be fixed without too much problem.
Happy Birthday Pixie! Sorry about the electrical and computer problems.
Happy Birthday !!!!!
Happy birthday Pixie. Maybe your party is a great occasion for the first 7-cat-photo. (We understand the fiver was no longer a challenge).
Happy Birthday Pixie! Hope your computer is okay soon!
Happy birthday Pixie, and we think a BOOTIFUL new sister is a GREAT gift!! (oh yeah, and a brother too...)
happy birthday Pixie ^^
Happy birthday Pixie ~ we hope yoo are having a reelly special day! Smoochies from us.
Happy Birthday Pixie. We cannot wait to attend your party!
Happy (Approximate) Birthday, Pixie!! We usually celebrate more on our Gotcha Days when we don't know our exact birthdate...Wally is the only one whose birthday we know exactly!
We hope you have a great day, Pixie! And we hope your mom is able to get that computer fixed.
Happy Bithday Pixie... Hugs GJ xx
Happy Birthday Pixie!!
Happy Purrthday, Pixie! Glad you didn't let computer and electrical problems stop you from celebrating!
Happy Birthday my sweetie Pixie
hugs from Kareltje =^.^=
Happy B-day Pixie and we wish you many more.
Madi and Mom
PS we hope the electrical mess if fixed soon. Repairs are a big problem.
Happy birthday, Pixie!
Happy purrfday Pixie. Have a great day.
Happy, Happy Birthday, Pixie!!! We haven't been around much and keep missing things. Glad to finally catch up. Have a great day!
Happy 3rd Birthday Panther Pixie!! Hope you got some treats--and The Mommy's PC works now--that's NO fun!
And since it was YOUR birthday, the Dallas Cowboys won for you today!!
Happy birthday, Pixie! You're such a cutie patootie.
We hope your Mom gets her computer fixed soon!
Happy Purrthday Pixie!!! I hope you had a wonderful day!
Happy birthday, Pixie!
Happy birthday Pixie! You still look only two.
Happy Birthday Pixie! Best wishes as you celebrate your next year!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
Happy belated purrday Pixie...we sympathize with the problems...we have computer issues too.
happy birthday!! mom is convinced that i'll be in my terrible twos my whole life. -hansel
Happy Birthday Pixie! Maybe youi'll get a new computer for your gift. ;) That's what the PM is wishing for.
Happy belated birthday, Pixie!
Happy Belated Birthday Pixie!
Pixie and I share a birthday. I love it! Happy belated birthday, Pixie!
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