Hi peoples! It's International Box Day, and The Mommy said we could participate in it. We've never done one of these let's-all-post-on-the-same-theme things before so we hope we're doing it right.

Bugsy: Here I am laying on a box; you can see some of that eye pigment color in my right eye that I told y'all about before --
Sassy: And here I am on the same box (but not at the same time!) --
Callie: Here I am in a box (The Mommy leaves this one lying in front of the fireplace with a bunch of thick bubblewrap inside so we can lay in it whenever we want! It's one of my favorite places to sleep...) --
Roxy: Now here I am standing in the sleepy box...The Mommy had to force-pose this one 'cuz I just wouldn't cooperate by getting in or on a box this week and she couldn't find any old ones of me with a box!
Pixie: And last but certainly not least (next time I'm gonna go first!), here I am also with a forced pose 'cuz I didn't cooperate neither! Maybe next time...then again, maybe not!
Be sure and go check out all the other kitties participating in International Box Day!
Happy Friday everybuddy, and we hope you all have a great weekend!!
Bye peoples!
The Kitty Krew
Bugsy, Sassy, Callie, Roxy, and Pixie (and Their Mommy)
Happy box day - and these are great, great, photos! I am really impressed that (1)you were able to get all the cats to pose in boxes, at least momentarily, and (2) you can leave that box of bubble wrap out! I have to hide any bubble wrap right away because Tasha and Dobby eat it.
P.S. We're purring for Bugsy!
Happy boxday
Lovely pictures from you all :)
hugs from
Kareltje =^.^=
You did it right! :-D
We love sleeping in front of the fireplace in the log basket or the rug - especially if there's a fire in the fireplace!
ovely pictures, forced or not they are great. Bubble wrap, what fun..
Happy Box Day...
Hugs GJ xx
Posin' or no posin' alla' da photoz is just great!
Those are great pictures. Mom was not fast enough to force pose us. She would out us in the box ans we would jump out!
Great box pics...even if you didn't want to cooperate!!
(pee ess...you did it right! Of course, there is no wrong when it comes to the Cat Blogosphere!)
Great box pictures. And yes, you did it right!
Happy Box Day! We loved your pics. We can't believe you have a special snoozy box wiv bubble wrap in! You are SO lucky!!!
Milo and Alfie xx
Happy International Box Day! You all did real, real good!
Yeah, Jan would have probably force posed some of us since we aren't always cooperative either. But we didn't have a box. So all we have is Crystal in a box from before.
You guys have some great box photos! And you know what? You played along just right!
I love bubble wrap. I like to stick my claws in it and bunny kick it. I blike to chew it too, but mum stops me doing that.
We both liked all your photos.
You guys did a purrfect job!! Love all the pawsome box pics!
Happy Box Day to all of you!
Very good box pictures! I don't have any so we had to make some up!
Huffle Mawson
Fun! Great Box Day photos!
What a cute post... bubble wrap in the box is something we'll have to suggest to our human (unless the claws make it pop which could be kind of scarey for us). So glad you all took part in IDB... we're late in visiting everyone, but want
to say Happy Box Day just the same.
Your friends, Maggy and Zoey, the Zoolatry Girls.
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