It's our (observed) birthday today, along with our sister Callie, who became an Angel at the Rainbow Bridge last December. We're 7 years old now (yes, Ziggy and Pixie, Bugsy saw that crack on Tuesday about being "so old" now...he can still whip your butts, you young whippersnappers!), even if Callie is forever 6.
Recently, we received some beautiful ink drawings of our lovely angel Callie that we had commissioned from The Ball Guy (you know him from our dear friends at The Monkeys), and in honor of her birthday at the Bridge, we'd like to share one of those with everyone now. We think this is our favorite...but it changes everytime we look at them.

Isn't The Ball Guy great?? We heart him. Thanks so much, Ball Guy!

But today is not a day for sadness; no, today is a day for a birthday party, combined for us and Gypsy! So come on over and party party party with us all, and we can lift a niptini glass in honor of Callie as well. Come and go as you please all weekend long, there's plenty of food and drinks for everyone -- sorry kittens, pups and other youngsters, milk only for you.

Be here or be square!

Happy Birthday you two!! We wish you many, many more. That drawing of Callie is beautiful, the Ball Guy is indeed talented.
Happy Birthday, Bugsy and Sassy..and Callie in spirit!! That drawing of Callie is so beautiful...we know how special it is to you!!
Now let's PARTY!!!
Happy Birthday, Bugsy, Sassy and Callie at the bridge! We don't think that 7 is 'old' (Pixie and Ziggy, we'd watch your backs around Bugsy hee hee), so we're coming over to party with you all!! You're both looking fabulous.
P.S. That drawing of sweet Callie is our Mom's favorite too!
Happy Birthday Bugsy and Sassy!
That is a pawsome picture of Callie. We miss her xxx
Happy Birthday to dear Bugsy and Sassy ... and Angel-Callie!! We love the pic.
Let's celebrate!
Hey, happy purrthday everyone! We'll be over soon to start partying!!
Bugsy and Gypsy, we wish you a very happy 7th birthday...and we know that Callie is celebrating with you at The Bridge.
Love your pose, Bugsy!!!!!!!!!
What fun we're having!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday Bugsy! Happy Birthday Gypsy! Happy Birthday sweet Angel Callie! The drawing of Callie is magnificent!
Happy Birthday guys and thinking of sweet Callie too. Lovely drawing of her!
Happy birthday Bugsy and Sassy and Angel Callie. That is a lovely drawing of Callie.
Happy Purrthday, Bugsy, Sassy and Angel Callie. Yes, we agree! The Ball Guy is an amazing artist!!!
Hi Sassy and Bugsy! Happy Happy Birthday! And we are sending Callie Happy Birthday wishes at the bridge - we bet they are having a wonderful party for her up there!
And of course we have to sing you all our favorite birthday song (we feel kinda guilty doing it since we missed Gypsy's birthday yesterday, but hey, if you think about it, it is kind of a gift that she didn't have to hear our off-key singing!) We hope Callie can hear it up at the bridge.
What day is today?
It's Bugsy, Sassy and Callie's Birthday!
What a day for three birthdays!
Let's all have some cake!!
WE hope you have a wonderful, fun, treat filled day!
(oops, sorry for the delete - mom was thinking about Gypsy when typing the song, and typed her name instead of Bugsy's name, so we had to fix it!)
Happy Birthday Bugsy and Sassy - here's hoping you have a great day and a nipitini or two.
Happy birthday Bugsy, Sassy, and Callie-in-spirit.
That ink drawing is just lovely. We didn't know Ball Guy had this artistic ability; fabulous!
Have a wonderful day and we wish you many, many more happy and healthy years to come!
Happy Birthday, Bugsy & Sassy. We wish Callie was here to celebrate with you - and she is in spirit. Have a great celebration.
Happy Birthday Dear Ones! A special thought to Angel Callie, too.
~Lisa Co9T
Happy Purrthday Kitty Krew and, yes, we include Callie in dat. Even tho she is at da Bridge she is still wif yoo.
Happy PURRthday to you both! :)
We love the rendering by the Ball Guy.
Happy Birthday Bugsy and Sassy!
Happy Birthday you two! That Ball Guy is a genius! Lovely pic.
Happy birthday Bugsy, Sassy, and Callie-in-spirit, and Gypsy. sorry we are late getting to the party. We hope we did not wake your Mom up!
Happiest of Birthdays to all of you!!!
Happy Birthday to you both! and what a wonderful portrat od Callie.
Happy Birthday to you two. We hope you both had a wonderful day of fun and new tous to play with. Thanks for the share. Have a pawsome rest of your week.
World of Animals
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