But I am getting around quite well, if a bit slower than usual still. For instance, I still fit just fine on the window perch:
I got on top of the entertainment unit (big ol' TV stand) just fine by myself:
I even made it to the top of the kitchen cabinets, one of my favorite places!
And best of all, the cone doesn't clash with either of the hairy blankies...
So I'll just keep on adjusting, and about the time I've fully adjusted, it'll be time for the cone to come off! Or so The Mommy says. Then I'll really be confused!
Sorry we didn't get around to visiting much the past couple of days, but The Mommy thought it would be better just to hang out and relax and pamper me a lot. Hey, who am I to argue with that kind of plan??

Thanks again to everyone who's been so supportive, I luvs you guys!
Oh oh oh, and thanks so much to Shadow's mom who made this wonderful painting of me with both my eyes! It's beautiful and me and The Mommy love it!!

Bye peoples!

We love you, Bugsy, and are so happy to hear you are recuperating so well. We have been purraying and we will now be purraying that the blasted cone will come off very, very soon.......
Purrrrrrsssss and love from us,
Glad you're doing okay Bugsy. Maybe you're adjusting to your new depth perception with the missing... well you know. Since you are gettin around so well it can only be a good thing.
Plus think of the great costume you'll have for "Meow like a Pirate Day"!
Purr and Mom Hugs.
Oh Bugsy! Soon you will be better and will without the cone, we continue praying for you =)
Your painting is wonderful! I liked it.
We are so glad you are not having any troubles getting into your favorite spots! * woo hoo * top of the kitchen cabinets is a great place we love that idea. Just keep getting better and better every day!
It's so good to hear that you're adjusting so well, Bugsy! Soon the cone will be history and you'll be fine!
The painting is a great way to remember your two eyes but you're going to do fine with just one....already you're getting around wonderfully!
Bugsy, we are so glad you are adjusting. But your Mom is right. Just as you get this to that cone, you get to take it off and start over! Shadow's Mom is a special lady and did a wonderful job on the painting!
Oh Bugsy, I am glad you are getting better - it's hard to be a floodlight, but that thing will be off soon!
Oh, what a beautiful painting!
We are glad you are doing well and getting up and about like you are. It's nice your mom took some time from blogging to pamper you. You deserve it. And she was worried about you.
Bugsy, we are so so happy that you are doing so well! Look at you up on top of those cabinets! No stupid cone is gonna stop you!!! And it won't be long and you won't hafta wear it anymore! Yay!!!
We love that picture of you...but we love you now just as much!!!
The collar will soon be off Bugsy and then you can play mommy for all the extra cuddles and treats a pussy cat in your position should expect.
Bugsy, yoo are allowed all the love and attenshun you need while you are recuperting and a cone-head ~ so don't worry about visiting friends ~ we'll all be here waiting for yoo when yoo are betterer.
We love yoo lots and just want yoo to get better.
PS: We was thinking about "Meow like a Pirate Day" too. You will be the star.
PS: This a link to my post ~ when I did "Meow like a Pirate Day" ~ I thort it might cheer Bugsy up and make him larf! (I was only 6 months old!)
We love you and your cone head, Bugsy! And that's great news that you're moving around alright. :D
Seems like you're going to recover just fine!
Glad to hear you're doing okay. I can't even get to the top of the cabinets without a cone, so I am impressed.
So happy you are improving every day. Love you little one and hated to see you ill. I will be comming by for sure on my boogie mat.
LOve from GJ xx
Meowee, Bugsy! You are adjusting very quickly. I'm so happy.
Oh Bugsy, we are both SO happy to see you looking so well, and going so high!!! You are king of the house, just think of the cone as a temporary crown :)
We all can't wait to see you running and playing without the cone, and mummy says you're a very special little one (we just think you look super fun!!)
Wow! That's a wonderful painting of Bugsy. I'm so happy he's adjusting well -- certainly if he can make it to the top of the cabinets, it's not slowing him down that much (LOL)! What a guy!
At least you know how much efurrybody out there loves you now, as well as your own furmily.
Bugsy, we do not blame you for being a bit crabilated by that cone. You can not even put your face smells on things with that confounded contraption! We are very glad your surgery went well and hope that cone comes off soon and you heal up real quick!
We were thinking, with your name and the lack of an eye now, you'll be the star of Halloween and Pirate Day. You can be Bugsy the Pirate and you won't even need the patch!
I am so happy to see you on
the kitchen cabinets its a sign its going good with you :)
I have purrr the whole day for you for a quick recovery !!!!!
The art painting is BEAUTIFUL :)
purss & hugs from us
Thanks to your mommy to keep us inform about you. We are so happy to hear that you are okay. Looking at your photos, you seem well. We love you too, dear Bugsy!!!
Loki and Nanny
It's good to hear that you are doing ok with your recovery.
Bugsy, we are so happy that you are doing so well!! With only one eye and a cone,you get around just fine.
From now on, you will be giving all of your friends a permanent wink!!
Hugs & Headbutts!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
WONDERFUL! Even with being a conehead you're getting in your favorite haunts--that is GREAT!! Soo that thing (tomorrow?) will be off and you'll be on your merry way! You doing great, neighbor!
Bugsy, you are such an inspiration! I am glad to see you doing so well. I'm glad you mom spent the time hanging out with you and pampering you. You deserve it!
We are happy you're doing well, Bugsy. And that cone makes you look like a Very Important Cat.
We are glad you are doing well and adjusting Bugsy.
That is a lovely painting of you.
We think you will be so glad to get the cone off that the other adjustments will be easy! And we are VERY impressed that you made it up on top of the cabinets.
P.S. Tasha says make sure to demand all the special treatment to which you are now entitled!
I am so impressed at how you are getting around...with the jumping and all that, even being a conehead.
Purrrs to you on your recovery!
I hope you are feeling better soon! I don't like that thing on your head.....
Hi Bugsy! I'm sorry you have to wear the lampshade. I hate that thing! Hope you feel better and better!
Bugsy! I am sorry you have to wear the cone! A couple of times... awhile back Monty dog had one of those. It became kind of like a weapon! We hope that a "few days" isn't very long.
We hope that you are doing well!
Hi Bugsy, we are happy you are
doing good now that your home.
It is no fun wearing the collar,
but soon it will gone and you
will be feeling better!
♥ Jewelgirls Katz
OH Bugsy, well done for being so brave!
Lucy and her mummy Lyn
sinding lufs and stuffoms... u doin goods wif dat cone! and jumpin ups with one eye ta looks out uf!! what a goods boy you iz!
da Katie Katz
You are a very very brave kitty. We hope you recover and get well soon!
I can't believe you made it to the cabinet with that cone on - you are very crazy to try that! But it is a good sign that you feel better. I have always wondered - how do you eat with the cone?
Wow Bugsy!!! You're like a stunt mancat with that cone on!!! OMC!!! The top of the cabinets...holy smokes! Be careful...
Your Most Welcome Bugsy! ~Shadow's Mom
I am so glad to hear you are doing so well. We's all been purraying an purring fur you.
An tha pickshure is wonnerful... did you see tha one she did of our Charlie Taylor? She captured his purrsonality purrfectly, from the twinkle in his eye to his little sideways smile.
Love & Purrs,
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