It was great to be home this weekend, away from the mean ol' cancer v-e-t place. (Yeah, they treat me fine...other than that whole giving-me-anesthesia and strapping-me-down-to-give-me-radiation 5-days-in-a-row and having-to-board-there-all-week thing...but it's still not home.) Here I am Friday evening, surveying my domain to make sure nothing has changed drastically.
By the time most of you read this, I'll be back at the cancer v-e-t place for my 2nd week of treatments. *Sigh* On the upside, when I come home for the weekend after this week, I'll be more than halfway through the treatment plan!

And then....and THEN! On top of everything else, after being caged up all week at the cancer v-e-t, The Mommy had the nerve to put me back in the carrier cage thingy on Saturday morning to take me to the regular v-e-t for a pee test follow-up from the struvite bladder stone I had surgically removed earlier in the summer (this summer has really sucked, lemme tell ya) and guess what? While I don't have any crystals in my pee, which is a good thing, I do have a bit of a bladder infection. So now I'm on pills twice a day for the next two weeks and then I have to go back and take the test again. I guess that's what I get for not studying for this one!
It's just not FAIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! ::Whine whine whine complain complain complain::

See y'all next weekend!

Ugh! Your frustration is understandable, Bugsy! We've been sending all of our purrs to you but I think we should try harder! We can't wait until you're home with your Mommy with no vet trips.
You should definitely put the bitey on someone...
Be strong, buddy!
Your friends,
Samson and Delilah
My sweetie I can understand your frustrations :(
I think and purrrr and pray... every day for you !!!!!
Take care ....
hugs love
Kareltje =^.^=
Mommy Anya
Bless your sweet heart, Bugsy! We know you'll be so glad to see this summer gone and take all the bad memories with it. Reminds us of our summer last year, yuck!
We are sending you lots and lots of healing and comforting vibes as you go through this radiation and bladder infection. XOXO
I'm sorry Bugsy. Would you like to come and hang out in my new parsley pot when you're done at the vet?
Huffle Mawson
This is not good! We will be purring and praying for you =)
Aww Bugsy, poor guy! We're sending you big purrs dood, and we agree with the Monkeys....put a BIG ole bitey on someone.
Oh Bugsy, I'm sorry you have to be that cancer vet place...UGH! I know The Mommy and your family misses you!! I MISS you. We got our prayers still headed for you!! Don't bit anybody--I don't want to see you on the 6pm news! :)
We hope you had a good weekend at home Bugsy. You have an awesome Mommy for taking such good care of you. You're so brave to go through all that, I just know you'll tough it out and be just fine. Our purrs are with you! ~Co9T
Thank you for the update, Bugsy, we are really happy to hear from you. We will be very glad when all the fussing about is over and you can do all the regular cat things again. And we are very sorry that the R&R this weekend turned out to be Rest and more Research.
Aw, poor Bugsy! We feel for you, buddy! We're sorry you gotta go to that cancer v-e-t and that you gotta take some pills too. But it's only short term...and hopefully when all this is over, you'll be well!
Bugsy, you sure are a trooper! I just hope you know how much your mama loves you to get all this treatment for you. We all thinking about you and purring for you during the week while you're at the vet! Hang in there, boy!
You've been through so much Bugsy. But hang in there, it'll all be worth it in the end!
Oh, dear Bugsy, you have had a very trying time this year.....we are purraying that it will soon all be behind you and that there will be only good things in your future. We love you, Bugsy....and of course that includes our Mommy who has a huge soft spot in her heart for you.
No it isn't fair ...
Sweet Bugsy! We feel your pain. It was good to see you home for the weekend.
Bugsy, I think you SHOULD put the bitey on'll make you feel better-heck! It'll make ME feel better. Live Strong-Don't Stop. I'm purrin' for you, buddy.
You go right ahead and complain!!!
Sending you lots of purrayers and purrs!
~ Gracie
Bugsy, I'm so sorry you have to go through all of this. I am very thankful that this type of treatment is now available for kitties. Not so many years ago, it wasn't. Yay for progress.
Oh Bugsy, it seems so unfair. But mom said that she had the horrid cancer in her leg, and yoo just hafta take the treatment so yoo can get better ~ 'cos we all love yoo. So she said if she can be strong ~ yoo can be strong wiv her and get better too.
Lotsa love from Milo and Alfie xx are too sweet to have all these issues....Madi and I hope this week goes quickly for you and you get home very soon we are thinking of you and Mom!!!
Madi and Mom
Oh you poor boy!!! We are purraying furry L~O~U~D for you Cousin Bugsy!!! Effurything will work out okee-dokee, we have that 6th sense!!! And we think the bitey should take place on Wednesday. You can make your post be "Wednesday Wounds!" MOL
We know you don't like it, but you look terrific!!! Just keep up the good work and get better...that's the important part!!!!!
Poor, sweet Bugsy. You sure are having a rough time of it.
Oh dear, never mind it will all be over soon then you will be back home for good.
Lucy and Lyn
Oh dear, never mind it will all be over soon then you will be back home for good.
Lucy and Lyn
I can totally understand your feelings. But we are feelin good that this will help you get all better and then there won't have to be any more of these vet trips.
purrs for Bugsy
Hey Bugsy!! Thanks for your kind words about Mom. She is better and that's good .'cause now we can send super duper purrs your way!! You have been going through a lot so we want to send extra special purrs :)
It is nice to see your family has been having fun lately too!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Oh Bugsy please don't put the bitey on anyone...they are just trying to help you be well. We know how unhappy you must be. We're purring and purraying for you to get over this and be well quickly.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Poor little Bugsy, you are really having a hard time lately. Your mum and all your family love you and are getting you better. We are sending you purrs to be brave.
Poor Bugsy. It's absolutely no fun having to go to the cat fix-it place so much. It can only get better, right?
Poor Bugsey! Just know that you are going through all this because your mom loves you very much and just wants you to be well!
Poor Bugsy. Keep your chin up!
Bugsy! We hope that all is going better as time goes on! We know it can be hard!
Poor sweet Bugsy! Mom wants to snuggle you up!
we'd like you to be a part of our blogging experience, because you're just so cute.
Yeah Bugsy, give 'em a little bitey so they know who's in charge!
BUGSY! What an ordeal big fella! We haven't been to see you for a while and we didn't know about the radiation thing. Well we say you are a big brave mancat putting up with it all and we have no doubt thatyou will be spoiled rotten when you come home each week. We are glad that you are getting such thorough treatment though. We will send you some nice rumbly purrs to make the tretament time go faster!
Whicky Wuudler & Family
Oh Bugsy you definitely endured a lot this Summer! Ugh! We think you should put the bitey on Cancer!!!!
xxxx + (((Hugs))) too! :0
Poor Busgy! At least you have a Mummy that takes such good care of you.
Aw, Bugsy, we are so sorry that you have to go through this! We know it's for the best, but it must be so difficult. We're sending you many purrs!
Oh Bugsy I am so glad you got to be home for the weekend. I have been bad about posting but I have been thinking about you and hoping you are ok at the vet. I am sure it is no fun and a bit scarry but we are all (and by all I mean all the cat bloggers, not just me & the cats) sending you tons of purrs and prayers and good thoughts and hope that you feel this love and are a little less sad when you are there.
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