We start off with an event today...yeah, this should have been posted earlier. It could be blamed on Blogger eating the post, but we all know who's to blame. Useless, that's you, Mommy. *sigh*
So, here's what we've got going on:
- October 22, 2005 - Roxy's Gotcha Day: Yep, 5 years ago, Miss Baby Doll Roxy joined The Kitty Krew as a roughly 7 week old calico cutie pie! She's as adorable as they come, and loves lap time witih The Mommy....when she's out and about in the 'open', that is. She hides a lot these days in cabinets and the couch due to the antics of the younger boys.
- October 29, 2009 - Gypsy's and Ziggy's Gotcha Day: Hard to believe, but it's been almost a year since Girly Girl Gypsy and He-Puts-the-Punk-in-Punkin' Ziggy were adopted and added to the house. Gypsy mostly stays to herself, unless she hears any other cats getting into a spit-and-hiss fight, in which case she runs right over to join in. Ziggy is the bane of Roxy's existence, as he quickly decided that she's his personal attack toy. Although the youngest, he's quickly become the Young Turk and often talks Pixie into joining his escapades.
- November 1, 2006 - Pixie's birthday (observed): Darlin' Pixie is almost 4, and though he had a tendency to pick on Roxy and Sassy anyway, once Ziggy came along, it became a full-blown obsession in tandem with his new pal. And with or without Ziggy, Pixie likes to cop a 'tude and walk up to another cat and cuff 'em....just because he can. The Mommy isn't exempt, either. This black beauty should have gotten October 31 as his observed birthday since he's a Halloween cat!
So come join us when you can, and come back often. The magic food fairy will keep us well-stocked.
Purrs and hugs,

You have a LOT to celebrate !!!
You will be very, very busy!!
~ The Bunch
You guys gots lots going on...so let us start off by saying....Happy Gotcha Day, Roxy!!! We hope you are having a spectacularly fun day!!
We will be right there! Mom is going to the Texas Country Reporter Festival in your part of Texas, tomorrow!
We will be partying along with you!
Concats all around!!!
We think you should celebrate with two weeks of TUNA!
Happy Gotcha Day to Roxie, Gypsy and Ziggy; Happy Birthday to Pixie...We hope you guys enjoy festive celebrations for all your special days!...We hope you guys will have a great fun weekend and be able to join us for Calle and Halle's 6th birthday party today...kisses, sweet friends...Calle, Halle, Sukki
WOW! We're all gonna have fun celebrating! Happy Gotcha Day to Roxie, Gypsy and Ziggy; Happy Birthday to Pixie!
Happy Gotcha Days to Roxie, Gypsy and Ziggy and a very happy early birthday to Pixie! Wow, you do have a lot to celebrate within a short span of time. This just means a fabulous extended party! :-)
Woohoo I am ready to party!
Happy Gotcha Day Roxy, and an early happy Gotcha Day to Gypsy and Ziggy, and an early happy birthday to Pixie. We are on our way to partyyyyy!!!!
Thats an awful lot of events.. Let the party start, I am on the way.. Hugs GJ xx
A very Happy Gotcha Days to Roxie, Gypsy and Ziggy and a great big Happy Birthday to Pixie!!!
Wow so much news all at once! I am there for the magic fairy food!
Soi much all at once. Sounds like PARTYTIME!
Wow, that is a lot of events, and one big ongoing party I bet! We are glad you guys have such a great home and you got gotcha'd by the right mom for sure!
We all want to party with you all!
That's a lot of celebratin going on! Hope you enjoy every minute of it!!
one major par-tay!
WOW~WEE...you guys sure know how to party! When you's pawty...you'z PAWTY! Happy purrday and gotcha days to effuryone! We hope you've all been well. Miss seeing y'all...
You definitely have lots to celebrate! And we'll be right over to help you. :)
Wow, you have lots to celebrate, and we's sending you all our best wishes!
Mindy, Moe, BonBon, Cookie & Mike
Hi Krew!
We are late and just catching up with things but we hope your celebration went well and all had fun!
hi guys hope you all are well!!!
Now how in the world did we miss a party of this magnitude? Congrats to all of the celebrants. What an exciting time for the Kitty Krew.
holy cows, what a lotta celebrations!
Sending best wishes to you and your family across the miles as you celebrate Thanksgiving Day!
We stopped by to say we're thinking of all of you and we hope you are all doing well. Happy Thanksgiving!
We miss you, and we purray you will start posting again.
We came by to wish Bugsy & Sassy a Happy Gotcha Day.
Happy Gotcha to Busby Sassy and Angel Callie...hope you all are still doing well.
Hope you celebrations in Oct/Nov were successful as well! Miss seeing you guys around.
Happy Gotcha Day! Hope you had a fun filled day!!
Happy Gotcha Day, Pixie. Where are you hiding?
Happy Gotcha Day Pixie...I hope you guys will start blogging again soon :)
Happy Gotcha Day Pixie. We hope you are all okay.
WE hope you guys are doing ok, and want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
Greetings at Christmas to yoo all ~ may you have friends at your fire, blessings in your home, and joy in your heart. Merry Christmas dear friends.
Merry Christmas!
Karen Jo and Herman
Just dropping in to wish you all a Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year from all of us!
Mindy, Moe, BonBon, Cookie & Mike
Where are you darlins????????? We MISS y'all so very, very, very much!!!!!!
We miss y'all sooooooooooo very much!!!!!!!!! We hope you read these comments at times....we have a new sisfur!!!!
Anyway, we love y'all and miss you so very much.
Happy Blogoversary!
Happy blogoversary!!!!!
We miss y'll and hope that maybe we will see you in blogland again.
Happy Blogoversary to all of you!
Happy Blogoversary!
Happy Blogoversary, friends! :)
How are yoo all? we miss yoo.
We's missing you too.
Tomorrow is Roxy's birfday, and I's gotted it posted on the CB, hope you'll come back and visit wif us or just make another post.
Love & Purrs,
So many wonderful Gotcha Day celebrations to go around. What so much fun that must have been. Thanks for sharing the great news. Have a wonderful rest of your day.
World of Animals
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