The window perch is a great place to nap, as well as see what's going on outside when The Mommy won't let us out there to see it on our own.
It's been a little cooler the past couple of days, but we still can't go outside 'cuz Bugsy is still gettin' better from his surgery (and it's not fair if the rest of us go out if he can't).
Speaking of Bugsy, he had a bit of a setback over the weekend. Nothing too major, but The Mommy discovered on Saturday morning that he'd popped his stitches on his belly and she freaked a bit to see a hole in his belly (wouldn't you beans?). So after calling the V-E-T's office, who said to wrap his belly (are they kidding her? YOU beans try wrapping a kitty's belly!) and bring him in on Monday, she kept an eye on him over the weekend to make sure his guts didn't come falling out and back he went yesterday to get his belly stapled rather than stitched this time. Turns out he also has an inner set of stitches on the bladder where the surgery was done, and those are fine and healing well. So even though a hole in his belly isn't really a good thing, it wasn't as bad as The Mommy was imagining.

That's all for me for today, Tortie Tuesday. Bye peoples!