Yes indeedy, 'tis me, the Bugster. I'm home again for the weekend from cancer v-e-t jail.

After we got home yesterday evening, The Mommy fed us some stinky goodness! Woot!
It was yummy. A nice after-birthday treat.
Then I got in some scratching on the scratcher thingy. (You can tell we liked our first one there in the background, that one got pretty well torn up, mostly from Pixie.

And then some laptime with The Mommy.
I gotta give props to the cancer v-e-t peoples. They were very nice to me for my birthday Thursday! I got extra treats and stinky goodness, and they made me a birthday sign and a hat, and took a photo of me with the sign for my Mommy! (But look at my ears in the photo with the sign...I was there under duress! MOL) They told her I wore the hat for a few minutes, but didn't take a photo of that. But wasn't it nice of them to do all that??!
Unfortunately I had to go back to the regular v-e-t this morning for a follow-up on the bladder infection he said I had a couple of weeks ago, so that was another cage ride. Mean ol' Mommy. I showed them though, I didn't have any pee for him to take for the test! HA! But the v-e-t showed me right I gotta take the pills for another week AND go back again next week to try again for the pee test.

The other bad news is, I still have to go back to the cancer v-e-t on Monday. But the good news is, I only have THREE more radiation treatments, I'll be DONE on Wednesday, and then I come home Wednesday evening! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! Still no signs of any side effects, and I've also been holding my weight, which is very important. The cancer v-e-t is very pleased with my progress.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some more lap-napping to do...

Bugsy, this is a very sweet post. you are so handsome and sweet. We know your Mom is glad to have you home even if it is only for te weekend!
Hurray Bugsy! You're almost DONE with those nasty treatments! We're glad you had a good birthday treat and got to be home this weekend.
I'm glad you're already home!
Bugsy, we are so glad you are home! It was nice that the cancer vet people made you signs and celebrated your birthday, but your're right...there's no place like home! That last picture of you with your mom says it really made us smile!!! Enjoy your time at home, Bugsy!
Great to see you back and looking so well Bugsy!
Next time please pee for the vet!
Oh glad things are going ok and you will be back home on Wednesday!
Lucy and Lyn
You are a very lucky little cat. Your Mommy loves you a lot.
Sally Ann
So good to see you home again, even if only for the weekend.. Hugs GJ x
I am so glad you are home. Sorry you had to be there for your B Day but your Mom is doing this so you will have lots of B Days in the future.
You take lots of naps with Mom .. it will be all over soon.
So good to see you home for the weekend, Bugsy!
I do the same thing holding pee from the vet (I usually let it go in the carrier on the way), but it doesn't work. They keep you there until you do!
Lap time with the Mommy is the best healing activity ever and it will keep away the nasty cancer!
Hi Bugsy!
Hooray! You're almost done with the v-e-t! It's cool that you got to come home on your birtday.
PS My bean had one of the nicest kitties a few years ago. His nickname was Bugsy. Cool, huh?
I am happy you are home
Its great for all of you :))
I hope you are feeling well bugsy
hugs from me
Kareltje =^.^=
Bugsy, you are looking really good! I'm glad you are almost done with your treatments. It was so sweet of the staff to help you celebrate your birthday!
Ahh, Bugster, the bottom photo--melts all our hearts! You look like where you need to be! Glad to hear just 3 more treatments, and The Mommy gets to get you! You're home on a nice cool weekend. Good snugglin' weather!
Noir the Neighbor!
Yay, Bugsy! Good to see you are home and doing so well.
And you got to celebrate your birthday twice, good for you. With all the fuss they put you trough (even if it is for your own good) you really deserve it.
Bugsy, we are all purring for you, and hope you have as much laptime as possible!
We're so glad you are home for the weekend and that you're almost done with the radiation. That was really nice of the cancer V-E-T people to celebrate your bithday. Get loads of laptime and next time drink lots of water before you visit the V-E-T!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy late birthday and happy homecoming. I am so glad that you are home. Enjoy all of the babying that your mom will give to you.
We are glad that you got to spend some wonderful time home with your mom!
We hope very much so that all goes well at the cancer vet when you go back. We hope that the bladder clears up too.
Bugsy, we are soooo happy you are well on the road to complete recovery! Our loudest purrs to you!!!
That is a very good report Bugsy. I think you look very cool with your one eye.
Huffle Mawson
Yay! A short week and then you're done. What brave mancat! You look so happy to be stretched out in comfort on your mommy. Good Luck Bugsy, we'll keep the purrs going for you.
~Lisa Co9T
We are glad that you are doing well with the radiation and that you are keeping all of your weight!!! Whoo hoo!!!
We are glad that you guys are enjoying your Ham-Micks!!!
Luf, Us
That is all awesome news (except for the medicine part!). We can't wait till you can be home for good sweet Bugsy!
I hope things go well for you. You are a very brave kitty.
Yay Bugsy! That last pic is just how cats should be... Curled up on their humans laps.
Glad to hear your doing well and not having any side effects from the vet.
Bugsy, we are sorry we didn't get to read your post sooner (Mom's fault). You're looking good and we're thrilled yoo are doing so well.
We hope your Momma spoils yoo lots while yoo are haffing the nasty treatment. Our Mom sends yoo her love too.
Yay Bugsy! We are very late posting but it is good you were home for the weekend! We are glad you are almost done and will be home this week!
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