This is what came out of the box:
And lookit!! Look look looky looky looooook!!! (We're channeling our inner Buddah Pest, brother of Max the Psychokitty. MOL) All those pieces turned into THIS!!!!
Our very own cat condo hangout thingy-ma-bob!!

All of us but Gypsy have at least checked it out a little, though only Ziggy and Sassy have really napped on it any yet that the Mommy knows of...but it's only been put together for a day so she's not too worried.
Santa Claws was *really really really* good to us for Chrismouse this year!!

PS - for those who wondered, the pink puff bed came from Drs. Foster Smith, according to Santa. He got the idea from our friends, Four Crazy Cats, who posted about their purple puff bed a few weeks ago and mentioned having gotten it from there.
Oh boy! That is quite an awesome cat condo! It's bigger than our entire apartment! Well, not really, but we definitely wouldn't have room for that (unless Mommy got rid of her sofa).
You guys must have a direct line to the North Pole!
this surely is the best gift!
that is furry cool!
Oh wow! What a cool condo!! You're all gonna have so much fun with that!!!
WOW, that is way too cool, I would put one on my list for next year...but it might not wait that long!
Boy, that is great, especially the square hole.
Santa is a cool dude,but Mom is the best cause she had to put it together for you! We know you will have lots of fun on it!
That is one great tree! You must have been extra Nice this year!
HOLY SMOKES COUSINS!!! What a fabulous condo! Man, you can really have some super groovy slumber pawties on that thing! When should we pack our bags for a visit???
That is one mighty fine cat condo and we know y'all will really enjoy it!!! xxxxxxxxxx
WOWZA! Looks yike you gots the Cadillac model! We is gonna show this to our momma - oh, momma, where are you...
Very cool kitty condo! It's got lots of spots for lots of kitties -- and that's what you guys need for sure. I hope you have many happy years together with your condo. I'm sure all kitties will try it out eventually.
Nice condo there! You guys made out well for Christmas!
Wow what an awesome cat condo! It looks like it will be so much fun! And thank Santa for telling about the poof bed - I knew I had seen them before but couldn't remember on which blog and couldn't remember where they got it either!
Wowee, is that great or what? We hope you got to play in the box, too. :-)
Wow! That. Is. Cool!! You guys are so lucky to get such a great present.
That is just the coolest thing ever. If we didn't have our fig tree, we would demand one of our very own. The Santa must have been really really really impressed by you this year.
That looks like a lovely condo with lots of room.
WOW! That's a great kitty condo!
We are sooo jealous!
Foster & Smith has lots of good stuff.
coolllll love that
That is EXCELLENT!!!!!
Holy carp, that's AWESOME!!! I keep hearing my people say it's time to replace ours...I wonder if they could get us something like that...?
Wonderful!!! What a bunch of lucky kitties!!!!
Oh WOW! That is pawsome! We're on our way over to play!
Milo and Alfie xx
we like your scratching post!
when the other bean finally recarpets our post we are going to demand the two holes be made bigger and the inside made a wee safer so we can get in it!
Happy new year!
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