Hi peoples! I'm Ziggy, the youngest new member of The Kitty Krew. The people at the shelter named me Thor, but The Mommy said that just wouldn't do here at my new home. We have Rules to follow here, y'see, and Thor didn't work at all. All the long-time members had a name ending in 'y' or 'ie', and it wouldn't do for me to not fit in, right? So now I'm Ziggy. It's okay, I didn't really know the name Thor all that much anyway. I like Ziggy, it's a fun name and I'm a fun cat.
And I've got some great nicknames, too. Zig; Zig Zig; Zig Zag ('cause I can be running across a room and then turn on a dime to avoid something - or just because I want to!); Zoom Zoom (for much the same reason! MOL); Z-boy (that's from Zoolatry!); Ziggy Boy; Zigster. Sometimes I'm not really sure what my name is exactly... MOL
I'm a brown/black/gray and white tabby mancat in training, 'cuz I'm still less than a year old. I was born in late April, so I'm not yet 7 months but more than 6 months. I guess my momma kitty had me and some siblings unexpectedly and her bean couldn't keep us kittens and so took us to the no-kill shelter, where The Mommy came and rescued me. I was the first one to greet her and say hello and lick her fingers when she came into one of the cat rooms at the shelter! (See how smart I am??)
The Mommy says that in many ways, I'm a typical kitten; I'll be playing really hard and running and going, and then WHAM! Down I'll plop for a nap. Well, hey, playing and running and going wears a guy out, y'know? But I'll have her know, I'm anything but a typical kitten. I mentioned how smart I was at the shelter, to get her attention quickly, but see what else I've already learned in my 2 weeks here? I've learned to play with the nip nanner...
I've learned good grooming habits...complete with cute pink tongue!
And I've learned about the importance of the comfy hairy blankies!
I dare say that most typical kittens aren't near that smart. Ha!
Anyways, I look forward to getting to know you kitties and other aminals and peoples better in the days to come!

You are a super duper cutie patootie! Concatulations to you and Ziggy on your new wonderful forever home!
Hi ya, Ziggy!! We're so happy that you are part of the Krew now!!
Ziggy you have Mom squealing over your markings! She loves tabby patches on a white coat.
Hi Ziggy. You are a handsome little chap aren't you.
You are just gorgeous.. I love you already.. Welcome little Ziggy... Hugs GJ x
Hiya Ziggy! We are your "kinda" cousins. Cousins by name that is! Welcome. You couldn't have landed yourself a better furrever home/family! You will be totally loves there! We hope you can come to your first purrday pawty tomorrow offur at our pad. Skeeter's turning 13!
Ziggy you are adorable. I wouldn't have been able to resist you either.
Hello, Ziggy! You have landed in a super furever home. Your Mom will spoil you and love you and give you the best life has to offer. WE are glad you are getting on with your furblings. Nice to meet you!
We are so happy to meet you, Ziggy, and look forward to getting to know you.....you are going to make a most handsome mancat. Wonderful pics.
Hi there Ziggy!! You are one sweet kitty!
you're very cute !
Besides being smart, you are just adorable looking. How can anyone resist a kitty having that combination of being smart and cute? I bet that your new Mom and Dad just love you completely!
Ziggy your face is so expressive for a young kitty. How smart are you to run quickly to the nicest lady in the shelter!!! Genius we say.
Welcome to the blog world,
Madi and Mom
Zigg-what a cutie, welcome. We look forward to hearing about your adventures.
Hi Ziggy! You sure *are* a smart little boy. And cute, too!
Hey Ziggy, we have a lot in common. Not just the namey thing (we are Dushi, Paddy and our mommy is Briti), but we are also born at the same time, end of april. On top of that we all have a great place to live. You are going to have so much fun.
We is furry happy to tell you's that the lovely blankie arrived over the weekend! Of course, I, Scout, am a furry generous brofur to da kitties an' will allow them to lay on it when they wants to. I'm really happy to do that because our momma is following the kitties around the house with the flashy box and the blankie hollerin' "here, kitty, kitty". We know what she's up to an' it's NO GOOD!
Hi Ziggy!
IT is furry nice to meetcha. You'll meet lots of nice kitties in the CB! Welcome and enjoy!
Welcome Ziggy! I can tell already, you are going to be famous! I look forward to more pictures of you and your kitten antics!
~Lisa Co9T
How wonderful! Ziggy, you must be so happy to have a new wonderful forever home! You're handsome!
Sounds you are having a great time in your new foreverhome, ThorZiggy!
So nice to meet you, Ziggy! You really lucked out scoring this home! Best in town from what we hear :)
Hello Zig Zag!!! OMC you're so cute!!
Hi Ziggers,
Yoo don't know it yet but yoo got so lucky in finding a forever home wiv the Kitty Krew ~ we are really happy for yoo.
Nice to meet you Ziggy and welcome to the family!
Ziggy it's great to meet you...you are very lucky to have found the Kitty Krew!
Nice to meet you, Ziggy! I love your new name -- it really seems to suit you. It's good to know that you're adapting to your new home so well, and having lots of fun.
I look forward to hearing more about you from now on.
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