Today, I'd like to post about an award I received from my lovely friend Angel from A Wizard and An Angel. Last week, she picked ME ME ME out of all the girlcats here at The Kitty Krew to receive the Island Princess award! Yay me!
Thanks so much, Angel! How do I look in my tiara?
Now, I've done my best to find princesscats that have not yet received this award to give it to; if you already have gotten it and I missed it, so sorry...but just figure you must be double-deserving! So I'd like to give it to the following:
1. Lola at The Paw Relations
2. Paddy and Briti at Cats in Trees
3. Asia and Cosmo at Pet Meadow
4. Tesla at The World of Hansel
5. Penny at Cat of Nine Tales
As Angel said when she passed the award to me and others, "Wear your crown proudly, girls!"
Several of you were wondering about the photo from Wordless Wednesday, exactly how high up I was, and where The Mommy was to take it. Well, it's a bit of an optical illusion. Bugsy is on the kitchen floor, and I'm just up on the edge of the kitchen island (remember? We have an island! I *do* deserve to be an Island Princess!), and The Mommy is just standing normally on the floor, right up next to the island near me. So I'm only a few feet above Bugsy. It just looks like he's way way wayyyyyyyyyy below me!
Bye peoples!

ConCatulations on your super award. You look very regal in that tiara!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You look beautiful in your tiara, Sassy.......concats!!!!!!
Aw, Sassy! You are wearing your crown proudly!!! You are a great island princess...just like me!!
Concatulations on your well deserved award, Sassy!!!
Sassy Mom and I thought your mom was on top of the Empire State Bldg. and you were out on the ledge. Great illusion!!! That is what we like about photography. You all have a great weekend. Was on vacation M-W but she says it has been a long 222222222222 days.
Madi and Mom
ConCats Sassy!!! You look absolutely ravishing in your tiara, cousin!!! We hope you all have a purrific weekend!
Awww! Gorgeous tiara for a gorgeous girl! Congrats, Sasssy!!!
Sassy, you look simply stunning, dear.
Tipper & Misty
Ooops! We forgot our manners! (Mom: You guys HAVE manners???) Roxy, thank you so much for telling the Cat Blogosphere about us! We love meeting new kitties!
Morris & his Krewe
We must admit that this week has dragged for us also. Probably due to there being squillions of people round here to fix the heating, fix the over flow pipe and the occupational therpaist and the housing people come to talk about changes they're going to make to the home for Pre Teen Bean who had autism.
Congratulations on your award Sassy and thank you so much for pssing it on to Lola!
Sassy, congrats on your award again, and you look so lovely in your tiara! It really brings out your beautiful green eyes!
Sassy, your Tiara is Fabulous! But then you would look good in anything!
Congratulations on your award. You look great in that tiara!
Congratulations, your highness. And thank you very much for the honour you have bestowed on us by rising us to our new royal positions.
Since we heard the good news we have done nothing but prancing and parading about with our noses in the air and not playing the crude games of that peasant boy Dushi.
(And then we decided to be naughty princesses from now on and join him anyway.)
Hi Sassy!!! Congratulations! Wow, that is fantastic, ad you look just gorgeous in your tiara! I hope you have a date tonight! Or at least some nice special stinky tuna to celebrate!
We think you should wear that crown every day!
I love your tiara! you look really good in it.
Asia here...Cosmo is off munching some noms (she takes forevers to eats dinner)....Thank you for da award!!!! We now has to find some other princesses to it to!
Congratulations on your award, you look fabulous in that tiara!
It's too bad... I cannot be a princess but just a king...
Your Mommy tricked us yesterday with the picture. Have a great weekend!
Concats on your award, Sassy! Your tiara is beautiful!
You make a beautiful island princess - that crown really suits you....
I love your tiara Sassy!
Concats. Yoo look beautiful!
Congratulations on your award, Sassy! You're definitely a beautiful Island Princess
wow wow wow! thanks for thinking of me! I will post about it tomorrow!!!! :)
You wear that tiara very well! You truly are a princess!
And happy gotcha day to Roxy!!!!! You were and still are, a very beautiful kitty!
You sure do look like a princess in your crown.
Purrfect fit!
You are the perfect island princess - congrats on the award. The tiara is perfect for you!
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