Pixie: Ha! That little ol' handheld sucky monster isn't near as skeery as the big ol' loud noisy vacuum monster. I'm a manly mancat so I'm not afraid of it! I'm gonna stay right here while it cleans up the cardboard mess from the scratching post.
Pixie: Then again....I'm outta here!

PS - Check me out at
The House Panthers yesterday if you missed it!
You're such a brave Mancat to be that close to it, Pixie! I'd have been outta there long before that.
WOW, are you a brave ManCat to stay so close to that sucky-up thingy. As soon as we see either on the monsters, big or small, we're outta there!
We hate all vacuum cleaners, no matter what size they are!
P.S. Good job with the scratching post! We haven't been able to make that much of a mess with ours yet - we need to work harder.
Very brave. We'd run a mile!
You are very brave! We don't mind the little one either. But we don't let it get too close!
Haha! We woulda run from the little one too, Pixie!!
we don't get anywhere near ANY kind of sucky monster!
Yoo is brave to has been near the loud sucky machine! We all run away furry quick, even da woofie runs far from dat fing.
You is very brave, but we thinksyou have to train your bean better. Our bean is not permitted to use the sucky monster downstairs. Instead she has to make do with the sweepy thing!
Thomas, Charlie and Lola x
Those things are veery skeery! You are one brave Mancat!
You were wise to leave, Pixie....Mom won't let us anywhere near the vacuum.......years ago her Fluffy used to ride on the canister while she vacuumed....until one day he put his fluffy tail in the wrong place and it got sucked up.....being the great Mom she is, she immediately turned the vacuum off and although frightened, Fluffy was fine.
You know what they say, "discretion is the better part of valor"!
You held out a lot longer than I could have!
I think someone made a mess here =)
Pixie, you still are rather brave -- you faced it down, but it just overpawered you! You has to save your own life after all.
By the way, would your Krew be interested in being LOLCats some time? If so, just leave another comment on one of my blogs, and I'll schedule you for LOL take-off. I just need your purrmission to use photos from your blog, that's all.
Wow you are very brave in my eyes to even get that close..
Hugs GJ x
Hahaha. Melvin likes to sit on top of the big vacuum.
But I don't blame you for being scared, those things are like giant monsters!
I think that you are fearless, that sucky-up thingy is not scaring you.
Big hugs,
I definitely wouldn't last that long. One look at anything remotely like a sucking monster and I'm outta there.
Run Pixie Run!!
It's good to stand back when beans use noisy contraptions!!!! Anything they like is often not fun for us,unless it's food!!!! hahahahaha!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
You are braver than I am! I hates the monster!
we're with you, RUN AWAY!
We remember, that's the reason we discovered that climbing trees is actually lots of fun.
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