First off, thanks so much to everyone for their purrayers and good thoughts, it means a lot and is much appreciated.

I talked with the vet this morning, and things are somewhat still up in the air. They did run a low-level ultrasound yesterday, and there is some kind of blockage in the biliary tract (isn't 'biliary' just a gross sounding word all by itself?). Basically, something is going wrong down in the area of the liver, pancreas and gall bladder. He did say it doesn't look like there are any tumors, but other than that, it's still a mystery.
Because she's in pain (my poor baby! now I have Mommy guilt for not knowing she was in pain), they have to anesthetize her for the ultrasound and he didn't want to knock her out too long yesterday, that's why only a low-level scan. He has an expert helping him review that info, somebody in some other office so it's being done by email/web interface, and he suspects that vet will want a more in-depth ultrasound done. Gotta love technology, though, when consults -- at least initially -- can be done relatively instantaneously without the patient having to go back and forth between doctors' offices or back home and out again to offices.
But even with the limited info at hand and not knowing for absolutely sure what will need to be done, he was sounding kinda grim. It sounds really serious, folks. Keep them purrayers coming, please.

4:40pm FAUX UPDATE -
Not really much of an update, but I talked with the vet's office about an hour ago, and Callie was resting comfortably, taking more fluids. They were waiting to hear back from the other vet still on the ultrasound. She'll be having another sleepover there tonight.

Thanks once again to everyone for purrayers and purrs and hugs and all the encouragement. It helps. And thanks to Hansel and the Cat Blogosphere for posting about my Callie Boo. You guys rock. Srsly.

Poor dear, Callie. We are purring/purraying that there will be an easy fix to this for you.....please know that you and your Mom have our love and purrs/purrayers. xxxxxxxxx
Poor Callie :(
We'll continue praying !
Oh dear sweet Callie ~ we so want her to be OK ~ or even if she hasta take medicines, as long as she is alright.
Please know we are ALL purring and praying for Callie (and yoo all).
PS: If you'd like to see a short YouTube of Mom's grandad, go here (Mom's blog):
Mom filmed it on his 100th birthday.
We're purring at full-force for Callie!
From one Mommy to another, I know you know that cats are experts at hiding their pain. The important thing is she's being treated now and probably feels a lot better. Don't feel guilty! (easier said than done, I know)
Big hugs and purrs!
We are purring for sweet Callie and you. Kitties are the best at hiding their pain,
Oh Cousin Callie!!! YOU MUST get better right NOW!!! We know you'll pull through this and then your mommy can relax a little. Our super duper turbi purrayers are still comeing your way sweetie!
We come special visit you for the update .....
We will purr & pray more for you sweet Calie !!!
hugs Love from
Kareltje =^.^=
We continue to purr for sweet Callie. We hope the doctors can figure out what's going on and she can be treated...
We're sending out loads of Christmas mircle healing vibes to Callie!
Oh sweet one.. I am purring realy loudly that they can sort out what is wrong.. With love Hugs GJ x
Our mom just logged on to her blog (for a change!) and we saw that Callie was sick - we want you to know we are sending her lots of purrs and all our best thoughts!
Purrs from
Franklin, Dobby, and Tasha (Tasha sends special tortie purrs!)
and (((hugs))) for the mommy from Katie
Oh bless your heart sweet, sweet Callie...Cat of Nine Tales is purring and praying for your comfort and recovery. It is always so hard when a kitty is ill. My heart goes out to you Mommy.
~Lisa Co9T
Sweet, sweet Callie--our purrs are with you. I'll purr extra loud so you can hear me cross town--and Tommy says Psalms 50:15 some that works for her.
Purrs and prayers,
We commented on the other post, but we will leave it here too...we are purring and purring for you Miss Callie!
Oh Callie we are so sad that it is so serious. We are sending lots of purrs and prayers for you and for your mom too - we know this has to be hard on both of you.
And I know you can't help the mom guilt but you have taken good care of her - cats are very good at hiding when they are not well. I am sure she knows you are doing everything you can for her.
We are purring for you little girl!
We're purraying real hard for sweet Callie! She's just gotta be okay!
Oh poor Callie, our purrs are very much with her. At least something is done about the pain. We hope it turns out not to be as serious at they fear and that she can come home soon.
We heard about Callie from Samson and Delilah. We're sending lots of purrs and crossing our paws that she gets better soon.
Angel, Isabella and Sadie
WE is so sorry to hear about Callie. We will keep her and all of you in our purrayers.
Poor sweet Callie, I hope the vet will figure out the problem. We will keep purring for Callie.
Big hugs and a lot of purrs,
We are all purring for you Callie. We know how scared you must be. Be brave and get well.
we will be sending comforting purrs and healing purrayers your way.
yuki, kintaro, & tt
I've been out of pocket but saw this and I wanted to send Callie my prayers and so does my kitty, Kenzie.
Sincerely, Linda & Kenzie
Aw, lots of kissies to pretty Callie!
All our kitty purrs and prayers
are with you sweet Callie! ♥
Sweet Callie I hope you are going to get well very soon!
Mom don't feel guilty, we kitties are very good at hiding when we don't feel well. You're doing your best and loving your girl.
We are hoping callie is feeling better today.
We justheard about sweet Callie and we are sending her huge rumbly purrs to help her get well again. Don't feel bad about not seeing she had some pain, we cats are stoic about pain, it's an evolution thing and means we never appear weak. Our Mum says this is good for wild cats but not so great for us domestics. Get well soon sweet Caliie!
Whicky Wuudler & Family
Oh poor Callie! I will cross my paws and purr really hard for her.
We were hoping for a happy update. We will continue our very best purrs and purrayers for sweet Callie! XOXO
We are all purring for you Callie - the vets will figure this out!
We will keep on purring loud and strong!!
Poor Callie, we are sending lots of healing purrs to her. Tell your mum not to feel guilty, us cats are very good at hiding our pain.
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