Wee-sa free! Yes friends, after many many long endless weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks
(The Mommy sez: Uh kids, it's only been three and a half weeks...) of not getting to go outside, we *finally* got to go out again yesterday evening!

The Mommy said that Bugsy's incision from his surgery had healed up enough for it to be safe for him to go out, and with a change in the weather pattern, the temperature finally cooled enough so we wouldn't immediately burst into little kitty balls of flame.
(The Mommy sez: "Cooler" being a relative term...92 instead of 102 by the time I got home from work. That's practically an arctic cold front in Texas in July!)While we all had a good time hanging out, eating grass, and rolling around on the concrete and in the dirt, Sassy particularly had fun attacking one bush:

While Pixie was doing the same to the one right next to it:

The weather is supposed to stay cooler for the next several days -- albeit with threats of isolated thunderstorms most days -- so we hope to get some more chances to get out before it gets hot again. And also before Bugsy gets grounded again; his eye surgery is on Thursday, so he'll no doubt be on "no outside" restrictions again after that for awhile, which means so will the rest of us...
Have a great weekend!
We enjoyed the cooler weather, too. But Mom did not take us out. maybe today. We don't get to have fun with the bushes, though!
It looks like you had a blast! Good things are worth waiting for.
Glad you got to go out again and enjoy the bushes. We would collapse if it was 92, never mind 102! We can't even get up to 62 at the moment. Please can you send us some of your hots. Not too much, 15-20 degrees would suit us fine. We could handle up to 80f.
We are glad to see that you were helping your mom trim the bushes. (Sassy looks so much like Franklin in that photo!) And we know how good 92 can feel after 102 - we are very fortunate that it rarely gets that hot here.
P.S. Our mom says for your mom not to worry about the tag unless she feels like doing it! No pressure.
You guys are so lucky that you got to go out! It's cooler here today...only 70 degrees...we'd love to send you some of our cools if you'd send some of your hots...
Glad that your mother left you out to the garden =)
My mom so far has not left me ¬¬
Woo hoo freedom! What fun.
we hope that one day we will have a nice yard to go out in and nom the grass and bushes.
I am glad that you got to ejoy the great outdoors. Your mum got some lovely pictures.
Hugs GJ xx
Oh, we remember living in Texas....that is cool! Looks like you had a great time!!!
Love, uSSSSS
I can't wait till I won't burst into flames!
Cooler weather is nice. Gives the a/c a rest. I stood by the door--while Mommy went out and chewed some grass, while Perry meowed and rolled all over the cement. Tommy sat on a chair so Perry wouldn't dash thru the fence and hot wire a car.
Noir in Texas
Roll, tumble, and eat lots and lots of that grass! ~Crikey
You are so Lucky to go outside. I'm still stuck inside. Nanny is afraid that I will run away. I glad that you had a great time!
Big hugs,
If you guys aren't great little weather reporters! We have the current weather and the coming week's. Now, if it would only be that nice where we live...sigh.
Yippee! You guys look like you're having a blast
Enjoy! It's always lovely to get outside and sniff the air!
Wow, you guys are REALLY lucky you're allowed to go out and play. Our mommy brings the outside in for us to sniff and stuff. We have too much BIG wildlife where we live and she's afaid we may get hurt. But, every once in a while, when the Dad's not around, mom lets us go out on the front deck. THAT'S a very special treat!
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