Here are Roxy and Sassy checking out a few catnip toys we got back in September:
Roxy takes a turn at the pillow toy.
Now it's Sassy's turn, and as she shows, it's great for bunny-kicking!
Next, Roxy gives the fishy a try.
These catnip balls have proven to be a big hit. Roxy has a turn with the bright pink ball...
And then so does Sassy (who has had a bit too much nip, we think!).
We got several of those catnip balls, and everyone likes them. They have a nasty habit of disappearing, though...

Everyone was having a great time, I see.
Er, I think you can get help if you have a catnip addiction. Probably a 12-step program for that. :-D
Great pictures of the kitties at play.
I just love it when Madi gets one of her longer toys like you pillow and haves at it. Holding on for dear life at the top and giving it a claw lashing at the bottom.
Madi and Mom
Those look like some great toys to play with. We love the last nipped out photo!
Those are great toys! You can never post enough toy pictures.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
The catnip balls look fun! We bet they're under the fridge or stove...that's where all our small toys go!
I am just discovering Nip! Woo Hoo!
What fun!!!!!!!! We wanna come play!!!!!! xxxxxxxx
Where do those catnip balls go, anyway?? We got some and they always go missing!!
What fun! Our catnip balls disappear too, I think the nip fairy takes them and hides them!
Woooo! That pillow looks like a Kickeroo without a tail. Our guys love to bunny kick that toy, but the dogs also love the Kickeroo so we have to keep it in a safe place. Cat nip balls look fun though.
~Lisa Co9T
HEY~~~ We have one of them pillows too! Cricket LOVES it! She bunny~kicks the crap out of it, for a L~O~N~G time too! And that last picture is SOOOO funny!
You're a bunch of Kooky Kousins!
Looks like you guys were having a blast!
Look at all the fun you are having! Lots of toys to play with !
That was a great Thursday Toysday. Looks like all of you are having lots of fun.
Good times were had by both. And we see Sassy is a master at the bunny-kicking hug of death.
Wow--The Mommy got some great action shots of you! I like your toys--and I hope it gives Tommy hints that we need new toys, outside of a milk carton ring! :)
Bunny kick!!! BUNNY KICK!!!!!!!
That pillow toy looks just right for bunny kicking.
Nice toys and you guys look like that you're having fun!
Those all look like great toys! They are so cool. And that picture of Sassy is hilarious!
It's a toy and nip fest!!! Better cut Sassy off! Love your photos. : )
I have a cool Foxy Friday Quiz inspired by Rumblebum over at my place today so swing by if you have a chance!
(Glogirly's cat)
There is no such thing as too much nip. Seriously.
Hahahaha! Did you overdo it a bit on the old 'nip there?!
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