They resuscitated her a couple of times, but things finally proved to just be too much for my poor baby and she didn't make it.
Thank you all so much for all the purrs and purrayers and hugs. I can't tell you how much it means to me.
Goodbye, sweet Callie.

Oh my gosh I am so sorry that Callie is gone. I honestly don't even know what to say right now - I had really hoped so hard that she would be ok. We are sending you tons of supportive purrs and prayers and lots of purrs and prayers to Callie at the bridge. I am sure that Floyd met her there and is showing her around.
There really are no words to say to lighten your sadness or sense of loss at a time like this. Know that Callie knew she was loved and was happy being with you for many years. You have many, many fond memories your times together and time will never take those away.
My deepest sympathies,
We are so sorry to hear about Callie. I know there is nothing we can say to lessen your sorrow. Just know that she is with you always in your hear and your memories.
Oh no. I am so sorry Callie had to go to the Bridge. You did everything you could for her. My sincerest sympathies and soft purrs to you during this sad time.
Oh, no...we're so sorry for your loss. Sweet Callie will be missed by all of us. Please know that you're in our purrs and purrayers.
~Tristan, Crikey and Mom Angela
I am so sorry to hear this sad news. She was a sweet girl but was just so sick. She is no longer in pain. Take your time to grieve and love on the other kitties.
I am so sorry to hear this! We know Callie is OK now, but we also know how much this must hurt for you.
Sending you lots of love, purrs, and many ((((hugs))))
Katie and the cats
Callie was a sweetie and we're all going to miss her very much! We're now directing our purrs and love to you, to help you in this time. We think Callie is going to make a very pretty angel.
At times like this we never know what to say......we are so sad and Mom's cheeks are so wet. We send all our love and hugs to you, in hopes that in some small way that will give you comfort. We will miss Sweet Callie a lot.
I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Callie. For her to have gone so quickly has got to be quite the shock too. I'm praying for your family.
We are so shocked. We are so so sorry.
Sally Ann
Oh My ...
I am so very sorry.
May her soul be at Peace and she is now at the Rainbow Bridge playing with her friends.
I'm giving you a big hug ...
xo xo
We are all so sorry to hear about Callie. Our hearts are breaking with you and we send your our warmest purrs...
A Message from Heaven
Speak not of death
for there is no such thing-
there is merely a parting of the ways.
I will walk on a little while
and wait
for you to count the sum of all your days.
And when you come
you'll find me waiting
with shining eyes
and silken well groomed fur.
You'll take me in your arms
just as you used to do
and angel choirs will be
drowned out by purrs.
~ By Helen Mack
Abby,Boo,Ping,Jinx,Gracie & Mom Debra
Oh we are so very sorry!!! Mom's eyes are all leaky right now. She can barely type our words. We are sending you purrs and hugs trying to bring you some comfort during this sad time...
Wally, Ernie, Zoey and mom Sue
We didn't expect this. Tommy tears in her eyes--and mine are a little misty too. Words cannot express how we fill about Callie and you. Prayers,purrs--you as The Mommy, did everything you could do. You did. Believe that. Heaven needed another angel.
And I promise you--tonight, when all is quiet, you will hear a familiar purr.
Noir & Mommy & Brother Earl Gray & Peyton & Perry & Tommy (our human mom)
Oh, no. Just seeing the title sent us rushing over here. We are so sorry you lost her. Purrs, tail wags & {{{hugs}}}
We were really hoping for a little Christmas miracle for Callie. We are really sorry she didn't make it. All we can offer are our deepest sympathies and love.
Oh noes!!!!! WE are so very sorry that sweet Tortie girl Callie is gone :o We know you did everything for her and loved her too. This will leave a big Callie sized hole in your heart.
WE are sending you purrs as you must be so sad right now.We will miss her very much too.
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
I am so sorry to hear that Callie went to the bridge. Please know my mom and my thoughts are with you now.
We are so very sorry to hear your sad news. We had so hoped she would make a recovery.We send our condolences, purrs and (((hugs))).
Oh no.
I am very very sorry :(
I was really hoping somehow Callie would be ok.
I can't think of anything to say except how lucky you were to have had each other.
We will miss beautiful Callie.
Love and Purrs,
Missy Blue Eyes
Faith Boomerang
We are so sorry to hear of your loss. It's especially sad when we lose a beautiful tortie girl.
We will purr and light a candle in her memory.
Toby, Cupcake and Kate
Our deepest sympathy to you all in your loss of sweet Callie. Know that you did all you could for her. She is with you always now as your angel!
Oh, we are so sorry that Callie is gone. We are sending you many hugs and purrs and purrayers. This is a very hard time.
Luf, Us and Maw
I am sorry to hear about Callie. I am sending you purrs and prayers.
OMG No way! I was sure she was gonna pull through this! Good gracious, I wasn't expecting this. My heart goes out to you and all I can say otherwise is my email is always open. Hugs to all of you.
We wanted to check in before going to bed, hoping to see a good update on Callie. We are so very sorry for your loss. You did everything you could for your sweet girl. We know Cal was there to greet her when she arrived at the Bridge. Rest assured, she is in good paws! We will miss Callie very much, she was a very special tortie.
You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers during this very sad time. Soft purrs and hugs,
The Creek Cats
we are so sad to hear that callie went on to the bridge. we will be sending comforting purrs to your home.
momsbusy, yuki, kintaro & tt
We are so very sorry that Callie had to leave your family. We send you many gentle purrs of comfort.
Run free, sweet Callie ...
I just read your post from earlier and I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet Callie.
You did the best you could for her and now she is free. Hold your other babies tight and let them give you comfort. We are all here for you.
Mom Hugs and purrs from Fin
We're so sorry to hear about Callie. Our hearts are breaking but we know she's in a better place feeling like a kitten again. Our thoughts and purrayers are with you.
Oh, so sad to think of being joyful this season when we have lost a friend...just think of an angel, of snowflakes, of the love we shared. May your hearts rest easy, she is at peace.
We are so sad to hear you lost your sweet, precious Callie.
(((HUGS))) and purrs to all of you.
We were very sorry to hear about Callie.
We are so sad to hear the news about sweet Callie. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
MamaCat & the FurryPurries
Ozzy, Alice, Bootsie, Freckles, Lola, Dandelo, Honey & Pinkie
We are so sad we don't know what to say. She knew you loved her and you did all you could for her. (((hugs))) and purrs for you and Callies fambly. Godspeed Callie, hope you've already made lots of friends at the Bridge.
Oh no, I am so very very sorry to hear this. Poor Callie. At least she is not in pain any more. And you did everything you could for her. Sending you big soft purrs.
Oh noes! Dis makes me and momma very sad, we had no ideas as we has been so busy and have not been able to visits bloggies. We is so very sorry for your loss of da sweet Callie. She is a very bootiful kitty and we knows you all are going to misses her very much. I am sending you all many gentle purrrrrrrrrrrrs.
I am so sorry that Callie went to the Rainbow Bridge. You have my utmost sympathy.
OMG! I am so so sorry for your loss. We really thought that Callie would get better!
Sleep well sweet Callie (((((hugs))))
Our hearts are sad. Callie was special, and we will always remember her. Prayers and purrs, from Maggy and Zoey, and Ann.
Oh we are so sad. We are at a loss for words. There is never a right time to lose a loved pet ~ but this time of year is even harder.
We do know that Cllie was and is loved. We know yoo did yoor best and she is no longer in pain. Please accept our sincere condolances.
Love and (((((hugs)))) from Mom. and huge PURRS from us.
So so sorry that your poor darling has gone.. There is not a lot that one can say to help, but I am feeling for you and send love accross to try and help a little. GJ sends you some of his loudest purrs.. Thinking about you.. Hugs GJ xx
We just heard the sad news. We are so sorry. Callie was a sweet girl, you all will be in our thoughts.
Purrs, Goldie, Shade and Banshee
My sisters and I are so very sorry to hear about your sweet Callie. All of our whiskers are weepy wet and we all know how very much you loved her. We would like to say thank you for sharing her with all of us so that we can remember her forever. We send warm loving purrs to you.
We are so very, very sorry. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Oh no! We're behind on our commenting and didn't know! How sad! So many kitties we know have gone to the bridge this year. We're sending purrs to your family and purrs that Callie meets Floyd and our Mr. Pickles on the Bridge.
We are so EXTREMELY saddened that our sweet "cousin" Callie has made her journey to The Bridge. Take peace in knowing that she left here with the TRUE meaning of love, a home, and a family, in her heart! You did everything you could for her and for that, she is grateful beyond words (or mews). She is now healthy, once again. And we can bet the Scooter was one of the first to greet her with open paws at the gates. She must look wonderful with her new wings. She will ALWAYS be watching over all of you and will send you signs, over time. We want you all to know that we are thinking of you of this sad day.
Gentle Purrs and Hugs~
Your PA Cousins,
Skeeter, King, Pandora, Cricket, and mom, Shannon
PS...I just heard now so I am sorry I am just getting here. Once again, I am SO sorry for your loss of Sweet Callie.
Oh no! I am so very sorry for your loss. I feel heartbroken as well. We knew this was a possibility, but didn't think it would really happen.
The poor baby was struggling the last little while. At least she is at peace now. And she will be forever in your heart. You gave her the best life possible while she was here and the best chance at survival. You did everything you could.
Rest peacefully sweet Callie!
We're so sorry to hear about Callie. Our eyes are leaking and our hearts are heavy with saddness.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
we completely missed all of fridays post because the stupid mom was out shopping. We feel incredibly depressed this morning to hear about callie. We are so so so so so sorry.
If you need anyone to talk to or anything- we're here ok? Please hug your babies close and remember all the good times and share her story.
We hope to one day be lucky enough to meet her at the bridge.
oh no - we are so very very sorry! {{HUGS}} and many many purrrsssss to you all.
I'm so sorry you lost her. The good times with her will turn into golden memories sometime.
I know you are crushed. Our hearts are hurting for you.
We are praying for all of you.
Perhaps she is snuggling with Princess right now
Purrs to you on your loss.
We are so very sorry to learn that Callie had to go to The Bridge.
Sending you purrs and prayers.
~ The Bunch
I am so sorry to hear of your loss of Callie. Your family is in mine and my Mom's thoughts.
Oh I'm so sad to hear that Callie had to go to the Bridge. This just brings so much back for my mom who lost our guardian angel Maggie to agressive bile duct cancer in 2005. Our hearts and our thoughts and our purrs are with you and your family.
Sending warm and gentle purrs to all of you.
Oh no. We are all crying with this unexpected news. Goodbye, sweet pretty Callie.
Purrs to all of you in this time of heartbreak,
William and family.
I'm so sorry. ::hugs::
We are very sorry to hear about Callie. Our purrs to you all.
So sorry sweety. Tears. My heart aches for you all. Peace be with you.
~Lisa, DP, Moseley, BJ, Wizard, Nick, Penny, Angus, Yukon, Snafu and Owen.
Sorry to hear about Callie. Sending hugs for all of you and your lovely furry family.
Julie and Poppy Q
My khytty pals in Pawsylvania sent me -
Too many khanines and khats have khrossed this week inkhluding my eldest SibeSta Kyrye -
Our thoughts are with woo -
We are so sorry that Callie had to go so soon. Sending purrs to you!
(this may show up twice due to some kinda browser trouble)
I am so sorry to hear about Callie. My thoughts and Moki and the gangs purrs are with you.
We is so sorry! Poor Ms Callie will be sorely missed. Our thots is wif you all. Try to focus on happier memries to ease yur pain.
Hugs and purrs,
Victor, Nina, & Tabbymom Jen
Oh we're so sorry that the lovely Callie lost her battle. Our hearts go out to all of you. We're sending gentle hugs and soft head butts to comfort you,
Gypsy & Tasha
We are so sorry for your loss. We'll be purring for you...
We are so sorry for your loss of Callie. She took all your love with her over the Bridge to wait for you. We are sending you many comforting purrs and prayers.
I am so sorry to hear about Callie.
Kareltje =^.^=
Anya :-)
We're so sorry to hear the terrible news about Callie. Sending comforting vibes and purrayers for your loss....
I am so sorry Callie had to go to the Bridge :´-(
A big (((HUG))) and purrayers.
We're so sorry to hear about your losing Callie. Our hearts go out to you, especially at this time of year.
I haven't been near a computer for awhile and just saw this. I'm so, so sorry to hear about Sweet Callie. I know that you will all miss her and so will we. Until we meet again sweet girl...
Love and headbutts,
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