(The Mommy's lap is the bestest place to be!)
Hi peoples! Bugsy here, and yes, I'm home from the V-E-T. The Mommy picked me up late yesterday afternoon and once we got home, I was in one of my favorite places shortly thereafter -- her lap!

I'm doing pretty good, moving a little slow but otherwise all seems to be okay. The Doc said that the stone from my bladder was kind of funky looking so he's sending it off for tests, but it'll be a few weeks before they come back. He's not overly worried about it, just wants to be sure there's nothing weird going on. My stitches will come out next Friday and I won't be able to go outside again until after that.

Thanks again everyone/cat/dog for all the purrs and purrayers and headbutts and grrrs and hugs and everything, I just know that they all helped me so much! And The Mommy appreciates them all too. (The Mommy: Yes I do, more than I can possibly say.) You cats and dogs and beans are the bestest!

Oh! And thanks so much to Peggy's Place for giving me this nifty award as a welcome home after my surgery. Very cool!

Well, I think it's time to go take another nap. Bye peoples!

Welcome home Bugsy - we are so glad you are back and doing well. Nice award too!
Bugsy, we are so glad you are home and safe in your mom's lap! We hope you continue to feel better!
Stay cool!
We are happy
that you are back home :-)
Welcome home !!
My favorite place is also on my Mommy's lap ;)
purss Kareltje =^.^=
We are glad you are home, Bugsy! You take care and rest on Mom's lap as much as you can!
Welcome home, Bugsy! We're so happy you're there and doing okay!
Hi Bugsy, we came straight over the second we knew you were home! Welcome back!
We're so glad you're feeling better. BUT remember to take it easy and allow yourself to be spoiled rotten while you recover.
Much love from Milo and Alfie xx
Hey Bugsy,
We are so happy to hear that you are back. Wishing you a quick recovery.
Big hugs,
Bugsy! I am so glad you are back home. Take it easy now, and I hope you are feeling real good again soon. When I had my bladder stone surgery, I had a bunch of little stones all clumped together. They also sent it out to be analyzed so they would know if it was a struvite or an oxalate stone.
So glad to hear from you, Bugsy! Glad you are home and we are purring and sending you lots of healing vibes!!
Welcome home, Bugsy! We hope all is well with your kidneys.
Bugsy, you look exceptionally well for post-surgery! Hooray for being home and in your Mom's lap!
So glad you are feeling better Bugsy.. The cuddles will help..
LOve GJ x
We are glad they got rid of that nasty old stone for you and you're back home again.
RX = Lots of time in Mom's lap!!
We're so happy that you are home now! Home is the bestest place ever!
Bugsy, so happy to hear you are home! My sister Bennette got to come home too. She's still in a room by herself so we don't steal all the treats she has sitting out there for her. We hope you are feeling 100% soon...and the best way to get there is in mommy's lap!
Oh honey, we are glad you are doing fine and are back with your mom and enjoying that laptime!
I am so glad that your surgery went well and that you are home again, Bugsy. I hope that you heal up really soon.
Welcome home Bugsy!!! I'm so happy that you are doing well!
Welcome home and back to your Mom's lap Bugsy. We hope the tests on that nasty old stone show there's nothing strange going on! Love, BC, Alfie and Simba :) xxx
Bugsy we are happy to see you comfy again at home. You take it easy for a bit and rest up good.
Whicky Wuudler
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