Don't I have a byooooooootiful tummy? And such kyooooooot toes?
It's impossible not to adore me...

PS - We forgot to mention before, we wanted to congratulate the kitties at The Casbah Kitten for winning our little "what's wrong with this picture" contest in Saturday's post! They'll be getting a prize.
PPS - We have one taker for Paw It Forward but would still like another...anyone? Anyone? Bueller? (Our Mommy says that's supposed to be funny but we don't get it...

Oh your tummy is snorglicious!!!
(pee ess. our mom got it...but we didn't...)
Your tummy is spectacular, Roxy!
It's best not to do that move around our Mom...she has a thing for kitty tummies!
P.S. We did a Paw It Forward quite recently and we would love to do one again, but Mom has caught your The Mommy's buying spree thingy (we're not complaining, but she is) so she says we have to wait a little while. BOO!
Love that cute tummy! We're excited about winning your contest and as soon as we gets our prize we're going to do a post about it! Momma says she knows what it is but she won't tell us. I'm hoping for a PONY! Or a ROCKET!
That tummy shot has Mom wanting to smooch you right through the monitor!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Roxy, your tummy furs look very luxurious! We bet fingers could easily get lost in them!
That belly needs some rubbins!!
Roxy, you are one gorgeous calico girlie from any angle, but that purrticular pose is pretty adorable!
You have a fantastically furry tummy!
You sure do have a furry fabulous bellie!!! We hope you are all enjoying your first day of fall today!!!
What a cute tummy!
We've never done a Paw it forward, and would love to participate...what are the rules?
That is s beautiful tummy!
You have the most purrty tum tum!!
Our mom gets the Bueller joke. That is where Ferris got his name!
Your belly is so cute ... irresistible!
Your tummy is very snorglable! Mom loves to snorgle kitteh bellehs!
Oooh. Fluffy bellies! Soft. Hmm. Getting sleepy. Do you think we both fit on your tummy?
That is a sweet tummy just asking to be snorgled.
We think you are totally adorable, Roxy. xxxxxx
What an excellent snuggly belly!!!
You do indeed have a very beautiful tummy...and the toes are cute too!!! Now then, please try and relax.
I want to HUG that tummy :)))))
It looks so SOFT & clean ....
Kareltje =^.^=
You have a very adorable tummy!
What a cute tummy.
Sally Ann
What a sweet tummy Roxy! You do look like my Penny...I had to do a double take just to make sure ;).
Penny will let us gently touch her tummy, but it gets tickley and we risk getting a warning bite. Totally worth it though...
What a cute tum-tum!
snorgle da tum...purrs
awww you are so cute and innocent! (ah HA but you are a calico are you not? we know the innocent thing is out. :) )
Comin' in for a belleh snorgle!
Your tummy is cute, your toesies
sweet but your grin on your face
is adorable! :)
Sometimes you can't give it away! We still have to mail our paw it forward...
....and you have such a cute face too!
Adorable tummy and toes!
What a belleh!
My mum is laughing at the "Bueller" remark. She's weird though.
Huffle Mawson
Oh Roxy, I would love to give you some great tummy scritches - such a cutie!!
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