Bugsy here, to tell you some Things on Thursday. As you saw yesterday, Gypsy and I had to carefully snoopervise the handyman guy on Saturday while he was installing the window aycee unit in the bedroom. We were the only two brave enough to come out and watch Mr. Bobby while he worked; the rest of the Krew were hiding under the bed, or even under the couch in another room altogether!

I'll admit that Gypsy was even braver than me, though; she got up pretty close to Mr. Bobby, while I stayed up on the bed with The Mommy. Look at Gypsy here, she even went over and checked out the inner guts of the aycee monster, while Mr. Bobby was putting the frame thingy in the window!
Later after Mr. Bobby was done with the window aycee in the bedroom, the rest of the chicken-cats came out of hiding and took a turn checking it out.
As for the status of the regular main aycee, the aycee repair peoples are supposed to be out here this morning to fix it. However, we're also supposed to be getting big thunder boomers this morning. So we're not sure if we'll be seeing the aycee repair people or not, since they have to do a lot of the work outside.


Hurrah for A/C!
Gypsy WAS very brave! Nicki is the same way--he has to be into everything, checking everything out. The two of us (Annie and Derry) are scaredy-cats, though!
Paws crossed for your regular A/C repair.
We're happy you two were on the job to snoopervise! We're getting boomers here today too, but we're sure it's from a different system since we're SO far away from you guys!
Gypsy is very brave! So are you, Bugsy :)
Gypsy was brave, Lucy would of hid under the bed!
Cool news!
We love the series of photos of scaredy cats checking out the A/C. Our mom says Mr. Bobby was probably glad not to have ALL the cats snoopervising :)
We hope your central A/C gets fixed very soon!
Glad you are geting your aycee fixed! hee hee, we are mostly scaredy cats here, except for Gaia and Armani.
Bugsy, what a grand job you and Gypsy did!!!! We are so thankful you have some aycee, cuz it has been
HOT in Texas.......xxxxxxxx
WOW!!! You guys are furry brave to watch Mr. Bobby putting in your aycee. Now, you'll have lovely cool naps in your future!
haha look at everyone checking it out on their own sweet time. and look at Gypsy's little tail! how cute!!! glad you guys will be cooling down soon. these fur coats are no joke.
Gypsy is a lot like Virgil - he is the inspector at our house. We hope that the thunder boomers don't stop the guys from fixing the main aycee - that would stink!
Window AC is better than no AC!! Hope your regular unit gets fixed soon.
Cute photos of everyone checking out the new a/c unit!...Glad you guys have the window unit until you get the main one fixed=the heat is overwhelming already here in Louisiana...Stay cool sweet friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
See, I knew y'all were cool cats!
That AC is so important! Its a good thing you snoopervised the proper installation!
Bugsy, you look a mile long in that first photo!!
It is a good job two of you were brave enough to snoopervise. We liked seeing the photos of everycat checking things out afterwards.
We have all our paws crossed that your big A/C gets fixed today. The Baby would have been VERY helpful in getting the window unit installed, including escaping out of the window, no doubt.
You were good snoopervisors and inspectors!
Okay, we admit, we're big scardy cats when worker guys come in our house! We always hide from them.
Enjoy your A/C!! We're glad you got it!!
You were brave for supervising! I hope it wasn't too loud for you!!!
We loved the photos of you checking it out. It is going to be comfy with it there!!!
Purrs, Keiko, Kenji & Pricilla
Sometimes I snoopervise repairs and sometimes not.
Bugsy, you and Gypsy do great work keeping an eye on things. You make a great team.
YOU did a fabulous job snoopervising, and the other kittens did as well ... just a wee bit on the low key side.
Super kitty inspector jobs. You've got to keep an eye on those outsiders - just in case they don't do it RIGHT. Looks like Mr Bobby did the job nicely. Cool, huh?
Wot excellent snoopervising! Well done!
Great snoopervising! You'll all be happier this summer with that AC in place...
You were definitely great snoopervisors. I had to do that last week with some builders.....;
"Chicken-Cats" made us larf and larf!
Are things cooler now? We have one of those in the bedroom. It's been booming here a lot lately. You're very brave!
Marko, Ani, and Marcel
We just dropped by to say hello and let you know we're thinking about you all! Hope all is well!!
Happy 4th of July!!
Hope all is well with you guys- we had BIIIIIG rains on saturday but no big booms. We miss you guys. we have been absent because of mom being stupid but we hope to be back for good again.
We hope you are all okay. We miss you.
Kitties are you all okay?
We hope that you all had your eye on the handyman putting in the air conditioning unit. That sure is a good job with snoopervising. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
World of Animals
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