Today is Day 4 of captivity, and I just heard Dr. Vet tell The Mommy that he wants to keep me here all the rest of the weekend. Assuming that'll end up meaning at least most of Monday too, I'm looking at 6 days minimum in the joint... Gee, no one told me I'd have to do hard time!"
My poor baby.

He's hoping to be able to avoid exploratory-type surgery (as opposed to fixing-it type surgery, exploratory would be just to figure out what's really going on), and also hoping to avoid giving her heavy doses of steroids -- on the one hand, apparently steroids can potentially help some of the problem (whether the real problem or with just some of the symptoms I'm not quite sure), but on the other hand, steroids are bad and can have other lasting nasty effects.
The end result is things are still kinda up in the air, and they're doing everything they can, and my precious Callie girl has to stay away for at least 2-3 more days.

Thank you all once again for all the hugs and prayers and purrs and everything, they are all so very much appreciated.

Oh the poor sweetie! We have been purring and will continue to do so until you're home and feeling like your awesome self again, Callie!
I have been away from the computer for a while so only just found out about Callie, hope she is better real soon and back home with you all.
Lyn and Lucy
OH our poor sweet cousin Callie! We hope you're doing ok at the V~E~T. They are keeping you there so you'll get all better! We know you must be scared and lonely, but your mom just wants to get you better! Don't be angry at her for that. And just think of how PAWesome it's going to be when you get home!!! You're going to be showered with all sorts of love, affection, attention, NOMS, toys, etc... Get well NOW cousin!
omgg you're going thru some stuff! hugs, purrs, cuddles, n love Callie!!!!!!!!
Aw, man...that sucks. I was sick like that for a while but they didn't have to cut me open. I hope they don't have to do anything like that to Callie and that she just gets better on her own.
Sorry Callie is still at the vets but it does sound like they are narrowing it down! Gall bladder is probably easier to deal with than pancreas. Can cats get gallstones?
Callie, you darlin' little sweetie.......we're purring and purring and purring that you will suddenly get 100% better so you can head home. We're missing you big time, sweetie. xxxxxxxxxxxx
I just checked in and saw that Callie was off at the vet and such.....purrs and hugs your way, I barely made it through Asia's spay last week! Hope she feels better soon!
You got my loudest purrs and lots of love comming your way.. Hugs GJ xx
Sending loads of puurrs and positive healing vibes! (((hugs)))
Sweet Callie! WE are sending loud rumplb purrs to you and Mom.
Poor Callie! We'll purr for you to get better and get out of jail SOON!!
Poor sweet Callie :(
We are sending more purrs to you Callie. We hope the vet soon gets you feeling better.
We saw on Cat Blogosphere that Callie was ill. Our prayers and purrs are with her.
Steroids arn't always horrible. Our cat brother has been on and off them for over two years. When he is ill it is the only thing that helps. God bless.
Speaking as a bean who gave up her's the best organ to have removed... it wasn't tooo bad for me. We are purring for Callie and hope they can fix her up without too much fuss.
Sounds like they are getting closer and Callie must be feeling a bit better. Hugs and purrs!
Oh noes!!! Poor Callie :( We will be purring for her really really hard!!!
It's sad to be sick,but having to stay in the hospital too,oh man!!! We will purr for the Vet to figure out what is wrong and fix Callie so she can come home :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Ah, the poor dear there for even longer. We'll try to purr so hard, she can hear it. All our best to Callie and all of you.
Sweet, sweet Callie--we're purring as loud as we can!! She needs to come home!
Oh Honey, I am so sorry that you are not feeling well and worse yet are not at home getting spoiled by your mommie. Anyway know that maybe you are better at the hopsital for furries where they can keep an eye on you and make you to feel better.
I so hope that they figure out what is wrong and can help.
I will be thinking of you and her ...
Oh, poor Callie. We're still purring and purraying lots and lots for you, and for the v-e-t to work out how to help you.
Bigs hugs to all of you,
Gypsy & Tasha
Oh sweetie... you are in all our thoughts, please feel much much better and remember that home is where tuna and cuddles are, you need to get better and go there!!
Awwwwwwww ~ we are sending get well purrs for Callie. And smoochies for you all.
Just wanted you to know that we're still purring for you, Callie! Love to you and your mom.
Bless your heart Callie!! Hang in there, and we hope you can come home on Monday!
Luf, Us
Oh dear sweet Callie...
We is purrin and purrin and purrin.We hope you feel better and we will keep you in our purrayers until you are back with the Kitty Krew.
purr on
Aw, poor Callie! We are still purring very hard that the vets can figure out what's going on and she is better!
oh boy we're real sorry about miss callie still being at the vet- Did they do an ultrasound on her yet? and an xray and so forth? Sometimes steroids can really help (we HATE them though) so hopefully things will look up. please keep us posted.
Any noos on Callie? We are keeping our paws crossed that she is better.
Smoochies from Milo and Alfie xx
We missed this update, but Mom wanted us to tell you that she had a dream about Callie last night! She said that in her dream, everything was just fine and Callie was doing fine! She can't remember the whole thing, but it was just something she ate that she shouldn't have.
We're purring our furry butts off that our Mom's dream is true and Callie comes home soon.
Oh wait, we didn't miss the update...geez, this Monday and not enough coffee thing with our Mom is getting out of hand!
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