Look at all that!! You might wanna bigify to see better. The lower left photo shows all of it, and the other photos show each thing. There's a stocking filled with balls and mousies and other nifty toys. And two soft fuzzy cushions/beds. And a soft fuzzy throw thingy (it's folded in that photo so looks small, but it's bigger than that). And a really great big fuzzy hairy bed (the material on it feels like the great hairy blankies that Miss Peggy makes!). And new cardboard for the scratchers! (Pixie's already trying that out in the lower left photo. MOL) And the lower right photo....ah, that's a mystery. It's a big box. It hasn't been opened yet, The Mommy says there's 'sembly required and maybe she'll do it this weekend if we stay good. WHAT? We have to stay good past Chrissymouse day?? Sheesh. As Alfie and Milo would say, 'snot fair.
Although that new big bright pink bed looks comfy, none of us has actually tried it out for napping. But we've sniffed around and done some biscuit making on it, testing it out, kicking the tires as it were. The Mommy figures one or the other of us will give it a shot eventually, probably Sassy or Pixie. She thinks Callie would have loved it.
The two gray leopard print cushion/beds went onto the window perches in the den, to give them more support and warmth this winter. We like that idea, and Sassy has given it her nap of approval. Lookit at that top left photo out the window over the cushion, we actually had snow here on Christmas Eve! That's some of what was left in the backyard on Christmas morning, but the sun was out all day and it was melted by mid-day even though it was still cold. The gray stone-pattern throw went on the wicker-seat bar stool that Gypsy sleeps on half the time; The Mommy did have a fleece throw on there to keep Gypsy comfy but this new one seems softer and comfier, and Gypsy appears to like it just fine!
And just when we thought Chrissymouse was mostly over (other than that box...), The Mommy brought in the mail from Christmas Eve that she hadn't gotten yet, and there was a surprise package from Baby Patches and her mommy with a sweet condolence card about Callie. In the package, they included two of their catnip candy canes! Whoa, that's some strong catnip in those canes, too, The Mommy could smell it almost before even opening the package.

Thank you so much, Miss Baby Patches and your family, for both the card and the candy canes. A big thank you also to the Kool Kittie Krew for the card they mailed, as well as to the Island Cats, Fin, Sam and Andy, and JB's crew for the special Christmas Day messages you sent us in support and remembrance of Callie, and to all our dear friends who have been supporting us through comments, posts, emails and mail since we lost Callie last week. It has all been so very appreciated, The Mommy gets leaky almost as much from all the kind words and support as she does from the loss itself. We wuv all you guys!

Okay, enuff of that, we need a nap to recover from Chrissymouse now...

You guys gots lots of goodies. Lost os neat throws to sleep on! Hopefully mom will open the big box and give you another surprise.
Those are a lot of toys. Santa claws was really nice to y'all.
Sally Ann
Wow! So many wonderful kitty things! Your so lucky!
Wow you have been spoilt! lucky you!
Lyn and Lucy
Lots of great gifts for all of you. That pink bed looks just right for diving on.
Whoa! You guys musta been good 'cuz you sure got lots of great stuff! We love that pink fuzzy bed!! We hope you guys are using it after you "kicked it" a bit!!
We glad you all had a great Christmas!
Such wonderful gifts! We LOVE the pink fuzzy bed, too. Does your Mom know where Santa got it?
We love those candy canes from Baby Patches. Santa brought us some this year and they're awesome!
You guys have been xtra good this year, you deserve all your gifts!!
What a great collection of stuff! I'm glad you all had a good Christmas.
Wow, y'all sure did get lots of good stuff and I love the smiles!!!
WOW!!!!!!!! Santa was good to you and we love it!!!! We all send y'all our love.....xxxxxxxx
Wow! You guys really raked in the presents. I can't wait to see what is in the box.
Whoa! Santa Claws was very good to you! That red fuzzy bed looks very soft and cozy.
OMC! Dat Santa Paws made sures you had plenty of wonderfur gifts! You all deserves dem for sure!
You is most welcome. Momma and I is very happy dat you luvs your NIP candy canes, dey is purrty pawsome and strong! MOL
Can't wait to sees what is in da big box! I hopes its pawsome!
Those are the pawsomest beds and blankies!!! Cans we come over to take a nap? Sandy Claws got us the scratcy box too, aren't those the bestest? PURRS! =^_^=
We heard that Santa uses a sleigh, but it must a have been a huge truck in your case. You really must be the sweetest, best behaved cats ever. Well, you probably are. Enjoy all your great presents and the big pink bed.
Wow, what a great bunch of gifts! I can't wait to see what's in the box! And, I want one of those pink things!
We're glad you all had a wonderful Christmas!
We're glad yoo all had a nice Chrismouse ~ Callie would want that.
Milo and Alfie xx
Meowy (late) Chrismouse, COUSINS! Mom was too busy this holiday to get around much on the 'puter. She wanted to do a Callie day, and was wondering if you would mind if we took a picture of her (from you) and dedicated our New Year's Eve post to her? We are glad the card arrived to you and man oh man, did you guys LUCK OUT!!! Holy smokes!!! Enjoy and have fun!
Your PA Cuzzies...
Skeeter, King, Pandora, and Cricket
Looks like you had a Purrfect Holiday ...
Wow you guys got a lot of great stuff for Christmas! That is sow awesome!
We were thinking about you and your mom on Christmas because we know how hard it has to be for all of you with Callie having to go so recently. We are sure she was sending you lots of Christmas happiness from the bridge.
Wow you cats really did well this year. you must have been on the Nice list!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Purrs and headbutts from all of us for 2010 to all of you.
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