Well, today's the day. Bugsy goes in for his surgery to have his right eye removed 'cuz of the tumor in it.

I doubt I'll hear anything from the vet until mid-afternoon so I'll be on pins and needles until then. Purrs for my Bugsy Boy would be most appreciated.
Here are a couple of floor's-eye-view photos of the dear boy for you, including a headless shot of me!

And one from the lap:

I'll update on how he's doing when I can...and thanks in advance for all your good wishes.
On a brighter note, we've become LOLcats!

Check us out at
Wendy's LOL Spot to see Part 2 today, and Part 1 from yesterday. Thanks, Wendy!
WE iz purrin lots and lots 4 All ta goez well and dey gets all dat bads tumor.
Hims will gets goods wif one eye... TG dats us kitties are adpatabell to noo stuffoms.
Katie Too
Good luck Bugsy. We wish you a safe and swift recovery, and know that we are all purring for you buddy.
Good luck wishes and purrayers for Bugsy. Keep us posted, please.
We are all sending you lots of good thoughts and healing wishes.
Good luck, Bugsy! You're gonna come back from the vet with all kinds of character!
We think on you
purr & pray for you Bugsy ....
We are thinking of your little boy and keeping paws and fingers crossed.
Love and hugs to you both,
Lucy and Lucy's mummy Lyn
Good luck Bugsy, we are purring for you.
We have been to see your LOLs and they are great.
Bugsy sweetheart we will be rumbling out big purrs to you so that all goes well today and you recover well. Best of luck big fella!
Whicky Wuudler & Family
We wish Bugsy the best of luck and a good recovery. (Our uncle Mosje was born without a right eye. He says you don't really need it).
Harley and I are sending our very, very best purrs for Bugsy today, and we are keeping him in our thoughts.
Bugsy, we hope everything goes well for you! We'll be purring for you, buddy!!!
We'll check back later for an update!
I'm sure he'll do great with the surgery. We've known a few animals to lose an eye... or both! they do fantastic- and they're pain free! we will be purring and purring for our friend bugsy!
Bugsy, you are purring and purraying for your eyeball surgery to go purrfectly and for your recovery to be swift and painless!
We will be checking back for updates!
Good Luck Bugsy, we is goin to turn our purrs on extra loud and hard fer yoo. We hope dat all goes well and yoo is soon back home wif yer mom bean.
We're purring so hard for Bugsy today! We're sure he'll be okay but we know how worried Moms get so we're sending big purrs for you too! And our Mom is sending positive thoughts for both of you.
Bugsy and rest of the Krew: You're in our prayers today as you are everyday!
Noir (your neighbor)
Nice photos of you!!
We're sending many purrs for Bugsy, and purrs and hugs to you! Please let us know how things go.
Franklin, Dobby, Tasha and Katie
Oh, I am so sorry to hear this! I had no idea! Poor Bugsy! I'm sure he'll be fine, though, after it's all over. Our vet actually adopted a kitty who had an eye removed, and Finnigan lives in the vet's office, so we see him every time we visit there. He does fine with one eye, and is as handsome as ever.
Our positive thoughts are winging their way to you and Bugsy, and the rest of the Krew for a quick and successful resolution to this problem. We think Bugsy will feel a whole lot better when it's all said and done.
Hugs and Kisses,
Wendy, Dante, Dylan and Domino
Bugsy we are purring and purring for you and hope that you get better very soon!
Dear little Bugsy,
We are sending yoo lots of positive thoughts and purrs so that your operation goes well and yoo recover quickly. We're sad you hafta have this operation but we know it's for the best.
Get well soon.
Lotsa love from your friends Milo and Alfie xxx
PS: We'll pop by later to check if there is an update. Smooches.
Purrs for Bugsy today and for a speedy recovery.
Hi Bugsy. The surgery should go really well...we hope it gets rid of the bad tumor and you'll be cancer free after that! Our friend Fern has several cats (out of 70!)who had to have an eye removed and they felt so much better afterwards. We're purring for you and sending warm hugs to your mom so she won't worry so much.
Louie, Sylvie, Fuzzy, Gingy, and Paula (Meowmy)
Oh sweet Bugsy (and Mom) we will be thinking of you and I'll be purring hard while Mom sends hugs.
Good luck Bugsy!!! We are purraying REAL HARD for you!!! You will come out of this with flying colors!!! We will also be thinking about your siblings and especially your humans. They will be pacing until they call them. Standing by, waiting for the update!!!
We're sending our purrs and purrayers to help Bugsy to get through the operation, and to heal up fast.
Gypsy & Tasha
Loads of puurrs, prayers and positive thoughts on their way to both you and Bugsy.
He'll be just fine and all the better for his operation. Try to remember though all the worrying that your doing what's best for him. Although I know it's hard. I was a wreck when mine went in for neutering!
We saw you on LOL cats.
We send purrs and tail wags for Bugsy's surgery to go well!
Dear little Bugsy will be purring a lot for you. We hope that everything will go well.
Big hugs and a lot of purrrs,
Sending the warmest, strongest purrs to you and Bugsy! WE know this was a hard decision, but the right one. We are still laughing at your LOL's
Oh Bugsy we are sending you lots of purrs and good thoughts for your surgery. We hope it goes well and that you recover quickly!
Bugsy, our purrayers are with you today.....and of course with your Mommy also as she waits. We are purraying for a successful operation and a speedy recovery.
love from us,
We will be purring for all to go well for Bugsy!!
I'm sending lots of purrs to Bugsy that he gets through the surgery fine and recovers quickly.
Man, our furst visit here and it's gotta be fur something not great. We'll be purring fur yoo Bugsy, we know yoo'll be okay.
I'm hearing such sad news today in kitty land. I truly hope Bugsy does great and he will. I had a kitty when I was little that had to wear a patch over her eye. She was fine and it gave her darling character. Bugsy will be even more extra special!
Purrrss, hugs and prayers go out to you Bugsy!
Big purrs to you Bugsy!!!!!!
Hope all is well and you are home soon :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
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