It's Pixie's 3rd Gotcha Day today!

He immediately showed how fearless he was, attacking those scary plastic bags that were trying to escape the pantry.
And he quickly learned that crawling up in The Mommy's lap and curling up against her arm was a primo napping position, a place he still enjoys when he can.
Of course, any napping place is a good place, except when the flashy box thing intrudes...
With everything going on with Callie right now, we're just going to have a quiet celebration with The Krew rather than a big Blogosphere party; we hope you all understand. Besides, we're still cleaning up after the big bash for Bugsy, Sassy and Callie a couple of weeks ago, you kitties and woofies really helped us trash this place!

Happy Gotcha Day to our dear Pixie!

happy gotcha day pixie! we are purring still for your sisfur Callie. We are glad she is home. We are trying to think of a good way to get callie to eat. Did your vet give her any A/D to try? You said she has kidney trouble right? Did they try Renal LP pouches? A lot of cats like that- it's a kidney diet made by Royal Canin. (we can't remember what we've said before so forgive us if we repeat.)
There are lots of kidney foods. Purina NF, Hills K/D, Royal Canin Renal LP Pouches.... she's gotta like ONE of them. But in our experience, the lp pouch goes over best.
Happy Gotcha day, Pixie! You're very lucky to have such an awesome home!
We'll come over after Callie gets better with a case of nip and some snacks to celebrate!
BTW, we saw it was your Gotcha day on the CB page and thought it was another Pixie, cuz it said you hadn't posted in about a year...weird.
Happy Gotcha Day Pixie! What a gloriously, glossy saucepot you are!
Have a fun day!
Whicky & Family
Happy 3rd Gotcha Day Pixie! It's good to see you hale and hearty and enjoying life. (I wish it were the same for Callie.)
I hope you get to have lots of fun and some special treats even during this trying time.
Happy Gotcha Day Pixie! There will be plenty of time to celebrate as soon as Callie is all better!
Happy Gotcha Day, Pixie!! You sure have grown up to be a handsome mancat!! Hope you have a great day!
We're still purring for Callie too...
Happy Gotchya Day, Pixie!!! We hope you enjoy your day, Cousin. And we know, that as soon as Callie is feeling better, there will be a B~I~G bash!!!
Congratulations indeed Pixie!!! You are a very special kitty! We are still purring for sis Callie!
HAPPY GOTCHA DAY to you, Pixie.
HAPPY GOTCHA DAY to you, Pixie.
HAPPY GOTCHA DAY to you, Pixie.
You are so blessed to have found such a wonderful home. xxxxxxxxxx
We wanted our previous post to be for Pixie only. We had to come back and let y'all know that we continue to purr and purray for dear, sweet, Callie. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy Gotcha Day Anniversary to You Pixie !!!!!
JC & The Purr Gang
(Al, Ashton, Jasmine, Riley & Meredith)
Happy Gotcha Day sweet Pixie. And more purrs for callie. We are thinking abowt yoo all.
Ok first we have to sing to you (I have no clue what to tell you this is to the tune of because I don't know - but if you watch Futurama it is the birthday song for Nibbler. If you don't watch it then that reference will make no sense).
What day is today?
It's Pixie's Gottcha Day!
What a day for a Gotcha Day!
Let's all have some cake!
(Ok, I am not sure if the cake thing works, but I am not that creative)
So, on another note, we hope Callie is starting to eat something. We are sending her lots of purrs and prayers and "eat something" vibes. I am sure Pixie understands that right now is not a good time for a party.
Wishing Pixie a furry happy gotcha day!!!!!!!
Happy Gotcha Day Pixie !!!!!!!!
You were very lucky to have found such a great home!!! We know you will be spoiled lots & lots today too :)
Big hugs & purrs from us!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
PeeEss: We are purring for dear Callie
We hope she finds her appetite and starts feeling better.
Mickey is getting much better too. Thank you for your purrs :)
Happy Gotcha Day Pixie!
Happy Gotcha Day Pixie! We'll come back when Callie is better and have a big Gotcha Day party!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
A furry happy Gotcha Day, Pixie, tha hansome mancat.
O, Callie is so beautiful, hers looks like mine tortie sisfurs. Get well, pretty Callie.
Love & Purrs,
Happy Gotcha Day, Pixie!
Happy Gotcha Day, Pixie. So were such a cute little kitten (and never really changed)
A furry purry Gotcha Day Pixie.
We hope Callie is doing better.
purr on
Happy Gotcha Day! Hope you had a fun day celebrating with your family! I loved the photos of you when you were a tiny little cute kittie. Now you are still a cutie but much larger.
Happy Gotcha Day Pixie. We will be over to help you celebrate when Callie is better.
Happiest of Gotcha Days Pixie. Hope you are all going to have a happy and healthy year.
Happy Gotcha Day Pixie and a squillion more! We'z gonna keep purring fur Callie. As soon as she is better we'll bring a ham and some home grown nip and we can celebrate both things, yoor gotcha day and Callie feeling better.
Happy Gotcha Day Pixie!
Happy gotcha Pixie!!
Happy gotcha day Pixie! What a cute little kitty you were as a baby.
congrats Pixie, you're such a lucky dog..oops I mean cat that you have found a good forever home :)
Happy, Happy Gotcha Day Pixie!!!
That last pic of you is so sweet!!
Happy Gotcha Day Pixie. You sure were a cute kitten and growed up to be a handsome mancat!
Happy 3rd gotcha day, Pixie... may you and your human mama have many more happy years together.
Hi Pixie,
Happy gotcha day (belated), and take care of your mom, ok?
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