Guarding two of The Mommy's most important possessions...
the Tivo remote and the Kindle ebook reader...

PS - The Mommy has a new post on her other blog with a couple of Hawaii photos, if'n you're interested...we promise we won't let her Pimp Her Blog every time she posts!

You're a great protector!!! We'll go check out the Hawaii pics!
Hi Sassy,
You are a beautiful, gray-in-charge Kitty. So what is your favorite program to Tivo?
Madi and Mom
So that's what one of those book reader things look like...does The Mommy like it? With you protecting we are ALL safe!
You're doing a good job guarding those two precious things for your Mom, Sassy!
Is today the day that Bugsy finishes his chemo?
Be careful with your Mommy toys ;)
Guard cat front & center & on duty. You are doing a great job!
MOL! Today she turns 29, but next year she will be 29 again! :)
Good job Sassy! We'll go check out the Hawaii pics......
What a GRRR08 job Sassy! Now, nothing can get to them!!!
Those are some important human things...but we hope she doesn't spend too much time with them and spends lots of time with you!!
Sassy you make a great guard cat! We're going to go and look at the Hawaii baycashun photos.
We'll go check out the other blog...would love to see pictures of Hawaii...I can't believe she didn't take you with her! You are doing a great job guarding the remote and kindle.
Thanks....we visited your Mom's other page last night and our Mom really enjoyed the photos.
great photo of you........xxxxxxxx
Great pictures of Hawaii! They really do look like postcards.
Sassy is as gorgeous as efur. Have you left her in charge of this blog?
Sassy, you look gorgeous today! We love gray kitties (obviously!)
I think between the two at my house the remote is the most important. It is good that you are keeping an eye on it as around here it can never be found.
That's an impawtant duty yoor doing guarding posesshuns!
Very important job!
That is a very important job you have Sassy - the Tivo remote is very important - so is that Kindle!
Is everyone on pins and needles for Bugsy's homecoming tonight? We are looking forward to tomorrow's post on his progress report.
You're awfully cute there Ms Sassy... We won't forget you.
Sassy good work!
We hope you got paid well (with lots of treats!)
Good job. Watch out that those pesky amazons don't make the books disappear.
Hey Sassy,
Great job protecting your Mommy's stuff! What is it? We will go check those Hawaii pics too!
You must have been the protector for the day ..
You are so good at protecting your mom's stuff! Jen has been thinking of getting a Kindle. She says that she spends so much money on books that it would pay for itself in a few months!
Can't wait till my book is on there... sigh.
Did you get paid for your hard work there Sassy?
Huffle Mawson
Mom said to tell yoo she sorted out the RSS feed thingy so now yoor mom's bloggie is linked to our mom's bloggie so we have ALL the Kitty Krew noos!
I like to guard the TV remotes too... but Bronzy thinks they are for chasing and wacking around. Silly girl!
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