We're pausing today to remember the victims, their families, the rescue workers, and everyone involved in the horrific events of September 11, 2001. Join us, if you'd like.

Edit: We had signed up to participate in Project 2,996, dedicated to remembering the victims, so that we could learn about and post about one of the specific victims. But we never received the email about who we were assigned, and what with one thing and another, quite forgot about it and so neglected to follow up and lost track of where the site was located. We've just located it again this morning through another CB post, and found we were indeed assigned someone. The Mommy feels very bad that she was unable to follow through on her intentions to do a post that told you some things about the life of Susan M. Pollio, but will remember her today.

I will never forget that day, watching the events unfold on the news.
I still cannot believe that 8 years have past.
I will remember it too.
Huffle Mawson
That was a day the world just stopped.
A day the Earth stood still. We will never forget.
We will never forget that day...it changed the world forever...
It's hard to believe that so much time has passed. It feels like yesterday.
Kitty Krew and Mommy,
We are with you today in spirit and remembering here in NC. Great post,
Madi and Mom
We are remembering today too.
today is a very painful day. we will never forget.............
The whole world is remembering along with you today -- as it should be.
We will always remember.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We will NEVER forget and we know that the world is remember this day as well. Mom, still, gets very angry when she sees photos and videos of that day. It plays over and over in her head.
We will be remembering her also today.....and purraying for all her loved ones, and the loved ones of all the dear souls that were lost on that day.
We too are remembering
great tribute
We remember too.
purrrrrrrrrs we will never forget that day or those who perished.
we can't believe it has been 8 years and we remember like it was yesterday
Our mom is from DC and her dad worked in the Pentagon for many years, so 9/11 really hit home for us. It's still hard for us to think about it, but we always remember.
No one will ever forget.. Remembring with our friends across the pond..
Hugs GJ xx
Remembering Always
Living there for 12 yrs. I surely will not forget that day and the views of it happening still makes me cry and haunts me.
We will always remember the lives lost that day.
For all the brave and gallant who
sacrificed their lives on this day
we shall remember.
♥ RIP Susan M. Pollio ♥
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