With all the bustle and excitement of that going on, and responding to comments and emails when I got home last night, and oh yeah, helping out the boss by fixing/re-filling his iPod because he's leaving on a 10-day trip tomorrow afternoon (insert eye roll here that he's unable to do that himself), I'm afraid me and the kitties couldn't come up with any "loose screw" jokes for "National Auntie Deb's Got A Screw Loose Day" today.

She'll just have to settle for our very best purrs and wishes that she gets better soon.

Finally, make sure you check out our LOLSpots at Wendy's LOLSpot if you missed the linky notice buried at the end of the post yesterday and also added late to Wednesday's post. Wendy did a fantastic two-part job with photos from our bloggie, and we want to make sure the drama of Bugsy's surgery doesn't overshadow the hilarity of all the kitties' star appearances!

Happy Friday, all. I'll post an update either later today or tomorrow after Bugsy's home.

We're so happy Bugsy is doing okay...we'll be back later for an update!
We are so happy that Bugsy is doing well....and we'll be back later today to make sure he got home.
Thanks for coming to Andy's birthday.....we really didn't expect you under the circumstances. You are GREAT!!!!!! Thank you again. :)
We love you guys,
So happy to hear that Bugsy is doing okay! Wish you a great weekend!
Big hugs,
It is so good that Bugsy will be coming home today. As another 5 cat person I know what you mean about it being empty with one less - even if they are only hiding out somewhere for a day or so. It is much harder when they are at the vets. We are going to keep sending purrs and prayers and good healing thought out to him so hopefully he recovers really quickly!!
I know you are looking forward to having your baby home!
* woo hoo*
Good news about Bugsy!
We are furry happy!!!!
We can't wait until you bring him home! I'm sure he'll be happy to be home too
So happy the Bugsy is doing well!
Glad Bugsy is okay.
We hope Auntie Deb enjoys Loose Screw Day.
We enjoyed Wendy's LOLs.
We are looking forward to hearing how Bugsy is doing when he gets home. We're sure the other's won't be too pleased, since he going to have that stinky "vet" smell on him, but everything will be back to normal before y'all know it!!!
We will continue praying for Bugsy =)
Thanks for worrying about me, I'm better thanks to all!
Glad that Bugsy is doing well. I will be back when I see the update. I loved the LOL spot. Just lovely..
Hugs GJ xx
We do hope you have prepared a suitable selection of jaunty, pirate style eye patches for when Bugsy comes home.
Very happy he came through ok. Bet there's a huge chorus of sighs of relief at your house today!
Whicky Wuudler & Family
We hope that Bugsy is better! Surgery is no fun!
Sending even MORE healing RUMBLEpurrsss. just think my friend Bugsy, how much better you're going to feel now that the yucky bit of tumor is gone! You'll be zoomin' in no time!
*gentle cuddle*
I hope Bugsy is home by the time you read this! I'm glad he is doing so well.
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