Thank you all so much for your purrs and purrayers and hugs and good wishes, it means more than I can say to have so many kitties (and woofies!) and their beans stop by and comment, or email, to let us know they care. I'll be returning comments and emails when I can, probably tonight, as the darn boss dude wants me to work for some reason while I'm at the office (the nerve!). But I had to at least post a quick update as soon as I could.
Again...thank you!!!

Fantastic news! It has made my evening to here that Bugsy is doing so well.
He'll be home before you know it!
You're still in our thoughts and purrs, sweet Bugsy!
We are so happy to hear
that Bugsy is doing oke :)
We purss the whole day ...
I hope he sleep well by the Vet !!!
Glad to hear it!
We'll continue praying for Bugsy =)
Good to hear that Bugsy is out of surgery and doing well we will keep him in our purrs
I am glad to hear the good news :) And I don't know why your boss wants you to work - does he think that is your job or something (I am posting from work too - but it is insanely quiet here). Still sending out our purrs and good thoughts for a quick recovery!
That is great news! Enjoy your weekend babying him!
Wonderful news! We know you must be so relieved to know he is ok!!! We are sending him lots and lots of recovery vibes!
Hooray! I'm so happy to learn the good news.
We are so happy that Bugsy is out of surgery and doing well. We will keep on purring for him.
Great news! Can't wait to see so post op pics. He'll be a handsome Popeye kitty!
Good news :)
My mom's Maine Coon had an eye removed and he acted like nothing had happened at all. I think cats are the most adaptable critters on earth. Just think, you won't have to worry about that tumor anymore....
We're so happy his surgery was successful and that you'll be with him over the weekend to help him get accustomed to his new 'view' :)
We're so happy to hear that Bugsy's surgery went well - and we're glad you'll have time to spend with him tomorrow and on the weekend.
Purrs and (((hugs))) from Katie and the cats (especially Tasha!)
Good news! We're happy to know Bugsy is doing okay after surgery.
Glad to read that Bugsy's surgery went well. Lots of purrs for a smooth recovery.
That's wonderful news! We are sending lots of healing purrs to Bugsy.
We're so happy Bugsy is doing well! We thought about him all day today! We're still purring for him that he has a good recovery!
We're happy to hear that Bugsy is doing well. We'll keep purring for him.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We're glad to hear about Bugsy! Tommy says to give him extra treats when he gets home tomorrow!
Psalms 55:15
Glad to hear Bugsy is doin fine. It'll take sum gettin used to, but plenty of cats loose an eye an lif long, pawductif lives.
Purrs an best fishes,
Victor & Nina
We're glad to hear the good news about Bugsy. Sending healing vibes and purrayers your way...
Hi again, Thanks for the update! I'm so happy to hear that Bugsy's going to be fine.
I wrote a little inspirational poem for him on the LOLSpot.
After lots of extra loving, I'm sure he'll adapt quickly. Kitties are amazing that way.
Glad to hear that he is OK. Hope he has a PURRfect night napping.
Alright!, Woo~Hoo!, Yippee-Yahooey! WTG Bugsy!!! We are so glad your mommy gave an update! We are purraying you have a restful sleep tonight (even though it'll be hard since yer not at home!) BUT...You'll be there before you know it! And, if your mom wouldn't mind shooting us an email, with your address, we'd like to send you a GetWell Soon "something"...
Excellent News!! You did the right thing for your boy, and I will keep purring.
Oh that is terrific news! I have been thinking about Bugster all day after reading about his surgery. I hope you can take pics of him and I pray that he can adjust to his new sight. Best wishes to him and you!
Linda :)
This is great! Purrs to bugsy for a speedy recovery.
Thank you for taking the time to update us. I've been worrying. Great news.
Glad to hear it all went well for Bugsy! We'll keep purring and praying for him to recover quick!
You've been in our purrayers all day, Bugsy:) We love you, dear furriend.
Yay Bugsy. We hope you have a swift and easy recovery! :)
We're purring big time for Bugsy. glad to hear the surgery was without complications.
Yippee!! We are so glad Bugsy is doing well!! Purrrs, purrrs and fast healing purrrs for him!!
Your FL furiends,
I'm purring that Bugsy will be back to normal in no time!
Will hims havs a patch on himz eye likes a purrate til him iz all healed???
purrin fur hims recofurry,
Bootsie Woo
who hads a mirakul healin at 3 muffins old.
We forgot to tell you to come by and pick up a Welcome Home tag. They're on our sidebar.
We are so relieved to know the Bugster is OK ~ sorry we didn't come back yesterday but Mom felt ill.
More ig rumbly purrs for the Bugster!
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