The bestest thing that came is another new blankie! Our friend Peggy of Peggy's Place posted a few more of her hairy and fuzzy blankies early last week. We just love the two hairy blankies we already have (you can see photos of us on them *all* the time), so The Mommy thought she'd get us another one, this time a fuzzy rather than hairy one. It's a pretty burgandy and white, and just as soft as the hairy ones. Here's Sassy trying it out (she seems to have taken it over the most, although Callie really likes it too):
You can see it right up next to one of the hairy blankies on the left, and the difference between one that's hairy and one that's not, especially if you bigify. (The snowflake blankie underneath the new burgandy/white blankie is totally different...kind of a microfiber thing.)
Thanks, Peggy and Mommy!
The Mommy also has gotten some really cute kitty cards from a few places on Etsy. The first to arrive came all the way from England! She got these lovely two sets of cards from Zoe at Zozocards (images used with permission):

Zoe has some other really cute things, too, check her out!
The Mommy got some really neat mini notecards from Caprice Creations. Caprice had a set of mini notecards listed for lunch boxes -- like to tuck in for the beankid to find at lunchtime? -- and one of those was a kitty that said "Purrrfect!" underneath. The Mommy got a custom order of just a bunch of those, in different kitty colors. She also worked with Caprice to come up with a custom card that has a couple of kitty paw prints that say "Pawsome!" underneath.

Caprice has a lot of neat handcrafted items in her store.
The Mommy also got this really nice set of pen and ink reprint cards from Deb at Mortie Doodles (image used with permission):

They are really lovely, very intricate artwork. She has all sorts of other things at her store, too.
More to come another day, but we hope you've enjoyed seeing these things! Some of these cards may be making their way out there in exchanges or paw it forward packages once we get going on those, so maybe you -- or you -- or even YOU -- will see one even if you don't buy your very own.


Your Mommy is really on a spending spree! Maybe she can talk to our Mommy about getting a hairy or fuzzy blanket? She waits too long and then the one she wants is gone!
Your human sounds a bit like George Carlin... stuff 'n more stuff. But all the notecards are very nice (our momma makes 'em too) with all her pikshurs...
and Peggy's Blankies are the best!
The cards are so beautiful,
I love that kind of art :)
Very special design !!!
Wow, your mommy sure is a bizy buyer!!! That pruple furry blankie is TOTALLY PAWESOME, cousins! The cards are adorable as well. And to think...it's not even Christmas yet!!!
We LOVE our Hairy blankets, too! We use them every single day! Peggy makes awesome Hairy blankets, doesn't she?!
That blanket looks great. You must be the most spoiled cats in the world (deservedly so).
Doesn't look yike there is no recession at you's house!
How cool, like those ZoZo cards.
Those blankies are really neat! Mom is always looking for cards with Kitties on them!
All those notecards are BEE-U-T-FUL!! Our mom will check them out!
We gotta get a hairy blanket...we're just waiting for a color that we really like!
All those notecards are BEE-U-T-FUL!! Our mom will check them out!
We gotta get a hairy blanket...we're just waiting for a color that we really like!
What a wonderful array of kitty finery, and all available online! That's the only way I shop, so thanks for the tips on where to stop.
We love the kitty cards ~ mom said she'll check thim out since we live in England.
Those are some really nice things. I think our bean may check them out later!
I loved his blanket ^^
That is a lovely blankie. We love those cards too. Mum is going to check them out.
Great cards...I love Etsy! Those blankets look really soft too.
Wow it looks like you guys got a ton of cool stuff!
That is some really cool stuff! You are very lucky.
Those cat cards are adorable--especially the ones from Zoe--I'll have to check that shop out :)
p.s.--thanks for your kind words about my art on the Bluegrass Etsy blog--you're one of the people who inspired my latest blog post.
What luck kitties you are. The cards are very cute and useful.
Tommy says your Mommy did some GREAT shopping! Gave her some ideas--which better include us!!
PS. Looks like rain might be head our way. Stay dry! :)
Your blankie looks nice - and at least all the other stuff has you on it!
Peggy's blankets are wonderful! That one looks a little like the one we have - it very soft. And our mom really likes all the cat cards that you bought.
Such lovely stuff!
Those card are so cute!
Thank you so much for your generous donation to the Lonely Miaow and the SPCA!
wonder if those blankies come in hot pink?
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