Today is day three of my
Yes, it's now day three for Callie at the vet's.

I'm a bit frustrated, not so much with him specifically but just with not knowing. It makes me want to run over there (yeah, I know he's not there now, but work with me here...) and shake him and then run to wherever the expert vet person is and shake him/her and yell at them "I know you're also working on other cats/dogs and they're hurting and need you too and their mommies love them and are worried, too, and I DON'T CARE, MY CALLIE IS SICK AND SHE IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANY OF THEM SO FIND OUT WHAT'S WRONG AND FIX HER!!!!!!!!!!" But I don't, because I know they are also working on other cats/dogs and they're hurting and need the vets too and those cats/dogs' mommies love them and are worried, too, and I do care.
So mostly I'm just ranting here, letting off some emotional steam, and sitting here continuing to worry.
I didn't bother to call in this morning to see if there was any news, because I figured he would call me if there was any. And it reminded me of a conversation my boss and I had just on Monday. We had a client that emailed to ask where such-and-such document was and when they would have it, and I made the comment to my boss that *that* reminded me of a line from a movie where they're trying to evacuate a city due to an asteroid fragment coming to whack it and the news people stop the FEMA guy to ask him if he really thinks the whole city can be evacuated, and he replies along the lines of, "Yes, and we'd have a better chance if I didn't have to keep stopping to answer your questions." [Bonus points if you can name the cheesy movie, the city being evacuated, and the actor who plays the FEMA guy!] So with the client, it would be "We could get it to you sooner if we didn't have to stop and reply to your question on when you would get it." And the whole point of this is that it's no use calling the vet for news, 'cause he'd have news for me sooner if he can keep working on Callie instead of having to stop and answer the phone to tell me he doesn't have news yet because he had to stop and answer the phone...

Okay, I'm rambling here and I know it...but I know y'all understand my need to. Thanks. Probably no new news later, but if I hear anything, I'll be sure and let y'all know.
And by the way, about that guilt thing about her being in pain and not knowing? Yeah, my head knows I shouldn't feel bad because cats hide their pain well. But try telling my heart moms out there will agree. I should have known, I should have taken her in sooner, I should have...not failed her. Whatever. But don't worry, I won't wallow in it (too much). I'm doing what I can *now*, and that's all I can do...

Oh hun! I really wish there was something I could do to make it all better. All I can do is keep my fingers crossed and send loads of positive vibes. Doesn't feel like enough!
Callie, get better soon, you're mummy loves you and is very worried! xxx
Rant, Vent, Scream, Cry...whatever you need to do! She WILL get better and that V~E~T guy had better call tomorrow! He doesn't want the "cousins" from the PA Mountains calling! LOL Hope she's home soon!
We understand your frustration of not knowing what's going on. We are glad to hear Callie is doing better! Will continue to purr and purray for her until she is back home where she belongs.
Callie is in my thoughts and purrs!
~Lisa Co9T
Our mom says you should go ahead and rant and rave and ramble!! We are still purring for sweet Callie and we hope and pray you get some good news soon!!
When my cats were at the VET, I, too, was very worried---almost worried sick! I'm with you: the hardest part is the waiting and not knowing. So, go ahead rant and rave. You love your cat just like we love ours.
Hopefully, the vet will get in touch with you soon. I pray that what troubles Callie is not too serious and that she will be able to recover fully.
Big hugs from our Mom to Callie's Mom, along with much love and understanding.
We know you have to vent and we're happy to be here for you to vent to. We love you guys and continue to purr and purray....and hope that Callie will be home really soon.
My mom totally understands all of it. I think she would recommend eating a dozen cupcakes or something, you know, just to keep your mind off it for awhile. We do so hope you get some news soon and that it's good.
We all know how you feel and what you are going through! A lot of us have been there! And may be again! WE are purring for her and you!
Ranting and raving is good. Bottling your emotions up will just make you feel worse. We hope you hear from the vet in the morning, if not, DO ring. Ask the receptionist if she or a nurse can get an update for you. They can speak to the vet without him having to come to the phone until he has more time. I used to work for a vet and I would relay an update on his behalf all the time. Mosy vets will appreciate how worried you are.
Tesla is also at the vets for a urinary tract infection- we just posted it on our blog. We def. know how bad mom's can feel. Mom's been kicking herself thinking it's all her fault and she missed signs- but, actually, tesla's been super happy and the sweetest girl lately- like a whole different cat, mom just thought she was real happy. She should've paid more attention to our litter box habits though, and she feels awful.
Oh gosh we really hope you have answers and good news soon! Purring for you both!
Poor Callie, another day away from home. We will keep purring for her to get well and come home soon.
Callie has a great Mom...and all of us Mom's out here know exactly how you feel. We are hopin that the Vet did call you with an update so at least you "know" what is going on.
Still purrin for Callie
purr on
Go ahead and let that Ramblin' Fever take over. It always helps! We're still purraying like crazy:)
Mom here. I know EXACTLY how you feel. We love our girls and it's so hard when you can't fix it and you feel no control.
So let it out and we are all here for you and your girl. If he doesn't call I say go down there and check. It's totally reasonable for you to do that. Purrs to you.
we totally unnerstand your need to vent and scream and stuffs. when grampa norton or the one who came before ralphie usded to be in the v-e-t place overnight she usded to barge her way into the office and demand to see them. some v-e-t-s did not like that at all and others were welcoming to her. she always wented back to the ones who were welcoming. that was sometimes her "test" of the v-e-t.
Indeed--rant, scream--do whatever you want to do! This is your kitty and you want her HOME! Tommy says she'll go and the hit the vet upside the head with her racquetball racquet---just give the word!
Prayers and purrs will always go out to you, sweet neighbor!
Not knowing is so difficult. We hope you get some (good) answers soon.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
The mom speaks:((((((((HUGS)))))))) You are allowed to ramble when one of yoor fur babies is poorly. It would be much kinder if the vet kept you updated ~ he has assistants ~ you'd think he could ask them to ring you. :sigh:
I'm sending good health wishes, and Milo and Alfie are purring like mad for Callie to get well too.
Paws crossed for Callie! And my mum says to your mum to try not to worry too much, Callie will get better and she is in the best place to do that.
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