Ah yes, I vaguely recall the outdoors (being transported to and from the v-e-t's in a cage doesn't count). This bit of grass and sidewalk seems familiar...
Oh yes, and all these bushes! I remember them!
I missed laying in the grass.
With a nice pause on the deck afterwards.
Mommy, I really don't like these 2-week-plus restrictions on not getting to go outside. Can we not have that happen anymore, please?

We're thinking that it's all clear for now, Bugsy! We're so happy that you've healed enough to go outside again!
Bugsy, we are Not Allowed Outside anymore, but we understand why you have missed it! Srsly.
Bugsy, you are doing so well! And we're happy to see you are back to having your outside excursions. Srsly!
Outside. With the sun and the rain and the wind in your fur. On the grass and between the bushes and in the trees. We're so happy you are out and about again.
Bugsy...we're glad you are getting back to your normal routine. Fall is just around the corner. You'll enjoy watching the colorful leaves fall. Madi and Mom
Bugsy, you look FANTASTIC! You are so resilient. I don't know if you noticed Finnigan the Pirate on my Dante blog today! You guys are kindred (or is that kittred) spirits!
Congratulations, Bugsy! You are healing so well that you can enjoy some outside time!
Glad you are feeling like getting outside again Bugsy!
I'm glad you got to go out and sniff around. The sitting afterwards to always fun
Mom doesn't let us do that anymore. Something about our older sister never coming home.
She lets us out at our vacation property though ... she says it's up high enough & we can't get off the deck.
( I did though so Mom has do some wire by the gate. I'm always a trouble maker. I'm the youngest and orange ... of course I cause trouble)
Riley ^,,^
Did you leave a peemail out there?
Bugsy, I'm very happy to know that you're well =)
Bugsy is looking so handsome! He could definitely be a pirate model mancat!
Melvin has yet to even see outside. Maybe someday!
YAY, Bugsy, we are so happy you got to go outside.......we are never allowed to go outside because of where we live, but our grandbeans are really great about bringing us in some grass every day.
luv and purrrrrrrrsssss
O, Bugsy, you look so handsome and healthy... good to see you out and about.
Zoolatry made a specshul grafik fur you an it's on tha CB today.
You is OUTSIDE! Wif no ceilin! Isn't it ascary out der? I mean, I's a brave mancat, but I fink outside is ascary an inside is better. You shure is brave!
Oh, Bugsy, it's great to see you looking well and enjoying the fresh air.
We're glad to dsee you out and about Bugsy!
That is so good to see you out and visiting all of your favorite spots.
It's good to get out and smell all the outdoor smells again isn't it Bugsy.
We're so glad to hear your mom let you outside for some fresh air!!! Must be nice, we don't get to go out! Too many crazy animals come by our house...bears, 'coons, etc... And, we love your little pink toesies!!!
Bugsy it is so great that you are doing so well, and wonderful that you can go outside again. That is a very good sign that you are doing great!
Poor Bugsy, I know what you mean, we are having the same scenario at home with Daisy. She doesn't like it either. We glad to hear that you are doing better.
Bugsy, I'm glad your restrictions are being lifted!
I think you should get your Mummy to make you a jaunty eye patch. Aarrgh! (that's me trying to talk like a pirate)
Our mum never lets us go outside!
You're looking really good, Bugsy! We're happy to be back to blogging again, because we missed all of you:)
Getting back to normal, Bugsy, and that's a mighty good thing!
glad your back outside!
I am glad that you get to go outside again, Bugsy. Keep feeling better and better.
we iz glads u iz getting soh bettur! dats good to gets outside fur sum bits - be careful doh. derh mite be sum bad pirates out dehr...
(weze gotts furry bad trains n cars - dats wurse din pirates me finks!)
purrs 4 ur recofurry.
Katie Too
and Da Katz Gang
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