Yeah, I guess I really should have paid more attention to what Sassy said last week about the cage and the moving vehicle thingy and going to see Dr. Vet. And Roxy the week before that. You guessed it -- it was my turn this past Saturday. *sigh* And I didn't like it one bit, I told The Mommy all about it on the way there, too.
Heh - I showed Dr. Vet too...when he gave me the second deworm-y pill, I spit both it *and* the first one that he thought I'd swallowed already back up on the table! MOL Of course he just shoved 'em back down again and made me swallow 'em, but I showed him who was boss the first time, by golly.
Now let me out of this cage!!!

PS -- A belated but heartfelt happiest of birthdays to ML, mom of the Sherwood Bunch and Queen Bean Extraordinaire of the Cat Blogosphere!! We're sorry we missed it yesterday...The Mommy is so useless. *sigh* We hope you had a super day and thanks bunches for all you do for all of us in the CB!!!

Way to show em who's boss! We don't like the going to the vet. Our vetting appointments start soon and we are not looking forward to them!
Those surprise vet visits are just no fun!
You're my hero, Pixie! I gotta remember that trick for the next time I have to go.
We're glad the vet visit was just routine! BTW, way to go with the pill! Three vets have tried to pill our Annie without success--maybe she needs YOUR vet. MOL!
YAY, PIXIE!!!!!!! Good job of showing them who is boss!!!!!!
You showed that vet who was in charge...wtg!!
Glad you are back safe and sound and hopefully done for another year!!
Pixie, we are proud of yoo for showing that vet wot for!
We are happy you showed that mean vet who (was) boss!
We're glad your vet visit is over Pixie; they are never fun...Hope you have a better week sweetie...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Where did you hide the first pill? We need to learn that trick...
We don't like going to the vet either (we confess that we actually like our vets, but we do not like the cat carrier or being in the clinic). We think you did great by spitting out the pill!
Haha!! Good job, Pixie!! You showed that Dr. Vet!!
Keep those Dr. Vets guessing!
I'm sorry Pixie. I hate going to the v-e-t too.
Excellent work spitting out the pill!
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