Bugsy went to the v-e-t today to have the stitches removed - yay! Dr. V-e-t said that Bugsy is healing fine and should have little, if any, scar after the final scabs fall off.
The stitches are gone, but there are still some scabs and the furs will have to grow back:
There's a touch of potential bad news, though. The test results came back, and the tumor was something called a "diffuse iris melanoma" -- basically, the bad kind. Statistics say there's a 63% chance of some other cancer showing up within 3 years. So the next step is to go to a v-e-t oncologist, and see what she has to say about things, whether there are any preventative steps to take these days, what to watch for, get a baseline status of where he is now and presumably make sure there's nothing already visible, etc. And in the meantime, try not to panic.

Resting after the arduous v-e-t visit:
If nothing else, at least The Mommy no longer has to question whether or not it was the right thing to have the eye removed 'just in case'... Oh, and the other thing the v-e-t said for the first time today is that it was very likely Bugsy really didn't have much vision left in that eye, we always thought it was purely speculative as to whether he'd lost any vision or not.
So, until the oncologist visit gets set up and happens, we'll just try not to worry about what can't be controlled, and let Bugsy get back to "normal"...like playing with toys.
This post and photo session are interrupted by the discovery of the strap on the flashy box thing...
Hope everyone's having a good weekend so far!

We are glad Bugsy is recovering well. We will keep him in our thoughts that he doesn't get any more problems. He is a brave little fighter.
I'm glad Bugsy is healing up so well, and it's a good thing you had the eye taken care of! I am going to purr my best that Bugsy will be part of the 37% that never have any recurrence.
Try giving he kitties Esiacs tea, I think. I had to ask Mommy to spell it, and even she was unsure. That is supposed to help prevent and help both humans and doggies, and I suppose for kitties. I have two kittie cousins, and I try to play with them;but, they won't play with me.
Sally Ann
I hope he is going to be in the range that has no more problems too.
He's too handsome a cat to die young...
Well fingers crossed he will be ok.
Hi Kitty Krew...
We were thrilled to see a new visitor and had to hop right over to visit you and your Krew...briefly (there is a t-storm brewing so I will be turning off the computer) we were sorry to read that Bugsy had to have surgery but it sounds like for the most part it was successful. all of your kitties are gorgeous...Bugsy looks a little like Madi. Madi's human sister had a Cali in her life many years ago. She was a Calico Cornish Rex. Now she has a gray and white Cornish Rex named Harley he is a HOOT. Ooooooppps lots of popping going on out side I'll bookmark you for a later visit.
Madi and Mom
We are saddened that Bugsy had a nasty condition ~ but at least he's had the best treatment possible.
We think he should get lotsa love every single day, and be spoilt and pampered while he heals up ~ and even afta.
Mom said she'd like to smooch him better. We're gonna keep our paws crossed that the nasty illness stays away forever.
Smooches for Bugsy!
It's good to hear that Bugsy is healing so well. I will keep everything corssed that this is the last you see of the cancer!
We're glad Bugsy is doing well! Yaay for getting the stitches out!! We're with Daisy, we hope Bugsy is in the 37% that never has another problem! Go Bugsy!!!
Great to hear Bugsy
that you are feeling well today :)
And we think POSITIVE ......
we purrr for you & for the 37%...
Hi Kitty Krew...Madi and I nominated you for an award...check our blog for the details.
HI Kitty Krew
We were glad to hear how well Bugsy is healing and we are purrin relly hard that his noo special Vet will not find anything to worry Mom. Just keep a close tab on him and make sure he is doin good. Bugsy yoo are a brave strong mancat!
We will purr that Bugsy does not get any more bad cancer showing up anywhere! We are so grateful that he had his surgery and he is doing great AND playing! Sending headbutts and purrs!
We love you, Bugsy, and are purring to see you are doing so well and that you got those nasty stitches out. We are purring and purraying you will be in the 37% that never has another problem. xxxxx
We hope Bugsy is getting back to playing and acting normal. WE are purring that there are no further problems!
Bugster looks GREAT to me. As long he's playing with toys and healing fine. And we'll send our purrs and prayers to Bugsy, you and the rest of the family.
I'll keep purring for Bugsy's recovery.
We're purring for Bugsy! We hope he is in the group that never has a problem again.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I'm glad he feels well enough to play. I hope that whatever the onocatolist vet says ... that it's good news.
Hope Bugsy is healing well - what a good cat throughout it all!
Gots to luvs da strap on da flashy fing I do it all da time to momma MOL hehehe
I happy to hears you is healings well mai furriend. Sorry to hears it was da bad kind but stays positive and it sounds likes your momma takings da right steps to keeps you healthy. Many *purrrrrrrrrrs* and *gentle nosetaps*
Can never get enough of Bugsy!! Especially when it is good news!!
Bugsy is such a warrior. I hold him in my purrayers.
Oh! we do hope that there is no bad tumors coming back! That is a very scary thing!
We are glad the stitches were removed!
Thank you for the purrrs for Sarah and her surgery! She is home, but in pain!
We wish Bugsy all the best, and really hope he stayes ok.
The one eye won't have to bother him, though. Our uncle Mosje was born with only one eye, and he has always been the big man, king of the gardens where he lives. (And is just about the sweetest cat known to man)
It looks like Bugsy is doing well and healing nicely! Hope he will be ok. WE will send more purrs over to him!
--JB, Chester, CocoBean
Bugsy, we love you so much that we are keeping our purrs on max for you, buddy!
You're very lucky that that cancer was in a place that was easy to spot by a vet!
You are looking so handsome (girlcats love scars)!
Paws crossed that this is the end of his eye woes. The Grandma's cat had the same thing and after they removed his eye he lived a long long long time and didn't get any other cancer.
He was a mean kitty, though. I wish I'd known him ;)
We are so happy to hear Bugsy is healing so well and don't fret over the kind it was. We have a STRONG feeling he's in the clear!!!
We are glad to read that Bugsy is doing well and every day that passes he is getting better with each day. Thanks for sharing the update. Have a fantastic rest of your week.
World of Animals
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