Taking a cue from some other kitties, we'd like to start sharing some older photos from time to time. In our case, these will be simply from "before blogging" since we've only been doing this for 3 months, as opposed to flashbacks of old blog posts or a combo of both. These won't be in any particular chronological order and in fact, we're starting with photos that are not quite a year old.
Roxy, circa 10/1/08: My electronics! Mine mine mine mine mine!
Sassy, circa 10/18/08: My electronics! Mine mine mine mine mine!
These pics made us smile! We love 'em!
Can you turn them on???
and you both are OURS! OURS! OURS! :)
Stay dry neighbors today as we all watch a little NFL today! TIS THE SEASON...and as we say in our house: GO BOYZ!
These are great! We like electronics too.
What about Bugsy?
Did those electronics warm your bottoms? They do ours!
I bet your electronics have the tastiest Cords!
We don't get on the electronics here. WE do lay on the table behind mom's laptop for the warm air. Enjoy your Sunday snuggle time and stay dry
Our kitties love modems and laptops left unattended (oops!)...so toasty warm!
-Lisa Co9T
Haha. That's actually pretty funny seeing them both in the same exact spot!
Hi Sassy and Roxy...
You two are IT kitties for sure.
Roxy...your shiny coat matches the stainless steel electronics perfectly.
Madi and Mom
We're guessing you girls made nice since 08...We understand though...sharing is hard!
Great pictures......Mommy said we've been blogging about the same length of time....we started near the end of May over on the other site....oldies are goodies too....:))) And we look forward to seeing more pre-blog day pics.
luv and purrs
this seems to be a comfortable place!
Neat pics of you both :) Lets hope you both do not decide to sit there at the same time or there could be a spot of trouble :o
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Its a great place to sit ... :)
They love it both sitting on the electronics .... LOL
Is there some kind of dispute over the stereo equipment? Is it turned on and nice and toasty warm for little kitty feets?
How funny! I'm lucky in that my two totally share everything.
Haha! That looks like spot the difference pictures.
I like to get up on the nice warm electronics too!
Do you do your own emails???
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
friends- no we weren't upset by your beans comment about the music! we are glad she mentioned it instead of not visiting anymore because of it!!!!!! we hope the autoplay being off is good enough? If not, we'll just have to remove it! :)
The electronics look like cool
modern furniture to sit on...
why not?
I don't get on the stuff here because it's all in places too small for me to fit. I hear that's a nice warm spot to sit though!
Huffle Mawson
Those are funny - I like that they both claimed the electronics! I bet they are warm to nap on!
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