Mancats Pixie and Bugsy snoopervise Mancat-in-Training Ziggy playing with the nip nanner...don't want him to overdo it at his young age, y'know!

PS -- The Mommy sez: When Gypsy and Ziggy were adopted, we got quite a few sample packages with coupons for Iams canned food, Iams dry food, Arm & Hammer clumping litter, and various Febreze products. We don't use any of those products but I hate to see the coupons go to waste (they don't expire until April or June or December of 2010). If anyone could use them, send an email to The Kitty Krew email address over there on the sidebar with "coupons" in the subject, and I'll divide them up depending on how many responses I get.

Looks like you guys have a great play room filled with pawsome toys!
How many toys!
They look very attractive
You two are helping Ziggy along and snoopervising him very well!
We think you cats have to be the luckiest ever! You've got a ton of toys and sleepy places!
Yep, those young ones can't handle their nip as well as us older guys!
Those nip nanners are the best!
It is very important to snoopervize the little ones!
Looks like Ziggy has the best look out--just to make sure he doesn't over due...I like it!
Hey, your house looks a lot like mine with cat toys all over the place! I love it. Seems like Ziggy is doing great with lots of big brothers and sisters to help him.
~Lisa Co9T
Very good snoopervising, it is to ensure the mancat quality.
he he!
I love the way you keep staring-just incase he does something wrong-keep an Eye on the young whipper-snapper I say!
Lucy and Lyn
Ziggy, you are very lucky to have Bugsy and Pixie snoopervising you during your mancat-in-training will do us mancats proud when you finish your training.
Hey have some really pawesome brudders keeping an eye out for you! (No pun intended Bugs) MOL
Wow, who knew one little kitten required so much snoopervising! Ziggy seems so relaxed and happy. Bugsy is obviously keeping "his eye" on him, though.
Ziggy is lucky to have so many friends watching him. You guys look like that you're having a great time.
Yep you gotta snoopervise those mancats in training! Make sure they don't overdo.
Yep, that Ziggy is smart - those nip bananas are one of the most popular toys at our house, and I see them all over the blogosphere - excellent choice for a young mancat!
yippee for big brothers
You look so good up there snoopervising.. I can see the nip banner is getting some attention.. Hugs GJ x
It's always a good idea to snoopervise the youngsters.
Aren't you boys just the best, keeping young Ziggy company like that.
You three are awesome destructor kitties!
Your so lucky to have so many toys! My mom is cheap!
Oh yes, you must be careful--the nip nanner is a gateway toy!
Nip nanners at such a young age!
How lucky Ziggy is, to have someones to watch over him.
You have all a big toy room there
Enjoy playing !!!
You two are doing a good job of snoopervising.
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