Pixie: I'd like to go visit my fellow House Panther Ernie, of The Island Cats -- I bet we'd get into all kinds of
Roxy: I'm dreaming of visiting my calico sisters Sassy and Summer (and Spats, she's kind of a calico!) at The Taylor CatSSSSS. They're probably a little sad about their mommy, Auntie Deb to the rest of us, being sicky, and could use some cheering up. Plus I could give Auntie Deb some of the Cat Blogosphere purrs in purrrrrrson!
Callie: This is a toughy! I'm dreaming of going to see both my tortie sister Tasha at Mishkat and my tortie sister Delilah at The Monkeys! How am I supposed to choose? Oh I know, maybe The Mommy will let me be gone for 2 days so I can visit them both for a day each!
Sassy: I'm considering visiting my sort-of doppelganger across the pond, Alfie, and his brother, Milo, at The Cat's Meow. Jonesie at Cory Cat Blog is doing a great job of being a mentor/big sister to Alfie, but it wouldn't hurt for them both to have another honorary big sister to talk to, and I've never been to England! (And don't worry Domino, I know Milo is yours! I'd only be a big sister for him and nothing more!

Bugsy: And I want to go visit allllllllllllllllllll my friends in the Cat Blogosphere who were so very sweet and special these past few days (even more than every other day!!), supporting me and The Mommy and the rest of us while I was going through the whole surgery-and-coming-home thing. You guys rock!!!!!
*Sigh* One of these days...
Bye peoples - have a pawsome week!!

Flying is fun! But you don't really need mats to fly. At least, we don't ;-)
Wow! You guys have lots of different plans this week! I think Bugsy should still take it a little easy, though -- at least until he gets that darn collar off!
Tell Bugsy he needs to let his eye heal a bit first before he starts flying...altitude pressures and all that. It's so great that he's home and doing well, even being able to tolerate that annoying cone.
We have never gotten our Boogie Mat to fly either. We agree that Bugsy should probably stay grounded until he is all healed up!
You must come visit us at the creek! Don't worry we won't go near the water :)
Dontcha just love your boogie mats?? Pixie, come on over...maybe you can help me get that door opened and we can go outside and get into trouble...oh, I mean play!! Haha!
You can go anywhere on a flying carpet - that's every exciting. FAZ
If you figure it out, will you share with all of us that can not get ours to fly?
Comes and visits us! :D
ize dont knoh bouts dat fyin stuffoms, but mom holds me up while i paddy paws da air!
hopes dem boogie flyin mats holds ya guys up goods while goin on dem kitty visits!
Bootsie Woo
We love all the photos today! And Tasha says she would like to see you any time, Callie. Unfortunately, she has never been able to get her own boogie mat off the ground! (except to fly off the couch!)
I have the perfect plan, Callie! We'll both meet up at Tasha's place and have a Tortie party! Franklin and Dobby can fly over to my place to hang out with Samson.
We love all you guys.....sorry that we are keying in on Bugsy right now, but think you will admit he needs the extra attention. :)
love and purrrrrrrrrrsssssss from us
OMC, do you all have your own mats? I want a boogie mat!! I'd come an visit Bugsy, we could sit up high together :)
You guys looks so cute on your boogie mats!
And how great to have a magic flying carpet.
We did not realize you guys are in the Dallas area too! Hello to you, neighbors!!
I'm sure you will get your boogie mat to take off sometime soon! Bugsy, make sure you get cleared for flying first!
Bugsy it is great you are getting used to your cone - you must be feeling better if you want to visit everyone! And we would love for your to visit. Now you all just need to learn to fly those darn boogie mats!
You all can come fly to our house anytime!!!
Boogie mats fly if you think reallly hard about where you want to go. Close your eyes and dream yourself there.....
Mom says she has been very bad, she forgot to tell you to come by our place and get a welcome home award for Bugsy. She's sorry. Pick one off our side bar if you want.
We wish we could get our boogie board to fly too...but where there is a will there is a way! Bugsy you need to heal up a little bit before you go flying around, just let your brofurs and sisfurs try it out first and then when the Vet takes off that collar you can go flying too.
You guys have a very busy schedule!!! Feel free to stop by and see me any time!!
My oh my....so many places to go and so little time! Each of you kitties have your very own mat it seems! Dreams will allow yall to go any place you want to go and not cost a cent! Bugsy looks like he is definately adapting, by the way!
Darling post Mom!!!!
Linda :)
I agree with Bugsy - I would fly around to meet all of my CB friends.
Once you have tried out the flight, you can all come and visit me in Oz!
Hey Bugsy, take it easy dude!
Wish we had mats that could fly; we'd be over like a shot.
Thanks for visiting us. We hope Bugsy gets his lampshade off soon.
Sassy, if you want to fly over and visit my sister Jonesie on your way over to Milo and Alfies house we'd be SO excited! We don't even have boogie mats so we can't even dream of flying yet!
You can visit us too!
Love the cushion you are all sitting on!
Magical flying boogie mats would be so cool! Wish we could fly!
Yoo can visit us ANYTIME ~ 'cos we love yoo all.
I wish I had one of those boogie mats. I hope Bugsy is getting better fast!
Huffle Mawson
Awwww you all so CUTE! I luvs da pics of all of you on your boogie mats, I hears dey flies too and now I has to gets momma to gives me one so I can takes off to visits all mai furriends too!
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