Come and join us as we party party party like there's no tomorrow. Boy, won't she be surprised when she gets home!! MOL
We've got all sorts of food for everyone to enjoy. There's fishies...
And shrimpie-type things called prawns...
And there's some cheese....
We also have chick-hen....
And hams and sausages....
Oh, and look at the roast lamb...
There's pizza too....
Niptinis and other frozen cocktails for the adults....
And milk for the youngers (that includes you, Ziggy -- you're not a mancat yet!)...
We also have plenty of Temptations and Greenies and other treats, as well as lots of toys to play with. Curtains in the den, dining room and bedroom to climb on, couches in the den and living room to claw on, and blinds everywhere to tear up.
Stay as long as you want, and we can make this a party to remember. Let 'er rip!!!!!

Whoohoo! We're the first ones here! That means we get to start unrolling all the toilet paper in the house AND climb those curtains!! This is so much fun!! And all the food is pawsome!
We're hear to trash the house and party down!!!! Thanks for inviting us, this is a blast!
::runs in and tears the towels off the towel rack:: - Miles
::whaps stuff off the shelves:: - Sammy
::sits in the middle of the room looking confused:: - Nicky
:;pushes stuff off the table:: - Billy
We don't know where to start the trashing, but I guess we'll go with our talents. I'm really good at climbing things and knocking them over and Samson likes to rip open bags with his teeth...do you have any bags full of pasta? Yeah, that'll work. SO much fun!!!
We're coming! Wildcat Nicki will be pawsome at helping everyone trash the house! Woohoo! We'll bring lots of nip, too, just to make it extra-interesting!
WE are on our way! We will bring paper towels and toilet paper to shred!
And, your sitters got you all of this ... what's their number ?
MEOWZA, it appears we're a tad bit late....we could hardly get in the door because of all the trash. We brought some paper towels and toilet paper to shred and add to the trash!!!!! Fantastic party!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx
Wow what a great party you guys! The ham is amazing (our mom almost never gets ham) and the curtains are great for climbing!! Thanks for having us!!
Woohoo!! A party without the humans around to spoil it. Thanks for inviting us over...bring on the niptinis!
YESSS! We are on our way and will bring a lot of paper towels and toilet paper to shred and add to the trash,ha,ha ! This is so much fun!Thanks for inviting us,dudes!
Me and Bendrix are here! We made sure to take our Laxitone so we could leave "presents" on the bathroom rugs.
This is great you guys! You sure know how to throw a party!
Oh, boy! We love house trashing parties.
Merci, hide the silverware. Sam, move the pots and dishes around in the cabinets so they can't find anything. Percy, get the kitties started on the shred and dead detail. I'll go check out the food while you start.
Woohooo...Speedy, move da cushions so kitties can hack hairballs unner 'em, if yoo need extra hair Sadie is shedding real good...she's a plushy so don't fear making her bald. I think I'll go find a corner to leave a couple presents in...dis is great.
We heard about the house trashing party so we're here to lend a helping paw or two or ten actually. My brofurs PIng and Jinx are master trashers....especially Ping, he is a pure athlete just watch him zoom from room to room grabbing everything in sight. My sisfurs are a bit more timid but I'm sure when Gracie and Boo start partyin they will contribute to the blinds and curtains coming down...
*woo hoo*
Roast leg of lamb...wowie does that smell good!
Party on!
FOOD FIGHT! Then we can paw around, making a silly attempt to clean up..
OMC, we are on our way over! WE are really good at house trashing!
Woohoo! Party party party! Dushi's really in the trashing mood. There he goes... zooooom, zoooooooooom. Up in the curtains, down on the couch. Yiiiihaaa!
We can't wait, it sounds like a great time!!...We're on the way with some nip=we always bring nip!!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Woooohooo, trashing plus lots of foods? This is Purradise!!!!
Let's get goin'!!!!!
Weeeee Ooooooo, now that's my kind of party!!!
Woohoo! We love a good house trashing. Look at all the lishus food. It's a great party.
All the food looks so good that I don't know where to start. I love a good couch to claw. This is an awesome party.
We're Here! And we brought the Orange Menesis! He can destroy ANYthing! Not on purpose either!
Though the OTW clipped our claws yesterday, so we can't help shred anything...
Party? What's a party? Do I get to PLAY? I WANNA PLAY!!!!!!
Oh! This green drink smells good! I want some!
~Jack and Persephone
PRAWNS! Awesome. What a great party!
Woohoo! This is a great party! Thanks for inviting us over to join in on the fun!
Ohhh we missed it but we are having a big party at our place today - do come by.
You thought of everything! Wow great times trashin da house!
Mindy, Moe, Bono, Cookie & Mike
Mmmmm...the food looks delicious!!
OK, let's get busy. Tipper, you get in the litterbox and kick all the litter out, Misty you see if there are any plants to kill, Max you find the bathroom and get to work on the TP and I'll start shedding.
Nom, nom, nom! This is one great party! Woo Hoo!
We love the sound curtains make when they are being shredded. Ah, it is like a sweet lulliby.
We don't want to miss that.
Better late than never ~ can we do some trashing? Mom's been away so we haven't been able to visit til now.
Wooooooooooooooooo!! We're late getting here, but it looks like there is still lots of trashing going on!! WOOT
This is fun,fun,fun!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
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