Yes, I know it's Thursday, not Tuesday. But you guys are not gonna believe what happened to me on Tuesday! It was a very traumatic experience. I'm only just now able to talk about it. I mean, the nerve! She took me...! And he...! And I had to...!

The Mommy: All right, Bugsy, I'll tell them. Calm down, honey. You see folks, about a month or so ago, I noticed Bugsy, erm, behaving inappropriately outside of the litterbox --
Bugsy: Oh stop being all delicate about it. I was peeing where I shouldn't, okay? Like in her bathroom (The Mommy sez: where there's carpet, by the way) and in the entry on the front door and in the laundry room (and that's only the places that she knows about...

The Mommy: Oh dear. Anyway, so off to Dr. Vet he went a couple of Saturdays ago, with all the signs of a bladder infection. He didn't have any urine in his bladder that could be tested for a bladder infection --
Bugsy: That's not true, I just wouldn't let him steal my pee! Ha! So there!
The Mommy: Yes, Bugsy, you showed him, didn't you. But with his symptoms and his history last year of having a bladder stone, Dr. Vet decided to go ahead and put him on a 2-week regimen of twice daily medicine, with a follow-up visit on Tuesday. This time, I was to drop him off in the morning and let him stay in daycare allllll day with Dr. Vet and the nice vet assistant give him plenty of time to provide some urine for a test, just in case. We had to do that last year too.
Bugsy: You see that? She ADMITS to carelessly neglecting me by making me stay at Mean Ol' Dr. Vet's ALL DAY LONG!! And while I was there -- THEY STOLE MY PEE!!!!!!!! That, after pumping me full of fluids to make me have pee in the first place. Sheesh, it's like fake pee or something. I don't think it even counts.
The Mommy: Well if you'd cooperate in the first place, maybe I wouldn't have to leave you there all day, Bugsy. Unfortunately, as you've found out, you do indeed have an infection, with just a hint of blood cells in your urine as well, so you're on drugs for another two weeks, me boyo.
Bugsy: WHAT? You're going to torture me with medicine treatments twice a day for TWO MORE WEEKS? Awwwwww, man.
The Mommy: I'm afraid so, dear. That may partly be my fault, I skipped a few of the doses in the prior two weeks, when you were hiding too well or I was too tired or didn't want to bother you. But this time, I'm determined to give them all to you, so we can knock this out before it gets worse like last year. You don't want that again, do you? Surgery again? Lots of pain?
Bugsy:, not really.
The Mommy: No, I didn't think so. We'll just have to get through it now and get done, and hopefully that will be the end of that.
Bugsy: Well, at least you were able to get them to do my rabies shot and other annual stuff while I was there Tuesday even though it was a few weeks early, so now I shouldn't have to go back to see Dr. Vet for a long time, right, Mommy? Right? Um, Mommy? Why do you have that innocent yet evil look on your face?
I don't have a good feeling about this...

We're sorry about your infection, Bugsy! The medicine will help, and just think, it's ONLY two weeks!
The vet recently stole my pee too, Bugsy. They did the same thing with all the fluids, and then I peed on HIM! This is the second time I've done it to this should try it next time, it doesn't get them to stop testing you, but it feels SO good!
Ahh, Bugster--no fun! Your Mom just wanted you to feel better (and you did let the vet keep his eyes)It's only 2 weeks--and I gotta say you quite sterling in that bottom picture....!
Ps. Stay cool, Neighbor1
We feel for ya Bugs, we are also havin' pee problems.
Aw, Bugsy, we're sorry for your ordeal at the v-e-t! Do be good and take the meds, though, so this will be cleared up.
Sending you lots of purrs and universal healing Light!
Oh you poor, sweet, cousin! We're sorry to hear you have an infection! And we're even more sorry that you had to stay at the dreaded V~E~T ALL DAY and he stoled your pees. That wasn't furry nice! But, we understand that your mommy wants to make sure you're okee~dokee. We will purray that the meds work and send you lots purrs!
oh dude, that so totally sucks. we's sorry!! we's sending purrsss to you though that the two weeks goes by fast and that the medicines don't taste really yuckky
Love your story ...
Sorry you had to go to the vet and that you still have to take meds.
White or pink ?
Oh, Bugsy, you have already been through soooooooo much in your life, and it's not fair that you are having this problem.
We love you and will be purring and praying for you, dear friend....we all love you. xxxxxxxxxx
uh-ohs. this is No Fun. sorreh to hear about it, keep us in the loop!
Oh Bugsy, we are purring and purring for you to get all better my sweet friend!
Awww! Bugsy, we're so sorry to hear about your bladder infection! So glad to hear you have some medicines to make it go away....but you gotta take them, my friend. They will make you feel much better! Sending you healing purrs!
Oh no! Sorry to hear about your infection, Bugsy. We are sending healing purrs and prayers your way!
Pee problems are No Fun! Take your medicines like a good Boy. Grayce had two stones removed two months ago and it's not something she wants to do again...ever.
We're sorry you're having problems Bugsy we hope things clear up furry soon.
Sorry to hear about your trials and tribulations, Bugsy. Hope the meds help...but you gotta take 'em!
Aw, Bugsy, we're sorry you got an infection and you hadta spend time at the mean ol' vet's, and now you gotta take yukky medicine. We hope it makes you better so you don't hafta go through this again.
Next time they wanna steal their pee, just pee on them...that'll teach them!!
I hope the meds help clear up the problem really soon!
Ah Bugster you need to get better soon!!
We're very sorry to hear about your infection Bugsy; please take all your meds. so you will get better soon...We will purr loudly for your quick recovery, handsome boy...kisses sweet friend...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Bugsy, be a good boy and take those meds so you can get better!
Awww, Bugsy! You have a good mummy, taking care of you!
Oh poor Bugsy! We just want yoo to feel better soon, nuffin else matters.
Poor dear Bugsy. We hope it is over quick and easy. (Choose the little discomforts over the big one).
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