Today is Memorial Day in the United States. Its intended purpose is to serve as a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service. To help re-educate and remind Americans of the true meaning of Memorial Day, the "National Moment of Remembrance" resolution was passed in Dec 2000 which asks that at 3 p.m. local time, for all Americans "To voluntarily and informally observe in their own way a Moment of remembrance and respect, pausing from whatever they are doing for a moment of silence."
We at The Kitty Krew would like to dedicate today's post to those brave men and women throughout our country's history who have given their lives, at home and abroad, in whatever manner of service to our country. We also honor those who have served before and who continue to serve. Thanks to your sacrifices, we can enjoy our freedoms.

As a woman I am especially thankful for the freedom we have in this country. In many countries, a woman living an independent life, or even going to the grocery alone is not accepted. It's the men and women protecting our country and freedoms (past and present) that have made this possible for me.
Thanks for this post - my husband and I come from military families so it is much appreciated.
We wish you a wonderful Memorial Day. We have our Remembrance Day in the fall, but we are remembering with you today, our neighbors.
That really was a beautiful tribute!
Mommy did not know about the 3 PM observance. She will pause and reflect today.
Have a Happy Memorial Day.
Beautifully said!
Happy Memorial Day
We're remembering those that gave their lives so that we can be free!
Hope you all are having a great Memorial Day!
Our Remembrance Day is is November, but we remember today also.
We should all be thankful for freedom, fur sure.
Happy Memorial Day!
What a wonderful tribute to Memorial Day.
We hope that your Memorial Day is full of peace. And...yes, we're living in Missouri again! Hooray!
Pee Ess: Thanks for the happy birthday wishes:) ~Tristan
Now that explains a lot. I thought this was purely a WWII thing and wondered how come so many Americans remembered it today. Thanks for this info!
THank you for the info on Memorial Day. We sis not post, but we fly the flag every day!
Happy memorial day my friends!
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