Today's a big day for Callie. I didn't want to 'ruin' Pixie's Gotcha Day yesterday by adding this as a new post for the day when holding off until today didn't seem to make much difference, but yesterday was kind of a bittersweet day. Happy because of Pixie, sad because of Callie.
She wasn't doing very well at all, still not really eating Wednesday night or yesterday morning, plus she had an incision that opened up on her right arm where she'd been shaved for her IVs and stuff, so I decided to drop her back off at Dr. Vet's yesterday morning; since they're closed half the day on Fridays, I thought it would be best to do it Thursday when she could be there with them there the full day if needed. Well, Dr. Vet himself called me just a couple of hours later and said that she was doing so not well, that if it was okay with me, he was calling Dr. Surgeon Vet's office to see how soon they could fit her in, as he felt that was really the best thing for her at this point. Of course, I said absolutely. Good news is, they could fit her in today (Friday).
I just got back to the office after taking Callie in and talking with Dr. Surgeon Vet. He agreed that based on all the information he had available to him, surgery seems the best solution. What exactly will be done is -- say it with me, kitties! -- up in the air. It just depends on what they see once they get in there, and whether the "easy" ("easy" being relative) fix works or whether they have to move to Plan B. But they'll know while they're in there if Plan A will appear to be the right option, so it wouldn't be a case of trying Plan A, close her up, see if it works and if not, go back in later for Plan B. Risks and complications are possible with either option, blah blah blah yadda yadda yadda.
So Miss Callie Boo will be having surgery today.
I'm being Pollyanna today and I know there will be no risks and no complications and everything will go just great and she'll be good as new in no time! Cross your paws that I'm right, hey?
UPDATE 12:30pm
Just talked with Dr. Surgeon Vet. Please please please ramp up those emergency purrs. Callie went through 1-1/2 hours of surgery, they had to go to Plan B. Her biliary tract was bloated 4 times as big as it should be due to the blockage, they don't know if it's infection-related or cancer/tumor and won't be able to tell until they get test results back (not something they can determine by eye), so they had to re-route her gallbladder directly to another portion of the drainage system, essentially. There are other risks associated with that. Her liver was bright yellow due to jaundice, not a good thing. And they may have to give her blood to keep her going, which apparently is very rare in cat surgery. And they had no 'known-to-be-clean' blood on hand. He has his own personal cat there today and is willing to get some from his cat for her if it turns out to be needed.
She's very sick, very unstable. The next few hours are critical.
UPDATE 1:00pm
Talked to Dr. Surgeon Vet again. Callie definitely needed blood, but they found some 'clean' blood at one of the other clinics in their building so are giving her that now. He said that his gut feeling (um, no pun intended), based on how she's acting/reacting, is that the blockage is going to end up being due to cancer, but that's just his feeling, no test results are back this quick (and he didn't say and I didn't think to ask how long it takes to get them back, I don't think they do that onsite). But I also didn't bother asking yet what we do if it is. It's too soon right now to ask 'what if' in that case -- just keeping herself alive the next 2-3 hours is taking everything she has right now to worry about anything else.
They've done all they can. It's up to her body to do what it needs to do this afternoon to keep going. Come on, baby, you can do it!!

Bless poor Ms Callie......she is in our purrayers, and we also have our paws crossed for her....and our Mom sends her Mom lotza love and hugs. We love all of you. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh...we are purring so very hard for Callie! We're gonna think positive like you...everything is gonna go well, they are gonna find out what's wrong and fix her like new!
We're sending you a big hug too...we know how scary this is...and if we could be there in person to give you a big hug, we would!
I'll be praying for Callie !
Oh dear sweet Miss Callie
We is sending up big purrs for you right now. WE hope that Plan A is what works best and that your sweet Mommy will get some relief from all her worries. We will wait to read updates...
purrin hard for the Kitty Krew!
Abby,Boo,Ping,Jinx,Gracie & Mom Debra
We are purring very hard and have got everything crossed for Callie that plan A is a successful option. We send purrs and love to all of you, and big comforting (((hugs))) for your mum.
Sweet Cousin Callie! We just KNOW you will pull through this ordeal with FLYING COLORS!!! You are a strong girl who has a loving family who needs you home and you need them! We will be anxiously awaiting the news from your mom! We are still sending super duper strong TURBO-rific PURRS to you sweetie!!!
Your "Cousins"
The Kool~Kittie~Krew
I so hope that today will fix her. Just know that you have done everything possible for her. Maybe today you will have some answers .. and know what to do.
I'll be thinking of you ...
We are seeing all going well with the surgery and Callie being fine after! Purrs and prayers for you all!
Oh yes, we are purring hard for Miss Callie's surgery to go well, and for her to be back with you in good health as soon as possible.
We love you Callie!
Oh my goodness. We are just now catching up on all the updates for toda. Bless Callie's heart. We are purring as hard as we can possibly purr, all seven of us and Dixie dog is sending her best quiet healing woofs. Callie's a tough girl and she has lots and lots of prayers headed her way from all over the CB. We are praying for really good news on the next update.
Big hug to you, mom. We know this is so difficult for you emotionally and physically. You are doing everything possible for your sweet girl!
We is going into over drive wif our purrs and mom is purraying and lighting a healing candle just fur Callie...she just hasta be okay!
Callie, we are sending loud rumbly purrs and gentle head bumps to you and the Mommy. Hang in there, girls! Get better. We would come hold your hand if it would help!
Oh Callie we just can't believe how this is going - we are sending you all our purrs and prayers to get better. And we are sending tons of hugs and kitty headbutts to your mom - we know how hard this has to be for her. We are still here if you all need anything! Come on Callie, we know you can win this one - we are really really purring and praying for you!
Oh boy, we're going to definitely purr like crazy for Callie! Poor little girl, we're sure she's a fighter and Deli and Sweet Pea are sending tortie purrs (which are tricolor-powered, apparently). Mommy says she is sending purrs to The Mommy (she purrs?) because she can only imagine how you feel right now...she feels Callie will be fine...all positive thoughts and positive purrs.
I'm sorry we missed all these updates on the day. But we were purring for Callie anyway. We are so sorry she's gone to the Bridge now.
We truly are so sorry to hear this. We hope Callie will meet my sisters Taffy, Misty and PooPoo at the Bridge and become fast friends till we see them again.
--JB, Chester, CB, Armani, Gaia
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