It's my birthday this week...my FIRST birthday, making me a REAL MANCAT...and The Mommy knew it was this week, but she thought in her head (a reallllly scary place, we'd bet) that it was tomorrow. But did she bother to check her records early in the week to see for sure?? Noooooooooooo! She waited until this morning. And guess what? It was yesterday!! So she totally missed it. SHEESH! It's not every day a boy kitten turns into a mancat, and The Mommy missed the occasion completely...even if only by a day. Just can't get good help any more...
I think I'll drink a niptini, now that I can...
And then take a nap.
The Mommy sez: I'm very sorry I missed it, Ziggy. I know it does no good to say I've been very busy at work, since of course you guys come first and all that...so I'll just promise to make it up to you, my not-so-baby boy. Okay? Am I forgiven?
Ziggy: Welllll...maybe. I'll think about it.

P.S. We think we'll be back to regular bloggy-ing and visiting after this week, The Mommy's work will slow down (relatively) once the deadlines at the end of April will have passed; we've missed everyone and can't wait to see what you're all up to!

Belated happy birthday, Ziggy! We'd hold out on the forgiveness thing--your mom had better cough up a zillion treats first!!!!
Happy 1st Purrday (Cousin) Ziggy!!! We totally miss you guys LOTS & LOTS!!! Hoping you get back to your regularly scheduled blogging! MOL~!!! Hope all has been well with you all and can't wait to hear what been going on!
Your PA Cuzzies~
Skeeter, King, Pandora, and Cricket!!!
Of course, mom too!
Happy Birthday Ziggy, we will just celebrate now, because we can if we want!
Hi Ziggy! Happy Belated Birthday!! We are excited that you are a mancat now - Barney will be following you into mancatdom soon (next month). It is good that you are thinking about forgiving your mom for forgetting - busy work stuff is no fun for moms, and we know she must feel really bad about forgetting the right day.
Ziggy ~ Happy First Birthday !!!
(I don't know real birthdays of most of my Purr & Fur Gang)
Happy Belated Birthday Ziggy.
Maybe you can be like the Queen of England and have two birthdays every year to make up for your bad mum forgetting?
Happy 1st birthday, dear Ziggy!!!!!! Maybe you can talk your mama into a "Unbirthday Party" for you when she gets back to blogging??? We do this for one of our human grands...her birthday is right after Christmas, and it seemed she kind of got lost in the shuffle, so we have a big party for her in the summertime....with all the birthday trimmings.
Happy Be-lated Purrthday Ziggy. I enjoyed your post - you have a furry good sense of humor ;)
Belated birthday/mancat wishes are better than none at all Ziggy!!
Happy, Happy belated 1st Birthday Ziggy!...We hope all your birthday wishes come true, you handsome mancat!!...Wishing you extra cuddles and treats during your birthday week!...Be careful drinking those niptinis=trust us, you might regret it in the morning!!MOL...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Happy Happy Happy Purrthday, Ziggy!!!!
Milk it for all that it's worth!
Happy happy happy purrday!!!!
happy birthday, Ziggy! You will have a niptini with you! We miss all of you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ziggy!! We miss you all so much! Enjoy your tini
Aw, Ziggy...we're sorry your mom forgot your birthday...maybe you can use this to your advantage and get lots of extra treats because she feels guilty! Happy Birthday!!
pee ess. we miss you guys!! so we hope you'll be blogging again soon!
Oh no ~ and we're a day late too! Happy belated birthday big boy .... erm .... mancat! Now let's party!
Happy birthday, Ziggy!
Happy first birthday Ziggy! You are one of us, the new generation. We are cool, we are fun, we are wonderful. You are the man cat!
aww, happy bewated birfday! my big sis-ter's is today, and we are havin' a big party over at the bloggie tomowwow, so come by and we can make it a combo!
~Baby Audrey
Oh Ziggy, welcome to manhood!
Oh Ziggy! The SAME thing happened to me on my first birthday!!!Only Momma missed it by more than a day. I think our moms must be related.......
Hi Ziggy! Happy purrthday, Mancat!
Missing a guys 1st purrthday is totally inexcusable. Unless, of course, there were treats involved in the apology.
Happy birthday Ziggy! At least she remembered eventually.
OH noes! Happy Birthday Ziggy! Officially a mancat now huh, pawsome! I hopes your momma is making it up to you wif lots of treats and presents!
OMC, we are sorry we missed this important day! Happy mancat day to you! Looks like you had some fun!
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