I guess it could be worse. They could be saying "Holey Frankenbugsy!" and then nudging each other and going "heh heh, get it? 'hole'-y? heh heh..." and giggling uncontrollably. It'll happen as soon as they read my blog entry, I'm sure...
I'd show you a picture of my stapled belly, but I won't let The Mommy anywhere near it. So you'll have to make do with this picture from last night of me in her lap, just about to attack the strap dangling down from the flashy box thingy.
Gotta run, time to put the smacky paw on somecat for another stoopid Frankenbugsy crack. Bye peoples!
(Oh, and thanks again for all the continued well wishes!

Bugsy...those other cats are just jealous...give them a whap....
Glad you're doing better and we hope you continue to heal!
I give you a extra hug today Bugsy, you deserve it =^.^=
We are so happy that you are feeling better :)
We think they are envious because you are on mom's lap :)! We're very happy that you are feeling better.
Oh, Bugsy. It's so good to know you have maintained your good humor and sunny disposition during all of this.
(I missed you too!)
Siblings can be so mean! That is a great shot of you!
Glad you're doing well. Sorry the others are teasing you. But you can't look half as weird as our Cameron does in the pic we posted of him yesterday.
I think Frankenbugsy is a very kyoot name! I think you look fabulous, Bugsy. Keep getting betterer, OK? It's way more fun than being puny.
A hole in the tum makes a cat super special and important Bugsy. Just make sure you tell the others this. Watch them seethe!
Glad you are doign ok after the bust stitches.
Glad to hear you're doing better and going after strappy things! Keep getting better Bugsy!
staples are special!!!!
glad you is doing well!
Never mind the teasing you are pretty special,,, you are ok thats the main..
Hugs GJ xx
Never mind the teasing you are pretty special,,, you are ok thats the main..
Hugs GJ xx
Bugsy, I think it is true that they are just jealous of your fancy staples!
When you're better...sock it to them!
You look pretty good there Bugsy!
Did we ask you to visit and get a welcome home graphic? We're sorry if we forgot. So please stop by and grab one off the sidebar. It's from Zoolatry and us.
They are just jealous that they haven't got staples. Ignore them and keep on getting better.
wow bugsy, here i just meet you and find out your innards almost fell out and everything. whew, that was a close call! i hope mom is giving you lots of treats.
smiles, auntie bee
I can't imagine what you must be going through, Bugsy. It's bad enough to have to endure staples in the belly, but then to be teased by the very people you call family - that's too much. The nerve of some felines!
Take comfort in your mother's lap, and hopefully, you will be feeling better in no time!
Siblings! Hope you are well soon.
Still thinking of you Bugsy!! Get well soon.
Big hugs,
We are really glad you are feeling better Bugsy! Siblings always like to tease! Just let your Mom spoil you,that ought to make them jealous! Heehee ;)
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
We're glad to know you're healing up properly, Bugsy ol' buddy. If they keep up the Frankenbugsy stuff, feel free to whap some sense into them!
Whap 'em Bugsy! Just whap 'em! They shouldn't tease like dat!
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