As you know, the Cat-O-Lympics are being held all over the Cat Blogosphere this week (established this year by the beautiful Fin with events being suggested and/or hosted by many other kitties).
Today, we're participating in four, count 'em four, events!

First up, Fin's Auntbean Jennifer is hosting this event in homage to her kitty, Nessa - Hiding! Our entry for this event once again features that cutest of the cute, Mr. Ziggy, who was caught hiding under the boogie mat just recently. Good thing The Mommy had her flashy box thing nearby!
We also just heard about one of the events being held by our friends, House of Cats, Extreme Climbing! Now, regular visitors to our bloggie know that we can be found on top of the kitchen cabinets a *lot* -- everyone but Gypsy (and maybe our departed Callie) has been up there. So we have plenty of entries that we can use for the indoors division of this event. Which one to choose was the question! In fact, we're going to do two entries for this event -- one on top of the kitchen cabinets, and one on top of the kitty napping tower (featured yesterday). That one takes a lot of effort to get to the top of!
Here's our entry for the kitchen cabinet, featuring Bugsy:
And here's our entry for the kitty napping tower, also featuring Bugsy on the tippy top shelf (this was taken in August just a couple of weeks after his eye removal surgery -- he was already back to extreme climbing that quickly!), with a cameo appearance by Pixie on the shelf just below him:
For our third event, we're making a late entry into Fin's Balance Beam event. We may be too late for the official competition, we're not sure (no rules, right?), but The Mommy just remembered this photo and it's the only one we have that would work. Featuring Pixie, balancing on the shower door while at the same time sticking his tongue out at Bugsy, who is on top of the bathroom cabinet (another potential entry for Extreme Climbing!):
Finally, we didn't think we'd be able to have an entry for Milo and Alfie's Bare Paw Fighting event, as we really do more wrestling or chasing than we do smacky paw fighting. But in looking for one of our other entries, we found this photo of Ziggy and Roxy getting after it with paws extended and ready to rumble. Not a great entry, but about the best we'll be able to do, and it shows what bare paw fighting is really all about, we think!
Wow, these Cat-O-Lympics take a lot of work and agility...we may have to take tomorrow off to recover! Good luck to everycat and everydog in these events!

Wonderful entries! We didn't realize there was a hiding event, though--we could have entered!
Good luck!
You're a house full of athletes! Nice work!
Those are all such pawsome entries! You do have a houseful of great contenders!!!
I just love your napping tower! Bugsy is all over the Extreme Climbing Competition! Good luck to all!
~Lisa Co9T
That cat napping tower is so cool..and so is the shower door shot. Roxy's face is just awesome. Go for the gold kitties!
You all have great entries for the Cat-O-Lympics. Extreme climbing and boxing are my personal favorites.
Our favorite was the last the expression and flat ears.
Madi and Mom
WOW Cousins! PAWesome entries!!! Good luck!
Wow! You all are great cathletes!! Those are gonna be hard to beat!
Fantastic entries!!!!!!! We wish you luck. xxxxxxxx
Those are all fantastic entries!
You are all great athletes in your various fields. Bugsy is a top notch extreme climber.
Great entries=we love all the pictures...You guys are talented in so many events=these competitions are really heating up!...Good luck!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Wow those are all great entries! We think you will do very very well!!
Fabulous entries! And we jut love the smacky paw Bare Paw fighting pic!
The medal ceremony is Monday on our bloggie!
Milo and Alfie xx
Such athleticism! Go for the gold!
Beautiful entries, y'all are doing great!
Nice form in all the events, the full ear laid back especially ;)
He's got our vote!!
Those are some great entries...we see medals in your future!
purry purrs
Great climbing from Bugsy. With his one eye, he really takes it to the extreme. We wouldn't be surprised if he could even do it with his eyes closed, he's so natural at it.
Good luck in your competitions
YOu are going for gold in several events!
Those look like winners to me!!
Those are some medal winning entries.
Bob: Well Jim these cats really know how to turn it OUT!
Jim: That's right Bob. Let's take an in depth look. First the Young Ziggy hiding in plain site, what daring!
Bob: Got to be impressed by Bugsy's performance in the climbing and right after surgery. What guts!
Jim: What about that Pixie on the shower stall... how did he get up there and you know how thin those are! The style points for the tongue can't go unmentioned!
Bob: And finally the smack-down. I think Roxy was ready to take it to the MAT!
Great entries kitties! Definite medal contenders.
Aww, Mr. Ziggy, so cute! Thanks for entering the competition!
Best wishes, Fin's Aunt Jennifer
oh dems is grate!!!
Lotsa good contestors!
Katie Too
HOw did you get so hi up-my brother could only wish for something so high in the house.
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