We did it! Our funny little post on Sunday about being Island Cats -- due to our kitchen island -- was deemed to be clever enough by The Powers That Be (otherwise known as Wally, Ernie, and Zoey, The Island Cats themselves) to earn us honorary membership in The Island Cat Club!

Now, we're just honorary members, not full/real members, but we're just so darn pleased and thrilled that they thought enough of us and our little humorous contribution to cat society, that we can hardly see straight. After all, we live in the interior of mostly land-locked Texas, not exactly a hotbed of island activity once you get past the coastal areas, and so we never expected this honor at all.
We will display this badge with pride not only in our Trophy Room, but also over there on the side bar on the front page. Thanks so much, Wally, Ernie and Zoey, we really are thrilled!

concats my friends! you know, we went to get one of those wonderful play things we raffled and you won- and they were all out! they are no more! stupid hansel has done terrible damage to our fortress. His fat butt collapsed it!
Congratulations on you membership! We liked your Island post.
Kitty Krew,
Well deserved AWARD too.
Mom and I like your spooky pictures at the top of your blog too.
Madi and Mom
We gave Sassy an award. Stop by and pick it up!
We're glad you're in the club because now we're not the noobs anymore and you guys have to bring the nip to the next meeting!
That is Pawesome "Cousins"!!! We too only have an island in our kitchen, but sometimes mom calls herself "an island unto herself" We don't get it, but she says it's the truth!!! MOL...
Congratulations! Now lets see some sail boat pictures :)
~Lisa Co9T
Congratulations! We would be just as pleased as you are.
Concatulations on your honorary membership! You are in very good company!
Congratulations! We think if it keeps raining here we'll be on an island soon!
Concats ! You deserve ^^
Wow! Concatulations! That's really an honor!
YAY!!!!!!!!! We are so happy that you got honorary membership!!!! We think it was well deserved....xxxxxxxx
Well, well, how very creative. We don't have a kitchen island, nor do we live on or near an island, so I guess we're out of luck.
Millie's Mom used to make those nice quilts so many of us cat blogosphere kitties have. You can leave a comment on her page or email her at darlingmillieATgmailDOTcom to see if her Mom still makes them.
Congratulations, islands have beaches ya know, you can chase the sea gulls too!!!
Way to Go !!!
Congrats on your honourary Island Cats award! That WAS really stretching it with the kitchen island -- but hey -- more power to you! What fun!
Wow congratulations.. what an honour.. Hugs GJ xx
Congrats to you "Island Cats" !!!!! We really like your island,heehee
Very creative ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
This was a well deserved 'honorary' membership!
*woo hoo*
Concats!! What an honor!
Congratulations. The good thing is now you can call the kitchen island your honorary home.
Congratulations! Also like the spooky look for the month.
We've posted a story to our blog today, so if you want a 5 minute read, drop by. http://www.lepak.com/katztales.html
Concats on being in the club...we can' be. Sigh. We don't live on an island at all. We can only be wanna bees.
Oooo, we'd love to visit your island... we could fish for the tuna on the beaches!
Congrats!! That is great!!!
Purrs Goldie
PS~ as to your question as to if we were allowed outside before, yes Shade and I used to go out before a family of foxes moved in to our front yard this Spring and the PM saw a cougar in our back yard. We hope to have a outside enclosure next summer.
Welcome to the club kitties!
Congrats - that is so cool that you are honorary members!
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